Helen's a right hard faced mare
She needs taking down a peg or two.
I'll do it....please
Go for it.
Helen's a right hard faced mare
She needs taking down a peg or two.
I'll do it....please
Go for it.
Helen's a right hard faced mare
She needs taking down a peg or two.
Trouble is we won't get the chance
I know.
I honestly don't know if I will keep watching this tripe.
I am watching until tomorrow night to see the next 'twist' then I am out of here .
Is that not tonight Erinp ? Drat!!!
no tomorrow after the main show .
I feel your pain .
Preach Toya, preach.
I like Toya
so far she is the only one
Mark is a CREEP!
he talks about Chris being actor - at least with him it's a job, not a lifestyle.
Feckin dozey Winston .
La Toya seems to talking sense at the moment....
fanny spray.
One wonders why.....
Ha,ha, snap, again!
I'm not quite up to date yet - tell me who I hate...
Just about all of them!
I think I might like the girl in the Diary Room .....
I like Toya
so far she is the only one
So far, she seems okay.
No , just no with Tamara and the Towie
and no again
I think I might like the girl in the Diary Room .....
She actually does speak straight lol... hope she keeps it up
I think I might like the girl in the Diary Room .....
I like Toya
so far she is the only one
So far, she seems okay.
Sort of
So Kimberley just so happens to talk about church and same sex marriage , so scripted .
Winston seems a bit pointless... fauxmance fodder?
STFU....Danielle, feckin fundamentalist Kaffolick
STFU Pauline .
I decided five minutes in to the second launch show that I don't like or trust her.
I think that's about the time that the rest of us did too!
Follow the catholic teaching my ass Danielle .
I think I might like the girl in the Diary Room .....
I like Toya
so far she is the only one
So far, she seems okay.
I like her too
Everytime she says "like", I'm taking a drink.
Just seen one conversation and I've polished off a bottle of Jack Daniels.
I'm going to the bathroom. I may be some time.
Mark's going to win this hands down
There is only room for one Big Brother in the house.....Leave the Pope out!
I think I might like the girl in the Diary Room .....
I like Toya
so far she is the only one
So far, she seems okay.
I like her too
I said the same about Shievonne and she turned into a nutter .
I don't mind Kimberley so far.
Mark's going to win this hands down
Mark's going to win this hands down
I so hope not!
Winston seems a bit pointless... fauxmance fodder?
Albeit very early!
Plus Ashleigh has been invisible tonight.
Follow the catholic teaching my ass Danielle .
Certainly didn't take any vows of propriety or chastity
Mark's going to win this hands down
I think I might like the girl in the Diary Room .....
I like Toya
so far she is the only one
So far, she seems okay.
I like her too
I said the same about Shievonne and she turned into a nutter .
Heaven help us, if she turns out like her.
Mark's going to win this hands down
Nah! Every viewer of trash TV has already seen enough of him
STFU....Danielle, feckin fundamentalist Kaffolick
So, according to her nobody is married unless they're catholic
Is Winston going to be this years Sam? smile sweetly, say very little, sail to the final and win.?
I don't mind Kimberley so far.
Haven't seen enough of her to take her off the hit list
Just leapt in from the GP!
Hope you're ok Fluffy?
Evening all
Hi Rog - don't worry - wasn't the medical GP was thr Grands Prix, it had only just finished. Thus this thread only appeared a few minutes before the HLs came on.
It was a good race, weren't it Fluffs? What a crash at the end.... glad they were all ok
It wad qite amazing - the way it all turned out! And yes, glad the crash at the end was walked away from OK.
STFU....Danielle, feckin fundamentalist Kaffolick
So, according to her nobody is married unless they're catholic
Yup! and we're all hellbound
STFU....Danielle, feckin fundamentalist Kaffolick
So, according to her nobody is married unless they're catholic
apparently not
STFU....Danielle, feckin fundamentalist Kaffolick
So, according to her nobody is married unless they're catholic
I've been living in SIN since 1977 according to some
Is Winston going to be this years Sam? smile sweetly, say very little, sail to the final and win.?
Don't say that, Vids.
I don't mind Kimberley so far.
Haven't seen enough of her to take her off the hit list
she distanced herself from Danielle's mentalness... that's a start.
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