For shyte's sake control yourself
christopher overeacts
Is it called *Three in a Bed* on one of Desmond's porn channels?
mark won't do it
How elegant and beautiful does Super look tonight?
Are you SC?
christopher overeacts
I thought that too. It was well over the top.
good for him - glad Chris wasn't the only one
Is Helen's TV SHOW the one we are watching
Chris getting all bloody soppy for other selfish people
christopher overeacts
I thought that too. It was well over the top.
yews it was
Marks F&F clearly don't view social media or they would know there is a lot of hate out there for him.
Bloody Hell, he's taking his time!
Ash is a miserable git when there is nothing in it for him......
Ha welll done mark
Mark is so selfish !!!
I knew he would not think about the others and just use the money up.