Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Amythist:
Pav has hung his star to the wrong crock of shite
He's fecked either way, Chris hates him, Ashliegh can't be arsed with him, and the cool gang are just using him for reinforcement.
If I were him I'd have a great week playing them all off of each other.
He's got nothing to lose.
Pav is a fool.
Chris doesn't hate him, he just doesn't trust him...and rightly so.

Pav was on a loser the minute he entered the house..I have never liked Chris, and what sealed my dislike for Chris even more is when he told Pav to stop starring at Ashliegh (She didn't even notice or felt any kind of discomfort in relation to Pav, she even stated as much) ..
What an effing cheek on Chris's part!
Pav wasn't looking at her in any way, and to make him feel as if he were being some sort of creep, was pretty shitty on Chris's part..
Notice Chris didn't like being referred to as "Creepy Chris"
Imagine how Pav must have felt?
Sorry, I know I am in a minortiy with my dislike of Chris, but I really cannot abide the bloke..