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Whata load of rubbish anyone who says that bb edit things in a certain way so as to make people like or dislike a housemate.

Have these people not got minds of thier own ?

Lets take bex last year, now she was shown arguing, stripping and gossiping, lots of people hated bex for this, and a lot of people loved her for this.

Now what way do you think her editing was meant to be taken, because i'm sure she was davinas (so therefore bb's ) favourite, so i doubt that was meant as poor editing, but it could have been taken that way, the same goes for everyone else.

It's up to the indevidual (ie the viewer) to deside what sort of behaviour they like or dislike.

ashlyne and nikki was another good example, both sets of fans claiming poor editing, but for me i liked nikki for the way she acted in the diary room with her ranting act, but this is what people were claiming as a poor edit.

For me it's not who you like, it's what you like.

So edit away big brother, i trust my own judgement, i can make up my own mind.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

BB picks who and what we will see...of course they influence our opinion of the HM's. We can't like or dislike someone if they are very rarely in the HL shows....therefore we (the viewer) class them as boring even though they may not be.

Everyone has good and bad points to their personality if BB chose to only show one element of a HM's personality they are influencing us...either to like or loathe that HM.

BB holds all the cards to influence the votes imo.
Originally posted by *Pesky-Pixie*:
BB picks who and what we will see...of course they influence our opinion of the HM's. We can't like or dislike someone if they are very rarely in the HL shows....therefore we (the viewer) class them as boring even though they may not be.

Everyone has good and bad points to their personality if BB chose to only show one element of a HM's personality they are influencing us...either to like or loathe that HM.

BB holds all the cards to influence the votes imo.

But what i am saying is people may like certain things in a personality, like bex cutting up mohammads belt last year, many people were outraged, where i just laughed and thought it was a great way to get back at him and she went up in my estimations rather than down !
The editing plays a massive part in how the arguments in the house are perceived...especially when half of what someone says is either edited out or replayed in the wrong order.

I'll watch for as long as I can stand to, but I'll never trust what I am seeing to be the absolute truth...and therefore that will affect my willingness to vote, and to accept any of the housemates as being portrayed as they actually are.
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:

But what i am saying is people may like certain things in a personality, like bex cutting up mohammads belt last year, many people were outraged, where i just laughed and thought it was a great way to get back at him and she went up in my estimations rather than down !

Yeah...but what if BB hadn't shown that bit....then your estimations of Bex would've have stayed the lower than before the incident.

So BB's choice of what to show on TV influenced your 'take' on a HM making you like her more ie they sold you Bex and you bought it. Wink
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
The editing plays a massive part in how the arguments in the house are perceived...especially when half of what someone says is either edited out or replayed in the wrong order.

I'll watch for as long as I can stand to, but I'll never trust what I am seeing to be the absolute truth...and therefore that will affect my willingness to vote, and to accept any of the housemates as being portrayed as they actually are.

Originally posted by *Pesky-Pixie*:
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:

But what i am saying is people may like certain things in a personality, like bex cutting up mohammads belt last year, many people were outraged, where i just laughed and thought it was a great way to get back at him and she went up in my estimations rather than down !

Yeah...but what if BB hadn't shown that bit....then your estimations of Bex would've have stayed the lower than before the incident.

So BB's choice of what to show on TV influenced your 'take' on a HM making you like her more ie they sold you Bex and you bought it. Wink

but it is what happened, and was probably the highlight off the day, so all the big stories are played out as they happen, all the small things don't really matter for instance i couldn't care if someone picks thier nose or not, but bb will show it, and to me that is poor editing, but it's not going to make me dislike someone.
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:
but it is what happened, and was probably the highlight off the day, so all the big stories are played out as they happen, all the small things don't really matter for instance i couldn't care if someone picks thier nose or not, but bb will show it, and to me that is poor editing, but it's not going to make me dislike someone.

What if they'd shown her doing it, but not shown the reason why she decided to do it? Would that not be bad editing?
Originally posted by *Pesky-Pixie*:
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:

But what i am saying is people may like certain things in a personality, like bex cutting up mohammads belt last year, many people were outraged, where i just laughed and thought it was a great way to get back at him and she went up in my estimations rather than down !

Yeah...but what if BB hadn't shown that bit....then your estimations of Bex would've have stayed the lower than before the incident.

So BB's choice of what to show on TV influenced your 'take' on a HM making you like her more ie they sold you Bex and you bought it. Wink

It's a double edge sword though.

If they didn't show Bex cutting up the belt, people who liked her (but don't agree to cutting up a belt) wouldn't know she did it. Therefore thinking she is lovely and getting a raw deal from Mo and Co.

BB edit a show to entertain us, but people will always complain.
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
The editing plays a massive part in how the arguments in the house are perceived...especially when half of what someone says is either edited out or replayed in the wrong order.

I'll watch for as long as I can stand to, but I'll never trust what I am seeing to be the absolute truth...and therefore that will affect my willingness to vote, and to accept any of the housemates as being portrayed as they actually are.

I am not going along with that theory, take the massive argument last year, who would you say was editied to be made to look bad, and who was edited to be made out to be good ?

Because all i saw was darnell flexing his muscles while dale flexed his muscles, and then there was the spit, which they couldn't really edit either way as it spoke for itself, but mario came out looking good because his part was to split and keep the piece, rex to me looked bad because he could have difused the situation but ran away when the going got tough and told lies, we saw that so therefore it happened, imo, the only one to look bad was KAT because her face was all screwed up, but bb could have shown her all scared looking and out of her happy zone, but they didn't show that, just like they never showed other stuff, but the general facts of the argument was shown, and suitable tension was shown, and the lies by rex was shown, and the over bearing personalities of darnell and dale qwas shown so all in all i think the editing is and will always be fair, what one person likes in one person isn't going to be the same as the next person.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:
but it is what happened, and was probably the highlight off the day, so all the big stories are played out as they happen, all the small things don't really matter for instance i couldn't care if someone picks thier nose or not, but bb will show it, and to me that is poor editing, but it's not going to make me dislike someone.

What if they'd shown her doing it, but not shown the reason why she decided to do it? Would that not be bad editing?

it's a mute point really, because they did both.
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
The editing plays a massive part in how the arguments in the house are perceived...especially when half of what someone says is either edited out or replayed in the wrong order.

I'll watch for as long as I can stand to, but I'll never trust what I am seeing to be the absolute truth...and therefore that will affect my willingness to vote, and to accept any of the housemates as being portrayed as they actually are.

I am not going along with that theory, take the massive argument last year, who would you say was editied to be made to look bad, and who was edited to be made out to be good ?

Because all i saw was darnell flexing his muscles while dale flexed his muscles, and then there was the spit, which they couldn't really edit either way as it spoke for itself, but mario came out looking good because his part was to split and keep the piece, rex to me looked bad because he could have difused the situation but ran away when the going got tough and told lies, we saw that so therefore it happened, imo, the only one to look bad was KAT because her face was all screwed up, but bb could have shown her all scared looking and out of her happy zone, but they didn't show that, just like they never showed other stuff, but the general facts of the argument was shown, and suitable tension was shown, and the lies by rex was shown, and the over bearing personalities of darnell and dale qwas shown so all in all i think the editing is and will always be fair, what one person likes in one person isn't going to be the same as the next person.

It really depends on which side of the fence you sit and how the housemate you like comes out of the highlights show.

I think the editing in terms of that particular argument did Jennifer alot of favours (was that her name? I hope so Red Face ) because all of her ridiculousness in leading up to the blow up wasnt shown, and therefore the fact that the argument wasnt needed at all may have been missed by alot of people.

I think Bex was very favourably edited aswell...her behaviour was shown alot of times as mischevious or playful, when infact she was just a pain in the arse who didnt have the nuts to find her feet OR her personality until Alex was gone becuase she was scared of her. Bex would have been a very different character if Alex had stayed in the house Nod
Oooh, I've thought of an example! Thumbs Up

Last year, Mo and Rachel had a very long conversation about Mo's childhood and the awful things that had happened to him and his family in Somalia. Rachel was very empathetic and listened to the whole thing.

What was actually shown on the highlights show was Mo telling Rachel something awful and Rachel dismissing it with a "Oh well, we all have to move on" sort of attitude.

This was then used against Rachel, as if she was some cold hearted cow, whereas that couldn't have been further from the truth.
Whata load of rubbish anyone who says that bb edit things in a certain way so as to make people like or dislike a housemate.

I disagree ..... they (the editor) can choose to show you what they want you to see, ie, in 1 hour viewing per night, that is cut and edited to show only the parts they want you to see, they could choose to show any certain HM in a good or a bad light.

The HM's are being filmed 24/7 .... now obviously we don't get to see everything they have done or said within that 24 hours .... so it's down to the editor as to what footage of each particular HM gets put into your 1 hour of viewing.
Last year, Mo and Rachel had a very long conversation about Mo's childhood and the awful things that had happened to him and his family in Somalia. Rachel was very empathetic and listened to the whole thing.

What was actually shown on the highlights show was Mo telling Rachel something awful and Rachel dismissing it with a "Oh well, we all have to move on" sort of attitude.

Yup Nod .... my point exactly!
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
The editing plays a massive part in how the arguments in the house are perceived...especially when half of what someone says is either edited out or replayed in the wrong order.

I'll watch for as long as I can stand to, but I'll never trust what I am seeing to be the absolute truth...and therefore that will affect my willingness to vote, and to accept any of the housemates as being portrayed as they actually are.

I am not going along with that theory, take the massive argument last year, who would you say was editied to be made to look bad, and who was edited to be made out to be good ?

Because all i saw was darnell flexing his muscles while dale flexed his muscles, and then there was the spit, which they couldn't really edit either way as it spoke for itself, but mario came out looking good because his part was to split and keep the piece, rex to me looked bad because he could have difused the situation but ran away when the going got tough and told lies, we saw that so therefore it happened, imo, the only one to look bad was KAT because her face was all screwed up, but bb could have shown her all scared looking and out of her happy zone, but they didn't show that, just like they never showed other stuff, but the general facts of the argument was shown, and suitable tension was shown, and the lies by rex was shown, and the over bearing personalities of darnell and dale qwas shown so all in all i think the editing is and will always be fair, what one person likes in one person isn't going to be the same as the next person.

It really depends on which side of the fence you sit and how the housemate you like comes out of the highlights show.

I think the editing in terms of that particular argument did Jennifer alot of favours (was that her name? I hope so Red Face ) because all of her ridiculousness in leading up to the blow up wasnt shown, and therefore the fact that the argument wasnt needed at all may have been missed by alot of people.

I think Bex was very favourably edited aswell...her behaviour was shown alot of times as mischevious or playful, when infact she was just a pain in the arse who didnt have the nuts to find her feet OR her personality until Alex was gone becuase she was scared of her. Bex would have been a very different character if Alex had stayed in the house Nod

again, you can't really prove that point about bex being a different character, well you can but i'm not going to listen to it. Smiler It could be said that all the housemates would have been a different character had she remained in the house.

How long did she remain in the house for ?
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
The editing plays a massive part in how the arguments in the house are perceived...especially when half of what someone says is either edited out or replayed in the wrong order.

I'll watch for as long as I can stand to, but I'll never trust what I am seeing to be the absolute truth...and therefore that will affect my willingness to vote, and to accept any of the housemates as being portrayed as they actually are.

I am not going along with that theory, take the massive argument last year, who would you say was editied to be made to look bad, and who was edited to be made out to be good ?

Because all i saw was darnell flexing his muscles while dale flexed his muscles, and then there was the spit, which they couldn't really edit either way as it spoke for itself, but mario came out looking good because his part was to split and keep the piece, rex to me looked bad because he could have difused the situation but ran away when the going got tough and told lies, we saw that so therefore it happened, imo, the only one to look bad was KAT because her face was all screwed up, but bb could have shown her all scared looking and out of her happy zone, but they didn't show that, just like they never showed other stuff, but the general facts of the argument was shown, and suitable tension was shown, and the lies by rex was shown, and the over bearing personalities of darnell and dale qwas shown so all in all i think the editing is and will always be fair, what one person likes in one person isn't going to be the same as the next person.

It really depends on which side of the fence you sit and how the housemate you like comes out of the highlights show.

I think the editing in terms of that particular argument did Jennifer alot of favours (was that her name? I hope so Red Face ) because all of her ridiculousness in leading up to the blow up wasnt shown, and therefore the fact that the argument wasnt needed at all may have been missed by alot of people.

I think Bex was very favourably edited aswell...her behaviour was shown alot of times as mischevious or playful, when infact she was just a pain in the arse who didnt have the nuts to find her feet OR her personality until Alex was gone becuase she was scared of her. Bex would have been a very different character if Alex had stayed in the house Nod

again, you can't really prove that point about bex being a different character, well you can but i'm not going to listen to it. Smiler It could be said that all the housemates would have been a different character had she remained in the house.

How long did she remain in the house for ?

I CAN tell you that because she WAS a different character while Alex was there...and I know this because I watched it all on the live feed...WinkBex didnt find her gumption until Alex left, and that's because she knew full well that Alex would never stand for any of her old rubbish, and that is fact.

The thing here is, what I'm saying shouldnt matter, as you liked her anyway, and your point is that the higlights show vs livefeed wouldnt affect that, isnt it?

How long did who remain in the house? Alex or Bex?
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
The editing plays a massive part in how the arguments in the house are perceived...especially when half of what someone says is either edited out or replayed in the wrong order.

I'll watch for as long as I can stand to, but I'll never trust what I am seeing to be the absolute truth...and therefore that will affect my willingness to vote, and to accept any of the housemates as being portrayed as they actually are.

I am not going along with that theory, take the massive argument last year, who would you say was editied to be made to look bad, and who was edited to be made out to be good ?

Because all i saw was darnell flexing his muscles while dale flexed his muscles, and then there was the spit, which they couldn't really edit either way as it spoke for itself, but mario came out looking good because his part was to split and keep the piece, rex to me looked bad because he could have difused the situation but ran away when the going got tough and told lies, we saw that so therefore it happened, imo, the only one to look bad was KAT because her face was all screwed up, but bb could have shown her all scared looking and out of her happy zone, but they didn't show that, just like they never showed other stuff, but the general facts of the argument was shown, and suitable tension was shown, and the lies by rex was shown, and the over bearing personalities of darnell and dale qwas shown so all in all i think the editing is and will always be fair, what one person likes in one person isn't going to be the same as the next person.

It really depends on which side of the fence you sit and how the housemate you like comes out of the highlights show.

I think the editing in terms of that particular argument did Jennifer alot of favours (was that her name? I hope so Red Face ) because all of her ridiculousness in leading up to the blow up wasnt shown, and therefore the fact that the argument wasnt needed at all may have been missed by alot of people.

I think Bex was very favourably edited aswell...her behaviour was shown alot of times as mischevious or playful, when infact she was just a pain in the arse who didnt have the nuts to find her feet OR her personality until Alex was gone becuase she was scared of her. Bex would have been a very different character if Alex had stayed in the house Nod

again, you can't really prove that point about bex being a different character, well you can but i'm not going to listen to it. Smiler It could be said that all the housemates would have been a different character had she remained in the house.

How long did she remain in the house for ?

I CAN tell you that because she WAS a different character while Alex was there...and I know this because I watched it all on the live feed...WinkBex didnt find her gumption until Alex left, and that's because she knew full well that Alex would never stand for any of her old rubbish, and that is fact.

The thing here is, what I'm saying shouldnt matter, as you liked her anyway, and your point is that the higlights show vs livefeed wouldnt affect that, isnt it?

How long did who remain in the house? Alex or Bex?


But yes i did like bex, and there were times when i didn't like her, like when she and luke spent most of thier time in bed.But most people disliked her for getting her things out and being a general tearaway, she was shown to do this on numerous occasions, as she was to be a bit off a gossip, but it's up to me to like qwhat i like, so i liked her and disliked her at times, but the general feeling is i liked her morwe than i disliked her, as she was shown in both lights negative and positive as all the other housemates are as well.

Take rex last year, we saw his wittyness, which everyone liked but then we saw how nasty he could be at singling one person out for his treatment, so then we could make up our minds after seeing both sides of him as well.

Darnell was the same, on one side we had this sweet singing pumpkin, while on the other we had a rather immature threatening person, we saw both sides of that, and decided do we like him ?

Kat and rachel, we saw both the vulnerability of thier characters and also the stronger side in certain situations.

So basically what i am saying now is that over time we get to see all sides of a housemates personality and we are left to like or dislike certain ways in which they react to certain situations.
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:


But yes i did like bex, and there were times when i didn't like her, like when she and luke spent most of thier time in bed.But most people disliked her for getting her things out and being a general tearaway, she was shown to do this on numerous occasions, as she was to be a bit off a gossip, but it's up to me to like qwhat i like, so i liked her and disliked her at times, but the general feeling is i liked her morwe than i disliked her, as she was shown in both lights negative and positive as all the other housemates are as well.

Take rex last year, we saw his wittyness, which everyone liked but then we saw how nasty he could be at singling one person out for his treatment, so then we could make up our minds after seeing both sides of him as well.

Darnell was the same, on one side we had this sweet singing pumpkin, while on the other we had a rather immature threatening person, we saw both sides of that, and decided do we like him ?

Kat and rachel, we saw both the vulnerability of thier characters and also the stronger side in certain situations.

So basically what i am saying now is that over time we get to see all sides of a housemates personality and we are left to like or dislike certain ways in which they react to certain situations.

I think that without the live feed we wont be shown the right balance of all the traits the housemates show, and that's what the problem is.

During BB6, waaay too much of Makosi and Science was missed out, or situations where their reactions were important werent aired in their entirety, and that's why its so important in regards to the opinion of the viewing public.

No one is questioning anyone's right to like or dislike whom they please, but how can anyone form an opinion of any true integrity when it's decided FOR us what we are shown?

It's like saying that all of us here are rightfully judged and reacted to without prejudice, when really only a small piece of what makes us who we are is really on show.

Alex didnt last long, and it was still too long for me, same as with Bex.
Ok what about this.

Alex was shown to be a right nasty cow (agree Confused)

So whoever selected her must have thought, right this is one nasty cow, lets put her in big brother, show her to be a right nasty cow, and see where that goes, maybe i'm being a bit niave here, but considering what happened with jade the year before, and the fact that alex was black, do you think they woul;d take the risk of more flak !

Have i wondered from the point ! i don't know, maybe i'm just showing anohter side to my personality, like we do, i have always thought that all sides of a persons personality are explored on the h/l reel and the general points of any argument opr discussion and the way people acted in any argument or discussion usually comes across as it happens.

Just to add as well, that even with live feed we still don't get the full story, because anything the producers think they could use on the show will be sound dipped to hell during the live feed.

So live feed doesn't really come into play on the big issues, more on the little issues like "does makosi wash her knickers everyday"
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Oooh, I've thought of an example! Thumbs Up

Last year, Mo and Rachel had a very long conversation about Mo's childhood and the awful things that had happened to him and his family in Somalia. Rachel was very empathetic and listened to the whole thing.

What was actually shown on the highlights show was Mo telling Rachel something awful and Rachel dismissing it with a "Oh well, we all have to move on" sort of attitude.

This was then used against Rachel, as if she was some cold hearted cow, whereas that couldn't have been further from the truth.

What about this example, CharliesPlace?
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:
Ok what about this.

Alex was shown to be a right nasty cow (agree Confused)

So whoever selected her must have thought, right this is one nasty cow, lets put her in big brother, show her to be a right nasty cow, and see where that goes, maybe i'm being a bit niave here, but considering what happened with jade the year before, and the fact that alex was black, do you think they woul;d take the risk of more flak !

Have i wondered from the point ! i don't know, maybe i'm just showing anohter side to my personality, like we do, i have always thought that all sides of a persons personality are explored on the h/l reel and the general points of any argument opr discussion and the way people acted in any argument or discussion usually comes across as it happens.

Just to add as well, that even with live feed we still don't get the full story, because anything the producers think they could use on the show will be sound dipped to hell during the live feed.

So live feed doesn't really come into play on the big issues, more on the little issues like "does makosi wash her knickers everyday"

The only reason Alex was put in the house was for column inches, as Charley the year before caused such an uproar, created publicity for the programme, and therefore publicity equals money. Big Brother and Endemol are such a huge money making machine, and that, ultimately, is the reason behind the choice of any of the housemates....coupled with trying to keep OFCOM happy of course Wink

And yes, Alex was shown to be a right nasty cow, but this wasnt unfair editing, as she was shown to be a right nasty cow on the LF aswell...there are some aspects any amount of editing cant hide Wink

I agree that over time the LF has been diluted aswell, but it's still paramount in importance to a better rounded view of what we see. Conversations that may seem innocuous in comparison to a massive argument, are very important to the viewers insight into a housemate...they talk about everything, from politics to love, their lives to what books they like....and as far as I am concerned, its the little things aswell that help form what I truely think of someone, not just how they react in an argument, if they dont care about getting their boobs out, or if they can spear sweetcorn on the end of a toothpick.

Rachel being an example...she was shown on the LF as being a fence sitter and someone who avoided conflict, when in actual fact she was very witty at times and didnt NEED to blow up at someone to let them know they were out of line....alot of this would have been missed by the general viewer of course, because it didnt fit in.

Same with Darnell and the Aussie girl (cant remember her name Red Face ) they had a complicated relationship, but Im sure many people didnt realise just how compicated it was...
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Oooh, I've thought of an example! Thumbs Up

Last year, Mo and Rachel had a very long conversation about Mo's childhood and the awful things that had happened to him and his family in Somalia. Rachel was very empathetic and listened to the whole thing.

What was actually shown on the highlights show was Mo telling Rachel something awful and Rachel dismissing it with a "Oh well, we all have to move on" sort of attitude.

This was then used against Rachel, as if she was some cold hearted cow, whereas that couldn't have been further from the truth.

What about this example, CharliesPlace?

rachels "oh well" comment is how you percieved it to come across, whereas many others may have seen it differently.
Originally posted by watchinittoomuch:
Originally posted by CharliesPlace:
Ok what about this.

Alex was shown to be a right nasty cow (agree Confused)

So whoever selected her must have thought, right this is one nasty cow, lets put her in big brother, show her to be a right nasty cow, and see where that goes, maybe i'm being a bit niave here, but considering what happened with jade the year before, and the fact that alex was black, do you think they woul;d take the risk of more flak !

Have i wondered from the point ! i don't know, maybe i'm just showing anohter side to my personality, like we do, i have always thought that all sides of a persons personality are explored on the h/l reel and the general points of any argument opr discussion and the way people acted in any argument or discussion usually comes across as it happens.

Just to add as well, that even with live feed we still don't get the full story, because anything the producers think they could use on the show will be sound dipped to hell during the live feed.

So live feed doesn't really come into play on the big issues, more on the little issues like "does makosi wash her knickers everyday"

The only reason Alex was put in the house was for column inches, as Charley the year before caused such an uproar, created publicity for the programme, and therefore publicity equals money. Big Brother and Endemol are such a huge money making machine, and that, ultimately, is the reason behind the choice of any of the housemates....coupled with trying to keep OFCOM happy of course Wink

And yes, Alex was shown to be a right nasty cow, but this wasnt unfair editing, as she was shown to be a right nasty cow on the LF aswell...there are some aspects any amount of editing cant hide Wink

I agree that over time the LF has been diluted aswell, but it's still paramount in importance to a better rounded view of what we see. Conversations that may seem innocuous in comparison to a massive argument, are very important to the viewers insight into a housemate...they talk about everything, from politics to love, their lives to what books they like....and as far as I am concerned, its the little things aswell that help form what I truely think of someone, not just how they react in an argument, if they dont care about getting their boobs out, or if they can spear sweetcorn on the end of a toothpick.

Rachel being an example...she was shown on the LF as being a fence sitter and someone who avoided conflict, when in actual fact she was very witty at times and didnt NEED to blow up at someone to let them know they were out of line....alot of this would have been missed by the general viewer of course, because it didnt fit in.

Same with Darnell and the Aussie girl (cant remember her name Red Face ) they had a complicated relationship, but Im sure many people didnt realise just how compicated it was...

So would i be correct in assuming that what you are saying is, some people can make up thier own minds about housemates, and some people can't..which is my point in this, you only get swayed by the editing if you allow yourself to be led by others.

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