@kimota posted:Looking sleepy already!
just thinking that
@kimota posted:Looking sleepy already!
just thinking that
Aye, Boris is/was a good laugh. You class snob
@Baz posted:Hannah and her fake down wiv the kids voice 🙄🙄🙄
from the mean streets of Peckham
enjoyed tonight - night
night night all xxx
Goodnight all!👋🏻💖
I only found out 10 minutes ago that BB was back on ...I'm going to watch back in the morning and catch you all for the evening show Hi all
@Bethni posted:I only found out 10 minutes ago that BB was back on ...I'm going to watch back in the morning and catch you all for the evening show Hi all
Yayyyy….hi Bethni ….I was wondering where you were .
Excuse me…..just testing my eyesight….not great, but looking like good enough 🙏🙏🙏🙏
SPOILER . . . Izazz threw a wobbly last night when it was revealed his mate Khaled could of had THREE nightshifters but chose to keep Thomas and Izazz awake all night
@Saint posted:SPOILER . . . Izazz threw a wobbly last night when it was revealed his mate Khaled could of had THREE nightshifters but chose to keep Thomas and Izazz awake all night
Yes 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Good evening Baz, Kaytee, Ros, Mollie, Amythist, Kimota, Velvet, Saint ...everyone
@Bethni posted:Good evening Baz, Kaytee, Ros, Mollie, Amythist, Kimota, Velvet, Saint ...everyone
Welcome back Bethni
Evening all….sorry no individual welcome ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ooh Izazz bitching about the boys
@Baz posted:Welcome back Bethni
I can't believe I didn't know this was back, I'm kicking myself
@Kaytee posted:Evening all….sorry no individual welcome ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Well thats not good enough whats-yer-name
@Bethni posted:I can't believe I didn't know this was back, I'm kicking myself
I thought maybe you were giving it a miss
hi bazzy kaytee bethni (lovely to see you back) Mollieee Amy Sainty Kimota velvet
@Bethni posted:I can't believe I didn't know this was back, I'm kicking myself
awwwwwww -
gosh that all night shift must've been difficult for them.
@Baz posted:I thought maybe you were giving it a miss
Never I could never miss our little watching with you
@*mollie* posted:all
gosh that all night shift must've been difficult for them.
Yes, good for them
@Saint posted:
hi sainty
@*mollie* posted:all
gosh that all night shift must've been difficult for them.
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:hi sainty
Hello Ros . . . you could teach Kaytee a thing or two
Who do we like and not like?..i only managed to watch the first week...well up to first eviction, i'll watch the rest later
@Saint posted:Hello Ros . . . you could teach Kaytee a thing or two
Kaytee has problems with her eyes Renton…..that’s why she’s not been here for last couple of days …
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