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So what are we thinking of ITV’s Big Brother performance so far?

I think it’s a step up from the mess it was on Channel 5, but a bit to go to live up to peak C4 BB, but going in the right direction. They’ve definitely addressed a few of the glaring howlers in the catalog of F ups made during the Channel 5 regime.

Agreed, I'm so happy it's back ...onwards and upwards 😊


So what are we thinking of ITV’s Big Brother performance so far?

I think it’s a step up from the mess it was on Channel 5, but a bit to go to live up to peak C4 BB, but going in the right direction. They’ve definitely nice  addressed a few of the glaring howlers in the catalog of F ups made during the Channel 5 regime.

Hey there Crunchy Nice to see you . I agree , and I’m enjoying it ….but they need to make them suffer more .


So what are we thinking of ITV’s Big Brother performance so far?

I think it’s a step up from the mess it was on Channel 5, but a bit to go to live up to peak C4 BB, but going in the right direction. They’ve definitely addressed a few of the glaring howlers in the catalog of F ups made during the Channel 5 regime.

Hi Crunchy…’s better than C5, which isn’t saying much❤️

@Baz posted:

I don’t know But if it is they will need to be a few double evictions

Just googled it. Final 17th November. That’s a well short series. Has to be the shortest regular series ever.

Crunchy Nuts

Just googled it. Final 17th November. That’s a well short series. Has to be the shortest regular series ever.

Wow ….that is quick There must be several double evictions then ….or more than one eviction a week

@Baz posted:

Wow ….that is quick There must be several double evictions then ….or more than one eviction a week

That or they do it like I’m a celebrity where they have someone leave every night for 1 week straight till it’s down to the final 4 for the final.

Crunchy Nuts

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