@Rocking Ros Rose posted:bet he changes the noms somehow
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:bet he changes the noms somehow
I like this
@Saint posted:So glad it's an annoying group of non-lads ... head to head
Unexpected but so good
agree sainty
@Amythist posted:I like this
and me
@Baz posted:Choose killer nomination
ME? I'd save Daze cos she bound to go and replace with Nathan cos he's safe . . . meaning ALI GOES !!
@Saint posted:ME? I'd save Daze cos she bound to go and replace with Nathan cos he's safe . . . meaning ALI GOES !!
If Alli is up she will go anyway ….
Still not following it.
The perils of alcohol.
cant remember who Khaled nommed he may save and replace
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:cant remeber who Khaled nommed
Ali and erm . . .
@Saint posted:Ali and erm . . .
thank you sainty
Martha wonder why he chose her
Martha will be ok in VTE.
And Martha nommed too - and thats ok
Martha would probably never get nominated any other way
@Baz posted:Good choice Khaled
good choice - but was surprised but she is a nasty
@Amythist posted:Martha would probably never get nominated any other way
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:thank you sainty
Hope that helps
Ali is awful!
@Saint posted:Hope that helps
You ARE the bad guy, Ali!
@kimota posted:Ali is awful!
ALI you are the only one doing it - the only one having a go at khalifa
Alli is deranged, as is common with psychs
@kimota posted:You ARE the bad guy, Ali!
Exactly Kimota …pot and kettle come to mind !
@Amythist posted:Alli is deranged, as is common with psychs
yes they are an odd bunch
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