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Baz posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:

It doesn't seem to have occurred to Lewis that if he hasn't got any BigCoin left, BB will find other ways to punish him.  

Hopefully by putting him up for eviction ....or refusing to let him play the game changer 

My memory's shot at  the moment, but I'm pretty sure BB has punished HMs in the past by preventing them from nominating ...

Eugene's Lair
Baz posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


By winning the mystery power, does that mean Hussain has power in the house for some as yet undefined period of time, or just for the nominations phase of the show?


Just for noms I think 

We're assuming it's just for this set of nominations, and crucially won't apply for the nominations phase of Friday's "week in a day" twist...

Eugene's Lair

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