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Really winds me up, well I sigh and roll my eyes a bit, when they gob off  to some one, get right in their faces and hurl 'facts' and  expectations in their faces , all done at volume, and then end by shutting the  other person down by saying

' now don't speak to me  ,I'm not getting into an argument,just don't speak speak to me''



Just caught up with last nights show and I've got to say if I was Kimberly I would be running for the hills, so Steven obviously thinks she will be leaving first and if she does she's not allowed to go home or speak to her ex till he comes out. Instead his family will look after her wtf, I should think she would have to speak to him seeing as they share uni digs, the bloke is a fruit loop



Kimbot(great name)- Is horrible self serving and full of crap.

Steve-Wierd control freak.


Jale-Needs to re-aquaint herself with soap, shampoo and water.




Helen-Lower than a skunk's belly, horsefaced bullying skank.



The others I have not mentioned as they seem to fade into the background.

Senora Reyes

Don't know if Ashley is brave or just resigned to how life is in the BB house.


There always comes a point with arrogant, blustering people, that you realise they really aren't any kind of threat, and the bellowing just becomes an accepted part of the background noise.


I don't believe Helen is that outraged or wound up about the things that set her off, she's playing a role, she seems to think it's a huge achievement and a measure of her sincerity, that she is able tobe so unpleasant to people's faces, I think the majority of normal people just see it as plain rude and childish.

Last edited by jacksonb
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Just caught up with last nights show and I've got to say if I was Kimberly I would be running for the hills, so Steven obviously thinks she will be leaving first and if she does she's not allowed to go home or speak to her ex till he comes out. Instead his family will look after her wtf, I should think she would have to speak to him seeing as they share uni digs, the bloke is a fruit loop

Agreed and as for him telling everyone , so reasonably that Chris is  the biggest game player, is just another part of his game to deflect the accusation from settling on himself.

Do any of us beleive that he has fallen in love with Kimbot? anymore than we believe she has fallen for him? , no of course we don't, because they haven't.

They are both playing the same game and it's a toss off  up as to which one of them can get in first with the sympathy vote, Steven in the lead in that race at the moment, but Kimbot probably has the measure ability to be even more underhand when required.


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