@Baz posted:Please let it be lily facing eviction
Fingers crossed
omg she is of already - she has to go
Hiya Baz,Ros,Saint,Mollie, Amy and Kimota
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:omg she is of already - she has to go
Too bliddy true 🤬🤬
Hi all!
@Kaytee posted:Hiya Baz,Ros,Saint,Mollie, Amy and Kimota
@kimota posted:Hi all!
hi kimota
Was reading an FB group….quite a lot cannot stand Lily, but she has some followers
@Baz posted:Too bliddy true 🤬🤬
she is soooooooo annoying
So she's complaining about starving kids whilst eating all the pies
awwww cute doggy
@Baz posted:Awwwwwww cute doggie
snap bazzy
thats a bit unfair
@Baz posted:I don’t like Daze
nor me bazzy
awww gorgeous doggy
adorable Max
best HM so far
I don’t really like these housemates , the dog is cute though
Our doggie was called Max
@Amythist posted:I don’t really like these housemates , the dog is cute though
dogs just know
well done Max
good well done doggy
Lily is a few sandwiches short of a picnic…..an extremely annoying picnic
@*mollie* posted:dogs just know
well done Max
hi mollieeee
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:thats a bit unfair
I’d say crafty, playing the game 🤣🤣
@Amythist posted:Lily is a few sandwiches short of a picnic…..an extremely annoying picnic
Isn’t she just ….i bliddy hope she goes soon !😡🤣🤣🤣
Love Max…..❤️🤣
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:hi mollieeee
@Kaytee posted:I’d say crafty, playing the game 🤣🤣
agree - just dont like Daze and didn't agree with her choice
@*mollie* posted:Ros
@Baz posted:Isn’t she just ….i bliddy hope she goes soon !😡🤣🤣🤣
Yes, I could not share the same room/house/county
@Amythist posted:Yes, I could not share the same room/house/county
hi Amy agree she is a nightmare
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