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Tonight HL show



Tonight’s Big Brother was heavily focused on the fight for control of different areas of the Big Brother House. However outside the Turf Wars task, tensions are bubbling between several housemates.


As part of the fight for the bedroom, some housemates were given negative quotes said about them and had to identify who said them.   Deana was given a quote from Conor, describing her as having a “split personality.” Deana was very offended by this and ended up taking it out on a teddy bear in the diary room – to which Big Brother told her to “leave Big Brother’s bears alone.”


Deana then took her anger outside the diary room and confronted Conor about his comments. She told him they never spoke so how could he know her. Conor shrugged and said it was how he had read her and it was “one of those things.” Clearly unimpressed Deana claimed she couldn’t “even understand what he’s saying” before branding him a “nasty, horrible man.”


Shievonne was the center of a couple of arguments this evening. The first was with Lauren. Shievonne took particular dislike to Adam’s behavior with Lauren the night before. She suggested Adam was getting too close to Lauren and said that Lauren should tell him to stop.


Later on, Lauren went to talk to Adam about it and said that Shievonne was “intimidating” and “on the war path.”


Shievonne also locked horns with Scott over milk. Scott is part of the green team and so is allowed in the kitchen. Shievonne is part of the blue team and so is not allowed. Scott was seen eating with Becky in the kitchen and helping himself to lactose-free milk, which Shievonne claimed was hers, as she was the one who was lactose intolerant.


Becky jumped in to point out that it didn’t belong to her, but to the house. Shievonne retorted, asking why everyone always asked her whether they could use it before they did. The argument verbally ended there but the tense atmosphere remained.


Caroline was seen talking to Conor about Luke A. Luke A came and asked Caroline and Conor whether a bed was free(in the blue team’s new bedroom). After he had left the room Caroline said he was “so annoying” and said that he “cares so much about this game.” She also mocked him for asking about a bed being free, hinting she thought he was being too nice, in a fake way.


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