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@Baz posted:

You and me both …she’s going to get exactly what she wants ….and will be so smug my tv set will be in danger ! Trouble is we might not get another chance to evict her !

You said that about Farida and Kerry as well🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️

@Baz posted:

You and me both …she’s going to get exactly what she wants ….and will be so smug my tv set will be in danger ! Trouble is we might not get another chance to evict her !

Exactly Baz 😘😘😟

@Amythist posted:

I know what you mean 🤣🤣 but there’s enough of them that I like or don’t mind

Yes, I like several of them …..but my dislike of Trish is colouring how I feel right now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They turned off livefeed for this ??? ITV X really need to get a grip ! And I'm pretty sure there was hell to pay over the bullying word a few years ago....She shouldn't have got away with that! Nokia is a drama queen!

@Bethni posted:

They turned off livefeed for this ??? ITV X really need to get a grip ! And I'm pretty sure there was hell to pay over the bullying word a few years ago....She shouldn't have got away with that! Nokia is a drama queen!

Exactly ….hes was being a dick , but the two drama queens totally overreacted

@Bethni posted:

I forgot how much BB winds me up... I'm throwing my toy out the pram here, not voting on their crappy app ever again 😡😡         😇

🤣🤣🤣join the club🤗🤗🤗🤗 ….Im actually channel hopping cos I’m so angry …welcome back BB 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@Amythist posted:

How…no one came out of that well

Because there have been exaggerated rumours going around all day , and you’d think Paul had committed murder …..   and whereas up to then the majority seemed to want Trish and Dylan to go , it suddenly switched to Paul and Dylan

@Baz posted:

Exactly ….hes was being a dick , but the two drama queens totally overreacted

Paul and Dylan haven’t covered themselves in glory this week……but they’ve fallen into the two witches plans


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