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It all kicks off in the Big Brother 2014 house tonight and here’s a line by line recap of the latest row.


It all starts over a game of truth or dare, with Matthew Davies being not too keen when a rather rude question is asked, one which we can’t quite repeat here.

​“This is why I’m not playing,” Matthew says.

Helen Wood snaps: ​“Oh for f**k sake, bore the f**k off! Bore off, bore off! It’s a questionâ€Ķ”

She continues:  ​“It’s a joke.  He sat back saying ‘this is why I don’t play’ don’t f**king play then! Why are you playing?”

Matthew insists: “Don’t tell me where to goâ€ĶI’m not playingâ€Ķ”

Helen continues:  ​“So if you’re not playing why are you contributing with your f**king mouth!”

Matthew replies      ​“Close your mouth, maybe you should learn to close it for once.”

Big Brother Summer 2014

As Helen acts like a 5 year old, Matthew tells her:  ​“This is pathetic!  I’ve never argued with someone so ridiculous in my life!”

​He adds: “â€ĶHelen, I’m not interested I will actually leave because your boring me now, your driving me f**king mad, the sound of your voice is f**king droning, get a grip Helen.”

Helen shouts: ​“You f**king skinny c**t”

Mark Byron then gets involved, saying:  ​“The pair of you have just made absolute t**ts of yourselves!â€ĶWhy are you shouting like that for no reason, if I knew you were going to play something like that I wouldn’t of f**king sat here. I’m f**king sick of everybody in here scraping and arguing every night!”

Later, Helen goes out to join Matthew who is in the garden.

She tells him:    ​“You’re a very bitter, nasty back stabbing little b*****d”

Matthew hits back:   ​“You’re describing yourself quite well, you’re confusing myself with you Helenâ€ĶWhy are you coming up to me in my face, can you not have a conversation with someone without getting in their face?”

Helen rages:   ​“You’ve completely transformed, you turned into a p***y, the other night and you let Toya take your f**king back lashâ€Ķf**king p***y, match up to your f**king description you f**king weed”

Big Brother then calls Helen to the Diary Room as she adds on last expletive filled blow to Matthew:  “You’re a f**king t**t, youâ€Ķ”

He says:    ​“F**k off Helen.

Big Brother Summer 2014

​“Shows how much of an uneducated and unintelligent person you areâ€Ķbye Helenâ€Ķget another boob job, your tits are so f**king saggy, you paid for them love you need another one”

Helen responds: “Boob job? Go rip your f**king hairs off your f**king pigeon chest you f**king skinny, scrawny, pale, plucked f**king pigeon chested t**t.”

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

It pains me to say it, but Ash was essentially right there.

If Mark or Matthew were bothered by Helen, they should have just quietly walked away. Arguing-back is just guaranteed to make her worse.

Matt did leave and go to the garden ,she followed him and started again .

This^ she is one of those people who just wants to rage at someone... No ANYONE.... There is no way i would sit the silent after walking away and being followed, then thrown a load of abuse You can be a big person once... then if they're coming at you again and BB are letting it happen 'stuff' it and give some back.

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

It pains me to say it, but Ash was essentially right there.

If Mark or Matthew were bothered by Helen, they should have just quietly walked away. Arguing-back is just guaranteed to make her worse.

Personally, where she's concerned I'm all for giving her enough rope...


Yes, because if she gets into enough bother they may eventually have to boot her out and I'm all in favour of that.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

It pains me to say it, but Ash was essentially right there.

If Mark or Matthew were bothered by Helen, they should have just quietly walked away. Arguing-back is just guaranteed to make her worse.

Personally, where she's concerned I'm all for giving her enough rope...

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

It pains me to say it, but Ash was essentially right there.

If Mark or Matthew were bothered by Helen, they should have just quietly walked away. Arguing-back is just guaranteed to make her worse.

Matt did leave and go to the garden ,she followed him and started again .


Oooh yes!  It started in the lounge and ended in the garden - I failed to notice that.

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

It pains me to say it, but Ash was essentially right there.

If Mark or Matthew were bothered by Helen, they should have just quietly walked away. Arguing-back is just guaranteed to make her worse.

Matt did leave and go to the garden ,she followed him and started again .

This^ she is one of those people who just wants to rage at someone... No ANYONE.... There is no way i would sit the silent after walking away and being followed, then thrown a load of abuse You can be a big person once... then if they're coming at you again and BB are letting it happen 'stuff' it and give some back.

Tonight's Twitter rant at BB has plenty of ammo

Originally Posted by kimota:

Mark went up a little in my estimation just then.

I have to agree, in other BB's the Mark 'character' would have been up the 'whirlwind''s (not to be confused with a hurricane, just to be clear ) backside.. fair play to MArk even if it is a little about lime light he did the right thing

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

It pains me to say it, but Ash was essentially right there.

If Mark or Matthew were bothered by Helen, they should have just quietly walked away. Arguing-back is just guaranteed to make her worse.

Matt did leave and go to the garden ,she followed him and started again .

I accept that part of the whole structure of the BB house is that you can't just walk completely away, but my point is that Matthew didn't quietly slip away. He fired parting-shot after parting-shot, thus ensuring Helen would follow-up.
If I had my cynical hat on, I might suggest that was his intention...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:

That woman......let me at her, I can do fish wife......I think!

I defo can !

She would be eating her teeth if she tried that with me ,I would gladly get kicked out because I could not  walk on egg shells waiting for her to attack and goad another Hm .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by kimota:

Mark went up a little in my estimation just then.

Nah ....he just saw an opportunity for camera time

Mark sticking up for Matt ,getting airtime  ,then runs to make sure he is still in with Helen .Pathetic little shit .

At least he is not sitting by her side and sticking up for her....


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