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Kaytee posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Kaytee posted:

I've gone off Akeem a bit

I'm on the fence

I still think he's the straightest bat in there (except possibly for Kay, who's in her own little world  ).

As the other HMs have already noticed, he can't lie for toffee anyway, so any subterfuge would be doomed to failure!

I'm wondering if he is,or if being Mr Nice and Honest is part of his game, but anyway he's the best of a pretty poor lot

agree still like Akeem

Rocking Ros Rose
Eugene's Lair posted:
Kaytee posted:
Ducky posted:
Kaytee posted:
Ducky posted:

Akeem, waiting till after noms  

Good move tbh

Well yeah , but a better one would have been to just keep quiet. It wasn't a big enough deal to go all confessional about it. 

Now that little confession was stupid

See; that's why I think he's (one of) the least deceitful in there. Even the smallest lie causes him to crack up with guilt...

Is that genuine though?....not sure now

Kaytee posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Baz posted:
Kaytee posted:
Senora Reyes posted:

The 2 worst people to watch argue.

Pair of fruit loops,both need a head doctor


yes-both boring although on this occasion I think Kay is right

She's snide...knows how to wind him up....although that's not difficult

can't bear either -they deserve each other

Rocking Ros Rose

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