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Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

I wonder if Nick really likes Marc or is he just saying that to annoy Jade? 


He seems to have gone off her now he`s got a replacement.

I think it's pretty obvious that he's grown concerned about how their "relationship" is perceived on the outside...

Maybe one of the Newbies has warned him off or something

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

I wonder if Nick really likes Marc or is he just saying that to annoy Jade? 


He seems to have gone off her now he`s got a replacement.

I think it's pretty obvious that he's grown concerned about how their "relationship" is perceived on the outside...

Ah, could be that. 


Evening all,Magpies are a pet hate of mine at this time of year,they hunt the newly fledged songbirds.I came round my back garden  and overhead a magpie was trying to hunt down a sparrow in flight,lucky they were low flying and i jumped up and shouted like a mad wummin' and scared off the Magpie.I know the magpies have chicks to feed to but they are nasty killers.

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

I wonder if Nick really likes Marc or is he just saying that to annoy Jade? 


He seems to have gone off her now he`s got a replacement.

I think it's pretty obvious that he's grown concerned about how their "relationship" is perceived on the outside...

I think you're right from that convo he just had with Simon

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

"..this would be all over your vagina"


I'd take that as a threat from that shitbag.

My knee would be all over his bits

I wouldn't go near his bits ...but I'd punch his lights out  

I'd wear industrial strength jeans


Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

Does a magpie in a mirror mean it's good luck or bad?

Next to orang-utans, magpies are my pet hate

come on then...... it'll need to be a good story to beat the orang-utan one....

Not really, Kaffs... I cut my hedges one year and almost chopped the heads off little chicks in a nest... I was so upset I tried covering the nest again with hedge cuttings so the mother wouldn't desert the nest... a bloody great magpie watched me doing it... then attacked the chicks and the eggs ...I cant pass the hedge without thinking about it... and Magpies get chased everytime I see them :'(


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