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@Baz posted:

Oooo what did he say

Wanna spoiler?

OK - Jenky & Tom watching house - Jordy left the room - main house saying how much they missed the evictees. Re-enter Jordan asking wot was happening. Tom said "They don't miss us"

@Saint posted:

Wanna spoiler?

OK - Jenky & Tom watching house - Jordy left the room - main house saying how much they missed the evictees. Re-enter Jordan asking wot was happening. Tom said "They don't miss us"

, what a liar

@Baz posted:

Because vote evict favours the non entities ….because of the ratio …..and Jordan is like marmite , people either love him or hate him ….

I see - Tom & Jenk want in, to have their say ... may favour them

@Baz posted:

Me too …..if he doesn’t then I hope Henry wins ..cos don’t like any of the rest of them 🤣🤣🤣

I prefer Jordan to Henry still, even though he has been a bit of a tease. 😂😂


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