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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Syd:

My good god................Chris has lost it!............either that or I have....

What dI'd he say /do ?

He was proud to be around  the Hms and liked the Helen he has seen tonight .Toya/Matt power went mental and this time Helen was calm and they all stuck together, it never kicked off basically.

I bet his tongue was well and truly stuck in his cheek .....way to go Chris v

Sadly I think not: he seems to have, (hopefully temporarily,) lost the plot

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Amazing what make-up will Danielle!


Her dress is too low as the colour of her chest varies showing a tanning line made by a dress with a higher bust line. 

Oooo-oooh style guru 

You know it 

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:

People are filling the BB Twitter page with complaints, there are some good ones on there

Have these people got a life? FGS, it's a bloody daft reality tele programme

It's not the show or the fact that Ashleigh is nominated, it's the fiddling and manipulation

But it is what it is : I really don't get why anyone would get so wound up about it

For what it's worth, having watched since BB1, I really don't think it's so very different in that regard, just that we are much, much more aware of it

Have to disagree Supes, this year has been one big fix from start to finish

I think it always was such in terms of the edit AKT: just a bit more obvious now. It's a TV show not a charity!

I agree that the HLs never really reflected the LF and that's where this version of Towie in the House falls down, I know they want to make money, but peeing off the voting public is a dumb way to do it don't you think?

I imagine that so few people vote these days that they're trying to move it on to something else. C4 gave it up when it had run it's course, C5 are wanting to do something different and the die hard viewers are lamenting how it 'used to be.' Personally I was completely taken in by 1+2 as a 'socio psychological experiment' after that it largely became about celeb seekers. In some ways this series, with the 'power' the 'manipulation' and the 'BB can change the rules anytime' (they don't say those words anymore but they used to) is, in some ways 'back to' the psychological experiment...albeit one that couldn't happen outside of the current show due to ethical reasons

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

This is weird...

Maybe they're suspending her BB payment and there'll be a couple of mag deals so she's figured grin and bear it?

I'm certain Steven's mum is there, Kimberly is probably staying with his family now. They deserve each other. He's a tool and she's a got a screw loose.

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

This is weird...

Maybe they're suspending her BB payment and there'll be a couple of mag deals so she's figured grin and bear it?

I'm certain Steven's mum is there, Kimberly is probably staying with his family now. They deserve each other. He's a tool and she's a got a screw loose.

You think its long term? This is her one chance of easy money... Stephen will be out in a couple of days. Kerching... then bye... we've seen it before Bethni  


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