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Big Brother 2013: a look back in pictures

2 hours ago

The housemates have just kicked back with a lovely slideshow provided by Big Brother, of some key moments from their 67 days in the most famous House in all the land.

We didn't want you to miss out, so here's 20 fantastic BB moments that we're particularly proud of. Some are big task moments, and others just delightful snippets from daily life in the House.




Splish, splash, it's bathtime!



Every Callum dance now!



Remember D.I. Dan and his lovely arms?



Ooh, Dexter, you mucky pup...



That's a very nice cucumber



Orange is really Charlie's colour



Get stuck in, Gina!



Ginxter forever



Sorry, Sam, are we boring you?



"Draw me like one of your French girls, Jack!"



Hazel took that gunging pretty well, huh?



Do you think Twin = Win?



Row, row, row that boat, housemates



Golden Dan






Jack and Jackie were not happy with this trip to the hairdresser...



Wolfy, just chatting with the birds



Levi Roots dropped by!



That's some classy art



Rylan dropped by too, with Judi!





Day 67: Housemates bare all

1 hour ago

It's the penultimate night of Big Brother 2013 and the housemates have been wearing their hearts on the sleeves.

There has been a mutual appreciation society operating all evening with everyone telling everyone else how much they have enjoyed their time with them. Sam and Charlie got cosy,Dexter and Gina cemented their friendship and Charlie and Dexter went over their relationship one more time. Basically they have had the summer of their lives!

The group got their groove on and boogied like their lives depended on it.

The twins have made the most of their favourite area – the pool – splashing about like seals and belting out a few of their fave tunes.

Gina got Dexter to take out all her extensions and he gave her a fabulous, albeit it temporary, new look.

 But the biggest shocker was Sam who laid his feelings for Gina on the line.

 "Over the last month I have grown to appreciate you," he said. "I know you have a boyfriend and I respect that so I'm going to stay clear."

She admitted she had an inkling and was flattered, gave him a hug and dashed outside to tell Dexter.

The night is still young so who knows how many more cats will be dragged out of the bag. With one day to go this is their last chance. We're going to miss these guys!

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Ginxster are the best duo in there, imo I hope they stay friends although I'm not convinced any of them will still be in contact with each other in a few months time


yes they are and the most interesting to listen to when they dont talk in riddles  

I need a slap really as today in spite of being really peed off over the Queen Bee task and her nastiness Gina has made me laugh in several clips ... quite like her again 



It's the final round-up: a look back at Big Brother 2013

1 hour ago

In a very short amount of time the winner of Big Brother 2013 will be crowned. Before that happens, it's time to  go right back to where it all began.

Nine housemates hit the ground running on Day 1 and eight lost their luggage. This was the summer of secrets and lies and the people's puppet Michael had set the tone.

The remaining six stepped through the House doors on Day 2 and the bonding began. The first nom bomb exploded three days later with Michael putting Dexter, Gina and Sallie in the frame. While housemates thought he had made hasty choices and tore strips off him, we all knew it was down to you, the public voters!

Michael had more meddling to do during Week 2 sabotaging the weekly shopping task but with everyone playing happy families, Big Bro stirred things up with the anonymous suggestion box. Micheal saved Dexter from eviction (by virtue of having the fewest public votes) which rattled Sallie's cage. The people's puppet pushed a few more buttons, in particular Wolfy's by relaying public opinions in another antagonistic task.  Dan fared much better prompting some questioning as to Michael's motives.

The first eviction came round all too soon and Sallie was shown the door. Michael wasrevealed as a mole and the housemates discovered their clothes had not been shredded after all â€“ phew!

Week 3 saw the birth of the 'two Dexters' conspiracy theory which was quoshed when he found himself up for eviction – again, along with Gina and Jemima. The following morningzombies attacked the House. Those too slow to grab a gas mask were inflicted with a 'mystery virus' and spent the two day shopping task in quarantine undergoing disgusting treatments. 


The twins were duped during Hide and No Seek task on Day 15 and The Key, The Secret task forced housemates to reveal some home truths about their housemates. Gina, Jackie and Wolfy got to see housemates' entrance VTs which is where they found out about Callum's little indisrection... Jemima became the next housemate to be evicted. In other news, Charlie and Callum finally laid their feelings on the line,

Face-to-face nominations kicked off week 4, right in housemates' faces. Finding herself up,Wolfy claimed to Dexter that she'd make the final in a gesture of defiance. This was also the week the Daley / Hazel issue surfaced. Hazel vowed to distance herself from the boxer after they were seen to be possibly flirting a little too much. The Safe House doors opened as the week wore on, with Dexter and Gina the pair chosen to inhabit it - though HMs thought a straightforward eviction was on the cards. Before all that went down, the twins had their now-legendary falling out.

In the Safe House, Ginxter started listening in on their old pals. Detective Dan had his suspicions that something might be up – but he was always on BB's case. Ginxter messed with HMs heads over the following few days, using the Viewers' Takeover task to play their pals. In other news, Jackie was momentarily out of action having suffered an injury but don't worry, she was back in the House in no time.

The third round of nominations came in at the end of Week 4 and the party that finished the seven days saw some serious Hazel and Daley flirtation. The boxer shrugged it off as "banter" but the others didn't seem convinced.


The next week started with a bang, with Gina and Dexter causing Safe House havoc with the 'Making the Headlines' task. Big Brother also decided to drop a weekly nom bomb, putting Callum, Charlie, Hazel and Wolfy in the firing line. The next day, housemates learnt that Gina and Dexter hadn't been booted out after all. Charlie was inducted as a member of the Safe House gang and the trio came together to form the treasury for the weekly shopping task, The Budget. When the eviction came around, Wolfy was the latest to exit the bungalow. Gina and Dexter were given their marching orders from the Safe House and BB decided to fill it with a new duo. The public decided it should be Daley and Hazel, exempting them from nomination and giving them the chance to get back at Gina. At this point, Charlie became confused about whether Dexter had feelings for her. She remained confused up to the final.



Daley and Hazel's Safe House began on Day 32 with them interviewing housemates. Gina led a mini revolution while Charlie and Callum found themselves ordered to go on a little date in the vegetable patch. Daley was ejected from the Big Brother House on the afternoon of Day 33, due to threatening and aggressive behaviour towards Hazel.

While the housemates came to terms with his departure, nominations resulted in Callum, Dexter, Jack and Joe, Jackie and Gina finding themselves up. The Remote Control task the next day saw housemates ignoring an influx of sheep, a House call from Rylan and visits from their nearest and dearest.  The next day, some wacky waxing, a barbershop quartetand a very distracting conga line completed this classic task. This was also the week of Jackie and Callum's momentous bust up. On the plus side, they all passed the task!

On Day 36, Jackie was the fourth person to be evicted. Then BB dropped a big twist: two housemates had to be chosen to enjoy the Safe House. Sam and Sophie were the lucky two, little knowing they'd actually just gained automatic nominee status. Her mum now out of sight, Charlie let her hair down with an unusual use of chocolate spread and a damp Dexter embrace. Trash For Treats on Day 38 saw Dexter's romantic date with Dan – surely a series highlight, among many, many highlights.


Safe House dwellers Sam and Sophie decided on Day 40 to welcome Dan into their ranks. That meant he was up for eviction too. Those safe thought they were in danger and those in danger thought they were safe. A genius and dastardly twist!

The week's shopping task arrived on Day 41. Hazel was challenged to eat a pig's nose, and Westlife fans Jack and Joe had a treat when Shane Filan called up for a little chat. This task saw a few gungey faces around the place and some blistering viewing as Dan ate raw chillis.  The final part of the task - The Final Question, The Final Answer â€“ saw the gang line up in order of one to nine according to where 10,000 voters thought they deserved to come in the show. Awkward. They lost most of the budget on this one.

More disappointment was in store later that week as popular housemate Dan was evicted in a twist that came as a massive shock to the housemates that evening.

On Day 45, the housemates were given their letters from home, and there were tears and laughter in equal measure.


Week 7 kicked off with an uninvited guest in the bedroom – a little frog! The Nemesis task presented a series of challenges. The twins gave standout performances during their obstacle course and Sophie and Sam bounced back during their event.

Day 51 was the day we waved goodbye to CallumHis exit saddened Sam and left the remaining housemates wondering if the House would be a very different place without him. On Day 53, housemates received fan mail and got quite giddy over their letters. In fact, Gina had penned the lot

Friends and family noms always do a pretty good job of shaking things up, and Day 54's were no exception. Charlie's friend put the boot in and nominated Hazel, and all hell broke loose in the form of arguments, broken friendships and unlikely alliances. The fall-out from nominations rumbled on, with Dexter offering his opinion and Gina switching sides


The week 8 shopping task saw the housemates dress up like busy bees and bow to their Queen Bee Gina. The task caused some grumbles and shocks, with some Irish jigging and some sticky honesty.

Gina and Hazel cemented their enmity with a blow-drying blow-up, and then, before the dust could settle, Hazel bit the eviction dust.

In a very exciting task, the voice of Marcus Bentley was piped into the House, telling the housemates what to do all day long. They dancedthey threw flour and they had a pillow fight, and Charlie and Dexter even had a little kiss.


As the last full week in the House loomed, we were holding out for a hero, and the housemates became a Rescue Squad. Their mission: save the shopping. They fought their ways out of sticky situations and defused bombs in order to triumph.

The final round of nominations were done face to face, which put Dexter, Charlie, Sam and Jack and Joe in the firing line.

Big Brother showed them a selection of Tweets from viewers, and one of them really caused ructions


Just as the housemates had settled into a sense of final week security, Big Brother dropped the mother lode: a massive twist. The nominated housemates were told that they could choose to 'steal' a portion of the prize fund. The lowest chooser would be allowed to walk away with the money. Except, that was a lie. The real result was far more wily.

The Big Pay Off fall-out saw one housemate's motives being questioned left, right and centre. The biggest repercussion was Essex flower Sophie being put up for eviction in Dexter's place. Ouch.

When eviction day rocked round, it was unfortunately Sophie's turn to say goodbye.

The Finale looming, Big Brother set up a press conference, which saw all the housematesmake their case for why they should win the whole bleedin' show. Blimey. They also answered questions from celebrities and our Twitter followers.

Day 67 kicked off with Gina doing a little bit of house-twerk,  and we found out who was the gassiest of the housemates. Gina and Sam decided to be naughty, and break in to prison. As the night wore on, Dexter got emotional, Sam and Charlie got close and then, in a move nobody saw coming, a slightly tipsy Sam confessed his true feelings for Gina. Blimey.


What will the Big Brother Finale bring?

Who can say...all we know is that pretty soon we'll have a brand new Big Brother champion. How very exciting.


Thanks to all of you lovely viewers for sticking with us throughout an exciting, emotional and at times explosive 67 days.


We're sure you'll stick around for what promises to be an epic Celebrity Big Brother, starting Thursday. Don't miss it!




Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: 19th August 2013


Tonight's finale of Big Brother deserves a fitting send off – and that's just what we've got planned!


Rylan and AJ will be in the studio tonight along with all of this series' evicted housemates to see out civilian Big Brother 2013 with a bang. It's going to be a full on celebration party from 11.35pm on Channel 5 – and you're invited along!


On top of all our evicted friends we will, of course, be welcoming our finalists and hearing all about their experience of surviving the full 68 days.


It's going to be emotional and we hope to see you there. Bring tissues!


We might get a bit weepy.



Morning all 


FINAL DAY at last 


so far today .....


11.00am: The lights are on! Happy day housemates. They're woken by the BB theme tune, which seems pretty apt.


11.17am: enjoy their traditional morning snout for the last time in the BB House. Feel free to have a sob.



11.30am: The twins have predicted rain for the . Let's hope they're wrong!



11.47am: Gina's showering in what looks like quite expensive lingerie. We hope she kept the receipt - the elastic might go



12.00pm: The twins and Sam are... wait for it... in the pool.


2.47pm: "We're going to have to try not to cry tonight otherwise our make-up will run down our faces" Dexter pipes up


3.02pm: Charlie is having an eyelash conundrum. Long or short? Decisions, decisions.


3.18pm: She's gone for full-on glam. It's a good choice for the occasion


3.33pm: Jack's talking to the hairdresser about music and junk food. HMs look glad of the conversation, frankly



3.44pm: Dexter is going for a 'glowy' look with his make-up. "Get rid of the bags" he tells the make-up artist


4.00pm: Dexter's having some guy-liner applied. He's looking just dandy



4.15pm: Gina requests dramatic eyes from the makeup artist. Expect a pair of peepers dripping with drama


4.27pm: It's Jack's turn in the hotseat. He's going for a casual buzz cut.


thanks Rose 



4.40pm: Jack's wearing the nervous grin of a man who's not sure how his haircut's going to turn out


4.52pm: Jack: "Do you find it weird doing other people's makeup?". Makeup artist: "It's my job."



5.10pm: Sam is getting a trim. Lookin' good!


5.26pm: Dexter is giving himself an awesome fringe. Very curly.



5:47pm: Now it's Gina's turn to get her makeup done. She is sitting very, very still.



7:33pm: The crowd noise is being played into the House. It's the beginning of the end!


7:40pm: Charlie Travers knows that nothing beats a good smoky eye.



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7.57pm: Charlie is still in her undies. C'mon Travers, pick a frock.




Day 68: A fabulous Finale fashion fix

3 hours ago

They've spent 68 days under scrutiny, but tonight Gina, Charlie, Sam, Dexter and Jack and Joe will walk out of the Big Brother House to face a screaming crowd, Emma Willis and lots and lots and LOTS of cameras. So, as you can imagine, they've all got their gladrags on. Have a flick through this gallery for a sneaky peeky at their Finale fabulousness...


Charlie debated whether to wear this natty blazer



Dex seemed confident in his suit of choice



Gina opted for a lovely pink number



Jack went for his old faithful Friday night shirt



And we went in for one last close-up of Joe's corsage



Meanwhile, a casual Sam took the chance to have a final sit in his fave chair






Last edited by MrsH

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