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Day 5: Sallie and Gina have so much in common

22 mins ago

It's fair to say Sallie and Gina have failed to hit it off so far but this afternoon they appeared to find a common ground. Can you guess what it was? That's right, socialising.

"We hang around in the same circles," announced Sallie failing to acknowledge the fact that despite apparently kicking back with the same crowd, they've never crossed paths.

Out in the garden, the pair compared their experiences of trendy London night spots before Sallie launched into a list of clubs popular with young Royals and constructed reality stars.

Gina said she doesn't go to clubs but that didn't stop Sallie trying to find one they both may have been on the VIP list at.

In return, Gina reeled off a host of bars and restaurants and Sallie responded with a "love it" to every one.

Could they really be hitting it off? House BFFs? We'll have to wait and see.

Sallie wasn't done with bridge building – she sauntered up to Jackie and managed to establish that at some point this year they were both in the same town at the same time. Spooky stuff.

Can Sallie unearth a connection with every housemate? We'd say there's a good chance she can.





Day 5: Michael acts out on Sallie

25 mins ago

That Michael's a cat among the housemates isn't he?

As the Temper Temper aftermath was happening on the sofas, he laid into Sallie for no apparent reason.

While Jackie moaned about Charlie's apparent failings and Charlie tried not to smirk over her bluff, Michael was asked whether he was alright. "P****d off with Sallie" was the response he offered.


The group was baffled.

Sallie stayed calm –she's so used to being "controversial" and "trouble" that she doesn't question where it comes from any more.

The People's Puppet flounced off the bedroom where he sulked behind sunglasses. Sallie shrugged it off and helped new pal Gina with her dumplings.

No more was said about it until Sallie was out on the benches with bosum buddy, Hazel.

"I never knew men could be so emotional," said Hazel as the pair puzzled over Michael's strange outburst.

So what is this all about?

Obviously our actor has a dramatic reason for this behaviour. It just remains to be seen whether it's a lone display or part of a broader plan. We shall keep you posted on the 'postie'



Day 5: the Temper Temper task result

31 mins ago

Earlier today, Jackie and Charlie were tasked with, well, a task. Jackie thought the task was to direct a blindfolded Charlie to spell out the word TENSION, but there was a twist. In actual fact, Charlie had been tasked with making Jackie lose her temper.

By mucking the task up and getting the directions back to front, upside down and similarly wrong, Charlie successfully infuriated mummy Jackie, and passed the task.

Big Brother gathered the housemates on the sofas to make two big reveals. Firstly it was revealed that Charlie had been having her mum on the whole time, to which Jackie shouted "Charlie Travers!!!" incredulously. The housemates then entertained the thought that she may well be a MOLE.

Big Brother's second reveal was that, due to Charlie's excellent winding-up-mum skills, the housemates would be treated to a pamper package of massage oils. Splendid.




7.11pm: We don't think you need training, Sam. You're lovely just the way you are.


7.19pm: Michael has caught the wearing-sunglasses-indoor bug from Gina.


7.22pm: Oh the lies are just flowing freely from Michael.


7.26pm: Jemima those are some funky leggings you've got going on. Rawr.


7.29pm: Sam's chat-up lines seem to getting worse, not better.


7.36pm: Doesn't Jack look lovely with his new tan?


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