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Night fell on the small coastal town. The last of the traders were closing up with a sense of urgency only a local would have. A glance to the horizon revealed a long, wide, dark band of cloud creeping slowly toward the town. This would be one hell of a storm.


Anton gestured to his helper to stack the last of the boxes in the back of the shop, his face not disguising the annoyance he felt at the lack of progress. He'd been caught out too many times in the past, and he certainly wasn't going to let it happen again.


Anton's helper, Patrick, was a tall, skinny, pale individual, the kind of person who says very little, but you know there is a lot going on in his head. Patrick stands out. He stands out everywhere. Patrick can be seen from space. For such a tall person it beggars belief that he would choose to wear the brightest jacket known to man, a jacket that he wears everywhere, all the time in all weathers. be continued




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Kimberly forgetting she is a twerking queen.


  • Kimberly often gets into fights with guys.  
  • Her party trick is that she's the 'twerking queen'.  
  • She can't stand a guy that takes longer to get ready then she does and hates blokes that fake tan.  
  • She gets on best with lads and claims she'd clash with anyone from Essex.
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

If the rumours about new HMs on Friday are true, it's supposedly because BB wants to generate more conflict and arguments. Am I the only one who thinks that's the last thing this house needs?

I agree !

Oh I don't know......One big blow up and they all kill each other....that would do....meanwhile, Chris hides in the loo and escapes and wins


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