My my Chloe gobbing off at every opportunity... Nice girl my arse,
JOEL acting like a European Mediator
Maybe BB should send him to Greece
Didn't Harry when she entered the house talk with a 'nice' accent.....she 'as got commoner as the weeks have progressed 'ain't she?
As common as muck pet
JOEL acting like a European Mediator
Maybe BB should send him to Greece
Gawd he's just a pompous wee tory in the making.
Evict both Nick and Harry...please.
My my Chloe gobbing off at every opportunity... Nice girl my arse,
Nothing nice about her, she was a gob on legs when she entered the house, but then decided to play the *Little Miss Prissy Knickers* and play the game as radar dodger
for those who were buigging up Harry with suggestions that she should win....By the end of this episode you will see the woman is humourless controlling and uber obsessed with public perception. She has underestimated Nick massively and she realises he is a major player. serves her right.
Who suggested Harry should win?
I want to personally shake that FM's hand!
My my Chloe gobbing off at every opportunity... Nice girl my arse,
She keeps telling the viewers...I mean the HM's that Jack is's like her mission statement.
Evict both Nick and Harry...please.
for those who were buigging up Harry with suggestions that she should win....By the end of this episode you will see the woman is humourless controlling and uber obsessed with public perception. She has underestimated Nick massively and she realises he is a major player. serves her right.
I have to say - as someone who's not been particularly bothered about Harry either way - that she's already coming across pretty badly tonight...
Harry not helping herself..again..
She seems to revel in playing the 'victim' (when she is not playing the dominatrix of course)
Well Harry stated she's a dominatrix,Nick seems to like it,or he wouldn't keep going back for more.
JOEL acting like a European Mediator
Maybe BB should send him to Greece
Gawd he's just a pompous wee tory in the making.
Not necessarily Tory, most of the Labour lot are moneyed too....he can have a choice they're all as bad as each other
My my Chloe gobbing off at every opportunity... Nice girl my arse,
She keeps telling the viewers...I mean the HM's that Jack is's like her mission statement.
I have never warmed to her she is hiding a massive bitchy streak.
memories of Mikey..flooding back..
ewww i hate these tasks.
What's Fatface whining's food
Harry not helping herself..again..
She seems to revel in playing the 'victim' (when she is not playing the dominatrix of course)
Harry every bit sly and manipulative as Nick.
memories of Mikey..flooding back..
I really hated him
hate eating tasks
Fiver for Jack!
memories of Mikey..flooding back..
I really hated him
so did I couldn't stand him
One of the more bizarre "skills" or facts that I learnt from BB:
Thanks to Rex in BB9, I know how to eat chillies raw!
Do not vomit a chilli up it will just make it worse..
Drama Queen Chloe.....reverting to yelling fishwife
Fiver for Jack!
My face is on Fireaaaaaaah!.....
Oh pipe down Chloe ya actress.
Jack of course you want to eat the food
JOEL acting like a European Mediator
Maybe BB should send him to Greece
Gawd he's just a pompous wee tory in the making.
Every single comment carefully constructed to create respect and lessen controversy.
Fake fake fake
Harry still hasn't budged from that bench lol
ewww i hate these tasks.
on mute
My my Chloe gobbing off at every opportunity... Nice girl my arse,
She keeps telling the viewers...I mean the HM's that Jack is's like her mission statement.
I have never warmed to her she is hiding a massive bitchy streak.
agree - can't stand her
Jack stands up and says we are not going to eat the food .....
Jack wants good Burgers and chips
Chloe digging out her compedition Jack and Joel. That girl is desperate
Oh pipe down Chloe ya actress.
she is vile but lots seem to like her
My my Chloe gobbing off at every opportunity... Nice girl my arse,
She keeps telling the viewers...I mean the HM's that Jack is's like her mission statement.
I have never warmed to her she is hiding a massive bitchy streak.
agree - can't stand her
Loathe her too