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@Baz posted:

It will depend on who he’s up against Ros ….judging by FB if it’s Olivia, Noki  or Tom he will probably be safe …..if it’s Trish then it will be bye bye

Think FB really want rid of Olivia

@Baz posted:

It will depend on who he’s up against Ros ….judging by FB if it’s Olivia, Noki  or Tom he will probably be safe …..if it’s Trish then it will be bye bye

tbh Noki and Tom maybe  but think Olivia is popular

Rocking Ros Rose

really tbh by a short margin prefer her to Trish

I prefer Olivia to a lot of them... Not to win or even be in the first 3 but there's still a few i want out before her or we'll be tuning in to fall asleep

@Bethni posted:

I prefer Olivia to a lot of them... Not to win or even be in the first 3 but there's still a few i want out before her or we'll be tuning in to fall asleep

I can’t drum up much enthusiasm for any of them


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