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@Bethni posted:

I forgot how much BB winds me up... I'm throwing my toy out the pram here, not voting on their crappy app ever again 😡😡         😇

I’m not voting anyway….I’d evict the lot 😂😂😂

@Kaytee posted:

Those three boys …’d think they were 13 year olds discussing who they fancied at school

What's even more worrying about it is one is a doctor, ones a lawyer and ones an extremely well funded food critic 😒

@Saint posted:

Paul does come across as spiteful - can't be in the party so he ruins the party

Walks straight into a conflict he created

Yet there was nowhere in that scenario where he acted as a bully.. He was an obnoxious child trying to entertain himself. He didn't ask any of the others to join in.

@Bethni posted:

Yet there was nowhere in that scenario where he acted as a bully.. He was an obnoxious child trying to entertain himself. He didn't ask any of the others to join in.

Trish is claiming it's not the first time he's targeted Noki - hence he's bullying her

@Saint posted:

Trish is claiming it's not the first time he's targeted Noki - hence he's bullying her

Yes, but we’ve only got her word for it …and I wouldn’t trust her further than I could throw her ….but she’s playing a good game , I’ll give her that …

@Baz posted:

Yes, but we’ve only got her word for it …and I wouldn’t trust her further than I could throw her ….but she’s playing a good game , I’ll give her that …

yes and looking like she is staying

Rocking Ros Rose

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