Are we nearly finished yet?
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Evening all
how many weeks is this series running for?
Are we nearly finished yet?
Still a long way to go, hang on in there!
Evening all.
how many weeks is this series running for?
We think it's 10, but aren't sure
Evening all
Evening all
hi everybody ten weeks
Hi all
Shows you what a poor series this is when the 1 hour nightly show is littered with nose picking!
So essentialy there will only be 2 or 3 HMs still on basic rations !!
Pantry gossip!
So it's Joel who is under attack now !
So essentialy there will only be 2 or 3 HMs still on basic rations !!
They'll win the task next week.....or not
Hi, folks!
So it's Joel who is under attack now !
Noms for Joel and Eileen if they stay then
What a pair of baitches!
Four biatches!
I'd quite happily lock that storeroom door forever...
* I don't like Eileen because she is old*.......ageism again
Bitchin in the kitchen
I'm muting this shit!
Yeah right ....that from someone who sounds like a foul mouthed fishwife !
Sarah is correct - Eileen is immature.
Hi, folks!
Hi Eugene
Actually that's an insult to sewer rats. I apologise to all the nice sewer rats out there, you don't deserve to be compared to Harriet.
Hello peeps
* I don't like Eileen because she is old*.......ageism again
she has been treated terribly -bet jade will have fillers and botox by Eileen's age if not before
Hello peeps
Hi Bethni.
Says it all really about the twins and Eileen....
twins think they are gorgeous - so up themselves
Actually that's an insult to sewer rats. I apologise to all the nice sewer rats out there, you don't deserve to be compared to Harriet.
Who the fook does Harriet think she is?
Somebody muzzle Harriet before I throw something at my tv!
Actually that's an insult to sewer rats. I apologise to all the nice sewer rats out there, you don't deserve to be compared to Harriet.
Well who'da thunk the twins and Eileen weren't going to win...
Somebody muzzle Harriet before I throw something at my tv!
Who the fook does Harriet think she is?
She's a total cah !!
Who the fook does Harriet think she is?
OMg hateful -and not up either
Harriet was biased in her decision...awful bitch.
Somebody muzzle Harriet before I throw something at my tv!
Harriet was biased in her decision...awful bitch.
wicked hateful moo
Well who'da thunk the twins and Eileen weren't going to win...
They are going to mark on who they like , not which was best !
May as well they were all rubbish.....and they chose well,the losing group are all losers anyway
Somebody muzzle Harriet before I throw something at my tv!
Who the fook does Harriet think she is?
She's a total cah !!
IF she behaves like this in RL, I'm amazed that someone hasn't lamped her one!
Jack won't save anyone !!
I wouldn't if i was him.
Jack won't save anyone !!
Hope he does so he's one more down
Jack won't save anyone !!
I said he wouldn't.
Harriet is now the one I hate the most,awful specimen.
So biased against Eileen in that task.
Who the fook does Harriet think she is?
OMg hateful -and not up either
Infuriating, isn't it?!
Harriet was biased in her decision...awful bitch.
wicked hateful moo
Harriet is now the one I hate the most,awful specimen.
Me too, she's horrible!
Who the fook does Harriet think she is?
A very common cah with a chippy full of chips on her shoulders
Who the fook does Harriet think she is?
OMg hateful -and not up either
Infuriating, isn't it?!
Who the fook does Harriet think she is?
A very common cah with a chippy full of chips on her shoulders
Well said Kaytee
Harriet is now the one I hate the most,awful specimen.
Jack or Harriet for the honour, both awful, but Harriet has the biggest gob, so it has to be her for me
Just for those white speedos Aaron has to go.
Well who'da thunk the twins and Eileen weren't going to win...
Well I thought the other group were better anyway!
Who the fook does Harriet think she is?
A very common cah with a chippy full of chips on her shoulders
so tired of seeing Aaron in his pants flashing himself
Sally "cheesy" broadbent.
Just for those white speedos Aaron has to go.
Just for those white speedos Aaron has to go.
Just because he's Aaron he has to go
Quit whining you pair of boring muppets
Get a randy rottie in there. That'll teach Aaron.
Just for those white speedos Aaron has to go.
tired of seeing him flashing himself around
so tired of seeing Aaron in his pants flashing himself
I think he's 'advertising' for when he gets out.
Twins try to be kooky and likeable - FAIL!
Get a randy rottie in there. That'll teach Aaron.
You think she has friends???
Just for those white speedos Aaron has to go.
Just because he's Aaron he has to go
Get a randy rottie in there. That'll teach Aaron.
I totally commend this idea
Just for those white speedos Aaron has to go.
Just because he's Aaron he has to go
Actress alert.
so tired of seeing Aaron in his pants flashing himself
I think he's 'advertising' for when he gets out.
Fake crying Eileen...with an eye on the cameras
Eyeleans lips put me about.
I do feel sorry for Eileen - not keen on her but she doesn't deserve this bithchfest
Fake crying Eileen...with an eye on the cameras
Would that be the third eye?
so tired of seeing Aaron in his pants flashing himself
I think he's 'advertising' for when he gets out.
Job waiting for him at Rent Boys R Us
There is no chemistry between Danny and Sarah
so tired of seeing Aaron in his pants flashing himself
I think he's 'advertising' for when he gets out.
Job waiting for him at Rent Boys R Us
Fake crying Eileen...with an eye on the cameras
Would that be the third eye?
The left one.....that could be the third eye
Fake crying Eileen...with an eye on the cameras
agree -she isn't likeable at all and is a fake but doesn't deserve the constant bitching she gets
so tired of seeing Aaron in his pants flashing himself
I think he's 'advertising' for when he gets out.
It's usual to have something appealing in the shop window though
so tired of seeing Aaron in his pants flashing himself
I think he's 'advertising' for when he gets out.
Job waiting for him at Rent Boys R Us