@Baz posted:Oh good someone with some intelligence
snappish bazzy
@Baz posted:Oh good someone with some intelligence
snappish bazzy
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:snappish bazzy
The blues need her
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:she is pretty and not screaming atm
and that dress really suits her
Her g/f looks like Shankill !!!!
she is the best of the bunch so far
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:she is the best of the bunch so far
@Baz posted:Good choice , I’m team blue so far
and me - usually red
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:and me - usually red
@Baz posted:Oh , no hand and foot
@Baz posted:
@Baz posted:He seems ok
yes he does bazzy
off now...night night all
@*mollie* posted:off now...night night all
night Mollieee
He looks older than 28 and speaks like an old fogey
Did he call himself the People's Champ?
@Baz posted:Oh good a non woke guy
@Baz posted:Oh good a non woke guy
I think he just said that to get on the show
He's an arse
getting nasty already
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:getting nasty already
Yes , good 🤣🤣🤣
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