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@Kaytee posted:

The FB lot are changing their tune…….quite a lot can’t stand Trish

@Kaytee posted:

The FB lot are changing their tune…….quite a lot can’t stand Trish

Yes …let’s hope she keeps overplaying her hand But the odds are against us getting her out now cos her HM gang is bigger than the others …4 to 6 ….

@Baz posted:

Yes …let’s hope she keeps overplaying her hand But the odds are against us getting her out now cos her HM gang is bigger than the others …4 to 6 ….

Looks like Henry is up for the win according to FB……Jordan has bombed

@Baz posted:

Yes …let’s hope she keeps overplaying her hand But the odds are against us getting her out now cos her HM gang is bigger than the others …4 to 6 ….

They’re a fickle lot in there……they all want to win but if they get a sniff that Trish will walk it, then the knives will come out


unless some change sides

Can’t see it sadly Ros …even Jordan ain’t savvy enough to see what she is up to….but she’s playing a good game , I’ll give her that ….begrudgingly 🤣🤣🤣

@Kaytee posted:

They’re a fickle lot in there……they all want to win but if they get a sniff that Trish will walk it, then the knives will come out

The game is getting more intense, it’s made Jenkin walk around the house trying to save himself, instead of sitting in the garden

@Amythist posted:

Not sure he really wants the win , he’s probably the only one left in there that’s not bothered about that

Oh he want to win so bad - his aloof, dismissive attitude is typical of young gay men - it's all an act

@Baz posted:

Can’t see it sadly Ros …even Jordan ain’t savvy enough to see what she is up to….but she’s playing a good game , I’ll give her that ….begrudgingly 🤣🤣🤣

Think the three gay blokes will hold the balance of power

@Amythist posted:

The game is getting more intense, it’s made Jenkin walk around the house trying to save himself, instead of sitting in the garden

He's the only one with a pedometer     

825 steps yesterday       


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