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Hi folks, massive powercut here so missed the whole program 😢 I couldn't link to forum either with my phone or tablet... Hope this gets through before I go searching for storm lamps, candles almost finished 😕😕

@Bethni posted:

Hi folks, massive powercut here so missed the whole program 😢 I couldn't link to forum either with my phone or tablet... Hope this gets through before I go searching for storm lamps, candles almost finished 😕😕

Awwwww Bethni As long as you are ok ….i was worried ….hope the power cut doesn’t last much longer


What you missed was Olivia and Hallie getting sent to jail for nomination talk, Zak telling Matty that Kerry had been moaning about him, and definite cliques forming .🤣🤣🤣🤣

@barney posted:

BAZZZZZLES Olivia did my nut in on the first programme, still hoping I will change my mind with her ... Kerry is not nice, i like the hippy dancer bloke (sorry still don't know names).

Yes, he’s ok ….and Jordan …the posh , dark haired guy with the dry sense of humour …oh and I quite like Yinrun


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