@Rocking Ros Rose posted:agree - just dont like Daze and didn't agree with her choice
Ditto Ros ….shes defo on my hit list 🤣🤣🤣
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:agree - just dont like Daze and didn't agree with her choice
Ditto Ros ….shes defo on my hit list 🤣🤣🤣
@Kaytee posted:Love Max…..❤️🤣
so do I - gorgeous
@Amythist posted:Yes, I could not share the same room/house/county
Country Amy
@Amythist posted:Lily is a few sandwiches short of a picnic…..an extremely annoying picnic
She has to go…..some are saying she’s trying to be Nikki …..others that she’s faking it for camera time……I think she’s stupid,loud, and a pain in the a*se
keeping her quiet - she is like a child
@velvet donkey posted:Country Amy
Planet Saint 🤬🤬
@Kaytee posted:She has to go…..some are saying she’s trying to be Nikki …..others that she’s faking it for camera time……I think she’s stupid,loud, and a pain in the a*se
All of the above 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lily is play acting like a 5yr old for the cameras - thinking it's entertainment
@velvet donkey posted:Country Amy
@Kaytee posted:She has to go…..some are saying she’s trying to be Nikki …..others that she’s faking it for camera time……I think she’s stupid,loud, and a pain in the a*se
Omg kaytee - agree 100%
@velvet donkey posted:Country Amy
Hi Velvet 🤣🤣🥰🥰
If she’s got ADHD what has Lily got
@velvet donkey posted:Country Amy
nearly put that in my post - agree 100%- hi velvet
She's not autistic - everyone wants a syndrome like its a badge of honour to be disabled
@Amythist posted:If she’s got ADHD what has Lily got
Whatever she’s got I wish she would get out of the house 🤬🤬
is she the Warrington girl?
@Baz posted:Whatever she’s got I wish she would get out of the house 🤬🤬
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:is she the Warrington girl?
Who ?
I think you will all warm to Lily...
Martha has a chocolate syndrome
@*mollie* posted:I think you will all warm to Lily...
Hell will freezes over !🤣🤣🤣
was Tom the disabled lad?
@Baz posted:Who ?
night mare lily
@Baz posted:Hell will freezes over !🤣🤣🤣
but remember David last series, he grew on nearly everyone
@*mollie* posted:I think you will all warm to Lily...
baked potato
I think they're all still trying to be 2 cool 4 skool
Throwback to 'Dogface'
he underestimated Rosie
@Amythist posted:If she’s got ADHD what has Lily got
Idiocy with a touch of moron 🤬
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