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Sophie's first day of freedom

11 hours ago

Loitering backstage at Big Brother's Bit On The Side, we bumped into the lovely Sophie, who was evicted on Friday night. As you do, we grabbed her for a little bit of a chinwag.

So, you're out of the House! That's weird!
Very weird. It's so strange!

You took eviction really well. Why do you think that was?
I'm not sure. I just, I've got the sort of personality where whatever happens, happens. You just have to go with it. Everyone said, when you go out, that's your time, just own it. Enjoy yourself, smile laugh. So that's what I wanted to do and I done it!

What did you do on Friday night after eviction?
Erm...what did I do? I came straight out and had my interview. I saw my mum and my boyfriend and went back to the hotel. He gave me a few presents because it was my birthday while I was in the House. We went up to my hotel room and i sat up all night just looking at my phone 'coz I was just so happy to have my phone back!

What else have you done since Friday night?
I've been doing everything! I can't even remember what I was doing earlier. I've been doing so much. I had two hours sleep.

So you've caught up with your friends and family.
Yes, by phone. Not as much as I want to, but I'll find the time tomorrow.

What did you miss the most while you were in the House?
My family. My family all the way. Sometimes in the House I used to have to go to Jack and Joe because they were the ones that made me feel more at home and made things alright. Yeah, definitely family.


Would you do anything differently if you had the chance to do it all again?
No, not at all. I think that I went in to be myself and have a good time and let people see me for who I am and that's what I did. If some people didn't like it, they didn't like it. I was myself and I'm glad I did that. I wouldn't change.

Did you think you could win?
No. I went in and I didn't think I could get as far as I could anyway. You don't know who's gonna be in there, and there's so many lovable characters in there. Like Gina and the twins. I love 'em. They're so funny.

Your friendship with the twins was lovely to watch; it was like they were your little brothers!
Yeah, see, with that I'd just sort of told them "aww, go away, go on, leave me alone! Stop poking me Joe!" because Joe used to poke me. Yeah, you know, it was just so nice to have them in there and I'm just so happy they were there and they're still there now.

Who do you want to win?
I really do want Jack and Joe to win. They really do deserve it, and I think Gina would say the same. Jack and Joe, definitely!

So, there we have it, family is still number one in Sophie's book, and she'd love for her surrogate brothers Jack and Joe to win. Thanks, Sophie, you were a treasure!


Day 66 round-up: A toast to the final five


Day 65 started strongly, with Dexter finally declaring his love for Charlie Travers, even throwing the idea of marriage in the mix. This was music to our ears as we needn't return our hats after all. Hurrah! 

The loving vibes continued as the sun rose on Elstree, with the housemates starting the day in a ruddy good mood. Well, they are in the final after all – they've got a lot to be happy about!

But it was time to get serious in the afternoon, when Big Brother held a big press conference. The housemates took it in turn to tell us why they should be crowned the winner on Monday and claim that ÂĢ100,000 prize fund in tow. Take a look a look at GinaDexter,SamCharlie and Jack and Joe in action and if you're convinced, you can find out how to vote for them by clicking here.

They also had some answering to do to some familiar famous faces â€“ a word of warning; we wouldn't mention Judi James to Gina anytime soon, she's a little sore on the subject. And it wasn't just celebs that put the housemates under the microscope, as you guys got the chance to give them a light grilling as well.

The day ended with a bang, as Big Brother treated the housemates to a final supper to celebrate their time in the House. As the champagne flowed, so did the fond words, as the finalists agreed that they've had a riot over the past nine weeks. And we've have a hoot watching them.

What are we going to do when they leave us in two days time? It's really not worth thinking about... 




Today on Rylan's Supersized Celebrity Sunday – 18th August 2013


From 12.15pm on Channel 5 today,


Rylan's back with his last Celebrity Sunday of this civilian run. What's more, he's planning to tie things up in style the day before the final.

We've got a panel stuffed with opinions, starting with ex-EastEnder and king of the jungle, Joe Swash. A chappie who does cheekiness like it's going out of fashion. Ex-housemate Josie Gibson's coming along, bringing all her charm and her wisdom, last year's winner Luke A's taking some time out to visit and enchant us with his diplomacy and tact all over again and, of course, our most recent evictee Sophie will be here too.


On top of all that, The Vamps will be playing us out. It's the perfect accompaniment for your Sunday luncheon,


so make sure you're tuned in at a quarter past twelve!


Dexter Koh is desperate to win the ÂĢ100,000 Big Brother prize so he can pay off a six-figure gambling debt to his mum Ellen


She stepped in to save her son after his addiction spiralled out of control and he needed so much cash she was forced to give up her ­luxury lifestyle.

Ellen, 50, told the Daily Star Sunday: “I bailed him out with so much that it affected my life. That was quite serious.

“He is my son and he’d got himself in a mess so I sorted him out. He started from zero again.

“It would be nice if he was able to give me some of that back because times are very hard at the moment. I’d be very happy if he won the money.”

Dexter has claimed that he made ÂĢ8,000 a night as a male escort



Dexter, 28, visited casinos daily for more than two years and lost a total of around ÂĢ1million.

Former cruise ship singer Ellen, who had to give up their 31-room mansion near Weybridge in Surrey, added: “When I realised how serious it was getting I had to step in.

“He realised how ridiculous it was and stopped. He cried to me on the phone after going to Gamblers Anonymous.”

Scouser Dexter is one of the favourites to be crowned series winner at tomorrow night’s final and scoop the six-figure cash prize.

Insisting her son would spend it wisely, Ellen said: “I don’t think he would spend it on just anything. He’d help me and his family. He’s got an uncle with cancer. His other uncle has just lost his house.

“And he hasn’t got a nice lifestyle ­any more. He’s not rich by any means.”

She also revealed Dexter lost his ­fortune while dating a string of gold-digging babes he met working at top nightclubs.


She added: “A couple of them have stitched him up big time. The only girls you meet in clubs are models, strippers, hookers. It’s a very fake world.

“He falls in love very easily. And then he falls into a depression after because he thinks he can’t trust anybody. I think he’s learned because he’s had his fingers burned.

“He’s desperate to settle down – he has been for some years now. He can’t find a nice girl.”

When the self-confessed playboy entered the telly house he claimed he had a string of sexygirlfriends waiting for him in the outside world.

But revealing he is in fact single, Ellen said: “He has got several girlfriends. But they’re not sexual ­girlfriends. He might go shopping with one of them, he might go to the hairdressers with ­another one.

“That doesn’t mean to say they’re his actual girlfriends.”

Paparazzi photographer Dexter also claimed he worked as London’s highest-paid male escort.

But Ellen said: “Does he look like someone would pay him ÂĢ8,000 a night? People should take all that with a pinch of salt. He is playing a game because it is a game.”



10.03am: There go the lights - it's Day 67 and the day before the final! Charlie: "The whole thing's over tomorrow".


10.07am: Joe's noticed that one of the living area TV screens appears to be stuffed with fifty pound notes. Peculiar, eh?



10.11am: Despite the weird news about the living area, HMs are reluctant to move. They're tempting fate with the alarm.



 10.30am: Joe spots what looks like the prize fund. Just reminder of the tomorrow.



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Last edited by MrsH



well ... considering todays events in the house become tomorrows highlights and ....  tomorrow is Final night .. so far today 


11.25am: BB tells HMs they're not allowed to spend the day in bed. Dexter: "I knew it was too good to last."


12.36pm: There's a DPC going on between Chexter in the garden - no new territory though



12.54pm: Charlie wishes there would be more correlation between what people say and what their heart wants, directed at Dexter


1.12pm: Gina is as doubtful as Charlie is about Dexter's love for Ms Travers jr - she's currently raising an eyebrow to Sam



1.15pm: 'He really didn't need to take it this far,' says Gina to the twins and Sam about Dexter and his L-bomb



1.26pm: Chexter are still going strong - 'you need to SHOW you love someone, not just say it,' says Charlie shaking her head





later peeps 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

This is getting ridiculous between Charlie and Dexter, what does she want him to do to prove he loves her  get down on one knee 

Sam has just asked Dexter about the girlfriend he said he had at home, Dexter says he was given a hall pass, Dexter is throwing away the win 

How Dex puts up with her saying the same things constantly is beyond my understanding. Sam as usual trying to give him as much grief as possible, he really hates him

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

This is getting ridiculous between Charlie and Dexter, what does she want him to do to prove he loves her  get down on one knee 

Sam has just asked Dexter about the girlfriend he said he had at home, Dexter says he was given a hall pass, Dexter is throwing away the win 

How Dex puts up with her saying the same things constantly is beyond my understanding. Sam as usual trying to give him as much grief as possible, he really hates him

Before long it'll be dexter's fault that he's deaf!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by MrsH:

Dexter Koh is desperate to win the ÂĢ100,000 Big Brother prize so he can pay off a six-figure gambling debt to his mum Ellen


She stepped in to save her son after his addiction spiralled out of control and he needed so much cash she was forced to give up her ­luxury lifestyle.

Ellen, 50, told the Daily Star Sunday: “I bailed him out with so much that it affected my life. That was quite serious.

“He is my son and he’d got himself in a mess so I sorted him out. He started from zero again.

“It would be nice if he was able to give me some of that back because times are very hard at the moment. I’d be very happy if he won the money.”

Dexter has claimed that he made ÂĢ8,000 a night as a male escort



Dexter, 28, visited casinos daily for more than two years and lost a total of around ÂĢ1million.

Former cruise ship singer Ellen, who had to give up their 31-room mansion near Weybridge in Surrey, added: “When I realised how serious it was getting I had to step in.

“He realised how ridiculous it was and stopped. He cried to me on the phone after going to Gamblers Anonymous.”

Scouser Dexter is one of the favourites to be crowned series winner at tomorrow night’s final and scoop the six-figure cash prize.

Insisting her son would spend it wisely, Ellen said: “I don’t think he would spend it on just anything. He’d help me and his family. He’s got an uncle with cancer. His other uncle has just lost his house.

“And he hasn’t got a nice lifestyle ­any more. He’s not rich by any means.”

She also revealed Dexter lost his ­fortune while dating a string of gold-digging babes he met working at top nightclubs.


She added: “A couple of them have stitched him up big time. The only girls you meet in clubs are models, strippers, hookers. It’s a very fake world.

“He falls in love very easily. And then he falls into a depression after because he thinks he can’t trust anybody. I think he’s learned because he’s had his fingers burned.

“He’s desperate to settle down – he has been for some years now. He can’t find a nice girl.”

When the self-confessed playboy entered the telly house he claimed he had a string of sexygirlfriends waiting for him in the outside world.

But revealing he is in fact single, Ellen said: “He has got several girlfriends. But they’re not sexual ­girlfriends. He might go shopping with one of them, he might go to the hairdressers with ­another one.

“That doesn’t mean to say they’re his actual girlfriends.”

Paparazzi photographer Dexter also claimed he worked as London’s highest-paid male escort.

But Ellen said: “Does he look like someone would pay him ÂĢ8,000 a night? People should take all that with a pinch of salt. He is playing a game because it is a game.”

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

This is getting ridiculous between Charlie and Dexter, what does she want him to do to prove he loves her  get down on one knee 

Sam has just asked Dexter about the girlfriend he said he had at home, Dexter says he was given a hall pass, Dexter is throwing away the win 

How Dex puts up with her saying the same things constantly is beyond my understanding. Sam as usual trying to give him as much grief as possible, he really hates him

Before long it'll be dexter's fault that he's deaf!

  I noticed that for several weeks if an hm shared their view with him about another hm he'd listen but didn't commit himself to agreeing or disagreeing, he just took it all in from whoever. As his friendship with Callum developed he eventually started giving his opinion, to Callum. After Callum left he started to find his own voice and since then has targeted Dex as often as he can showing that when he's angry he goes for the jugular. He has a lot of pent up resentment towards him and is enjoying trying to humiliate him.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Didn't she say in the DR the other day that she was going to put all that aside and just enjoy the last couple of days?


yes she did  but ....  now Dexter has said he is a compulsive liar  believes things he makes up


he's maybe screwed her head again  



edit - that vid title was very misleading 


Yes misleading lol. Maybe the video compiler isn't a fan of his

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I don't blame you MrsH, it's been tough going for the main part, even if you weren't supporying anyone in particular. It showed such promise too....if I remember rightly!

it had great promise at the begiining until BB started messing - thankfully I dont give a toot now who wins but it doesnt feel right not fighting anyones corner into the final day .... may the one that gets the most votes win 

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Yes misleading lol. Maybe the video compiler isn't a fan of his

he isnt   he is a Sam supporter 

That was an epic fail in trying to discredit Dex

yep it was and was intentional from what I read - I am grateful that he supplied uploaded LF Rose but he does play dirty 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I bet you'll feel as if you've been let out of the house

I wont be let out of my house for a while  I have a backlog of jobs to catch up on  

At least you'll be set free from the BB house With watching BB vids, hl show, BOTS and LF it's been time consuming hasn't it lol

Yellow Rose

3.47pm: Gina's giving Dexter some perspective after his row, when not running away from the odd


4.02pm: Joe tells Charlie his view on the "love triangle". He thinks it's all fallen into place for Dexter and not by accident.


4.15pm: Joe's finished counselling Charlie. He's joined Jack to work on a carbonara in the kitchen.



4.31pm: Gina's softly singing to herself in the living area. Practicing for a new career, perhaps?



unless they do something more eventful for the rest of the day this saga will be tomorrows highlights 


a short edit of this garbage and then an hour and a half [ split into 2 shows ] to kick five out 




A look back at the housemates on launch night

27 mins ago

Remember 67 days ago when a bunch of unknowns entered the House? Oh how they've grown (well, Gina's roots have anyway). Here are all the evictees and finalists on launch night so full of hope and dreams...



Look! It's Callum!



Look! It's the Travers'!



Look! It's Dan!



Look! It's Dexter!



Look! It's Gina!



Look! It's Hazel



Look! It's Jemima!



Look! It's Jack and Joe!



Look! It's Sallie!



Look! It's Sam!



Look! It's Sophie!



Look! It's Wolfy!





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