Fascinating....."she is pretty, why don't you fancy her?"......

Aaron is fuming.
Aaron's face
Aaron looks like he might explode.
Fascinating....."she is pretty, why don't you fancy her?"......
Personality is definitely 5% of what I look for.
bugger all high rate about you dearie...
I think that's why they might have done it
so tired of seeing Aaron in his pants flashing himself
I think he's 'advertising' for when he gets out.
It's usual to have something appealing in the shop window though
No job for him then
Fascinating....."she is pretty, why don't you fancy her?"......
Personality is definitely 5% of what I look for.

good innit?
Loving it
Well that was rather satisfying
Good one Jackie-boy.
Well that was rather satisfying
Jade took it better than Chloe took her one vote!
Jade took it better than Chloe took her one vote!
She did!
Oooh could be...
Loving it
yep - now they know how nick feels
Well that was rather satisfying
Yes Well done C 5
Jade took it better than Chloe took her one vote!
She did!
that's true
Jade took it better than Chloe took her one vote!
Chloe came above the radar she's been hiding under
Well that was rather satisfying
Yes Well done C 5
Jade took it better than Chloe took her one vote!
Then again, Jade's ego overrides any realisation.
Anyone surprised that Cristian and Sarah didn't nominate each other?
Those pictures on the wall remind me of the ghosts in the film Stardust.
Aaron well pissed off,did Jade get a total wipe out there.
The thing is that they haven't had a "proper" secret nomination process yet.
What's the point in making a big deal of Nick nominating face-to-face if all the others nominations are public too?
Loving it
yep - now they know how nick feels
I love the bit when it went Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade.
Jade took it better than Chloe took her one vote!
Chloe came above the radar she's been hiding under
yes -that was brilliant - went straight back onto the hitlist
Loving it
yep - now they know how nick feels
I love the bit when it went Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade.
Queue more Aaron tears.
Anyone surprised that Cristian and Sarah didn't nominate each other?
Other fish to fry?
Sarah.............SHutttttup......smug opinionated cow!
Anyone surprised that Cristian and Sarah didn't nominate each other?
Ohh good spot CS
Jade bitching?......so are the twins and Sara.....and the boys too, they're all at it
Those pictures on the wall remind me of the ghosts in the film Stardust.
I'm slightly liking Joel (?) at these times.
Jade took it better than Chloe took her one vote!
Chloe came above the radar she's been hiding under
yes -that was brilliant - went straight back onto the hitlist
Yes, she's back on my hitlist too
The thing is that they haven't had a "proper" secret nomination process yet.
What's the point in making a big deal of Nick nominating face-to-face if all the others nominations are public too?
O everybody is rude to Jade,Fook off ya daft cow.
Jade took it better than Chloe took her one vote!
Chloe came above the radar she's been hiding under
yes -that was brilliant - went straight back onto the hitlist
Yes, she's back on my hitlist too
she had only just come off
Those pictures on the wall remind me of the ghosts in the film Stardust.
I was trying to work out where David Essex & Adam Faith came into it...
Queue more Aaron tears.
Gives him a chance to mince about in his Speedos playing the tragic hero
Jade bitching?......so are the twins and Sara.....and the boys too, they're all at it
yep -what a bunch
Anyone surprised that Cristian and Sarah didn't nominate each other?
Other fish to fry?
Jade took it better than Chloe took her one vote!
Chloe came above the radar she's been hiding under
yes -that was brilliant - went straight back onto the hitlist
Yes, she's back on my hitlist too
she had only just come off
Sarah.............SHutttttup......smug opinionated cow!
can't stand her - there again only like nick anyway
Jade took it better than Chloe took her one vote!
Chloe came above the radar she's been hiding under
yes -that was brilliant - went straight back onto the hitlist
I'm slightly liking Joel (?) at these times.
Like is a bit strong for me, but tolerate will do for now
O everybody is rude to Jade,Fook off ya daft cow.
rude to her behind her back she says.... not sure how that works. Add thick to her list of faults
Anyone know if the vote lines are open? Or are we still waiting for the twist ? Not that I vote
Those pictures on the wall remind me of the ghosts in the film Stardust.
I was trying to work out where David Essex & Adam Faith came into it...
Anyone know if the vote lines are open? Or are we still waiting for the twist ? Not that I vote
Still waiting for the twist, I think.
Anyone know if the vote lines are open? Or are we still waiting for the twist ? Not that I vote
No idea, have a butchers at the app perhaps?
Anyone know if the vote lines are open? Or are we still waiting for the twist ? Not that I vote
No idea, have a butchers at the app perhaps?
O everybody is rude to Jade,Fook off ya daft cow.
rude to her behind her back she says.... not sure how that works. Add thick to her list of faults
She's unbelievable
well played Joel. He'd be a good pollitician. shame he's on the dark side.
And I feckin hate people who spout off and interrupt when the other person attempts to reply!
His last line should have been "Jade, calm down and enjoy your last few days in here".
Was BB asking Jack to share a pass the actual twist?
Anyone know if the vote lines are open? Or are we still waiting for the twist ? Not that I vote
No idea, have a butchers at the app perhaps?
Vote line isn't open yet.
And Aaron is off on his journey in tears.....again!!!!!!!!
Bloody Hell! another one who is coming into BB house to prove something. BORING.
well played Joel. He'd be a good pollitician. shame he's on the dark side.
I like the calmness.
Where does that fool get his outfits from?
Was BB asking Jack to share a pass the actual twist?
I don't think so
Vote lines are still closed
Where does that fool get his outfits from?
Halloween costume shop?
I've tried so hard to just sit here quietly and enjoy my Chinese.....but Aaron is making it turn in my stomach
well played Joel. He'd be a good pollitician. shame he's on the dark side.
I like the calmness.
Me too
Aaron wanting saved...bore off.
That was inspirational----almost.
Where does that fool get his outfits from?
And Aaron is off on his journey in tears.....again!!!!!!!!
whatever journey he's on he's gonna need a boat...
And I feckin hate people who spout off and interrupt when the other person attempts to reply!
Have you finished spouting?.............If so, I agree!!!!
Those pictures on the wall remind me of the ghosts in the film Stardust.
Oh yes - I'd forgotten about them.
I likened the HM photos to the Harry Potter paintings and photos a while back.
I've tried so hard to just sit here quietly and enjoy my Chinese.....but Aaron is making it turn in my stomach
I'm not surprised ....I'm chocking on my cream crackers !!
Where does that fool get his outfits from?
Halloween costume shop?
....or Poundland's bargain bin
Aaron wanting saved...bore off.
Nul points
Ironically I am currently eating Crunchy Nuts.
So you've been talking behind Joel's back too Jade !!!
Don't be arguing by stating facts, Baz!
well played Joel. He'd be a good pollitician. shame he's on the dark side.
I like the calmness.
He's not on my hitlist
Aaron makes an emotion laden entry in the diary room..
sympathy vote
And I feckin hate people who spout off and interrupt when the other person attempts to reply!
Have you finished spouting?.............If so, I agree!!!!
Was BB asking Jack to share a pass the actual twist?
I don't think so
No - I think BB will do that every week until he's used them all up.
....So do I....