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Originally Posted by Bethni:

Pauline is a total nightmare.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr she's saying people can tell her, yeah right, then she struts off and says she wont talk to them! Ignorant despot! 

Was just about to post the same thing. We saw her refusing to talk to Christopher, and yet we know full well the HMs she was criticizing for not telling her to her face wer him and Jale...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Syd:

I want LIVE FEED, BOTs is just a version of forums, but we don't dress up to voice our opinions.....(or get paid!!!!)

What do you mean we don't dress up? 


*removes tiara and weeps*


No one told me..!!!!! 

Noooo! keep it on


Too late!


I've swapped it for my bedtime tiara instead

Is it like this?



Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Syd:

I want LIVE FEED, BOTs is just a version of forums, but we don't dress up to voice our opinions.....(or get paid!!!!)

What do you mean we don't dress up? 


*removes tiara and weeps*


No one told me..!!!!! 

Noooo! keep it on


Too late!


I've swapped it for my bedtime tiara instead

Is it like this?




Yes.  Exactly like that.  Except that mine's knitted and pink.

And I have hazel/green eyes.

And there's room for my updo.

But spot on there nonetheless, Soozy  

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

It's so sad, I remember the proper Friday nights , Davina gurning and oddly attractive in a black smock.

Bunches of chavs, proper chavs not just wannabees, with badly spelled  slogans and equally bad grammar, chanting.


No one knows what they were chanting, but oh! the atmosphere..




Big Brother Nostalgia Irony doesn't suit you. 


Actually, I'd expect nothing else. 

Originally Posted by Saint:

I've just been in the garden to find millions of bloody slugs n snails


And as I don't have the heart to hurt them ... I've been hurling them into all the other gardens

once they get a taste for your plants... they have a homing instinct apparently. You have to take them further afield... few doors away at least  

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Saint:

I've just been in the garden to find millions of bloody slugs n snails


And as I don't have the heart to hurt them ... I've been hurling them into all the other gardens

once they get a taste for your plants... they have a homing instinct apparently. You have to take them further afield... few doors away at least  


Originally Posted by Saint:

I've just been in the garden to find millions of bloody slugs n snails


And as I don't have the heart to hurt them ... I've been hurling them into all the other gardens



Did you know that according the gardening shows, they actually know how to get back to your garden. So your throw needs to be very, very long.



Edit: I wrote that before seeing Rogers post. But nice to know I am not the only one who has heard this.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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