There's a touch of the Winston hair about this psyche woman
I like Luisa, she makes me laugh with her forthrightness (is that even a word? .)
forthrightness - the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech
Phew, sometimes the typed word just looks wrong
Know what you mean. Even sometimes with shorter words.
Go Luisa - sock it to Bruno
There's a touch of the Winston hair about this psyche woman
There's Something About Mary
I like her 'though, if not her dress sense
You tell him, Luisa
There's a touch of the Winston hair about this psyche woman
There's Something About Mary
I like her 'though, if not her dress sense
SO good that Luisa has the guts to say what she thinks
An eyebrow course fgs...such aspirations
Ashleigh is such a bundle of joy NOT
Winston charming as ever
I still don;t get why Winston was evicted
An eyebrow course fgs...such aspirations
Secretly I think he is hoping for a 'Jade' type salon career
I love this show.....
Helen's had a turnaround,and is a flower waiting to bloom Shyster.
Ominous that Winston declares that Ash is his type of guy.
Winston's out - Ash next?
Nothing can ever be as good as Russel Brand yonks ago
Watch It occasionally on You Tube and cry laughing
Winston taking it all seriously...bless im....
Ominous that Winston declares that Ash is his type of guy.
Winston's out - Ash next?
It's difficult to call Cos, could be Pav?