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Day 65 round-up: Ginxter the genie and so long, Sophie

30 mins ago

A touch of primal scream therapy began Day 65 as Chexter found their voice and bellowed their joy into the stratosphere right at the top of the day. What a lovely way to wake up. The twins followed this with a little baby-talk, which kept the morning active.

Soon it was straight into the task – a pleasant distraction from the weighty fact that an eviction was only hours away. The Gina Of The Lamp task saw Gina and Dexter – the only housemates safe from eviction that night – take on the role of magical guardians. Granting wishes for all the nominated HMs, Dexter gave Sophie a splendid makeover and all manner of other desires were fulfilled. When Sam was granted a football set-up for a little while, he should've been careful what he wished for because the decision came back to hurt him. Bit below the belt, that one. He may have shed a tear over it and Dexter was also welling up – this time because he was worried his beloved Charlie might leave when the eviction rolled around.

And roll around it did, with all the usual pre-eviction grooming. First we learned who was safe – Jack and Joe made it through to the final and were naturally rather pleased. But then it all turned sour for Sophie as she narrowly missed her chance to make it to the last few days.

Housemates didn't know what to think, having thought Sophie was a potential winner. The confusion even rumbled over into a Chexter row. Now we're only a matter of three days from the final, let's hope they stay baffled and discombobulated. It's much more fun that way.


 Hazel O'Sullivan and other evicted housemates to return to the house


Some of this year’s evicted housemates will make a return to the Big Brother 2013 house today.


But before some start rushing to phone Ofcom, the group aren’t back as housemates and will only be entering totake part in a task.


A range of former housemates and even celebrities (of sorts) will be entering today as part of a “press conference”.


The final five will each be grilled by the celebs and former housemates on why they should win the show in Monday’s final.


Hazel O’Sullivan, Dan NealWolfy MillingtonCallum Knell and Jemima Slade will be joined by John McCririckand Sugababes singer Amelle Berrabah to quiz the finalists.


“We think sending Hazel and the others back into the house will really spice things up,” a show insider told the Daily Star newspaper today. “They know these guys inside out having lived with them for weeks.


“And now they’ve had time to watch from the outside too so they know who’s been faking it and who’s been themselves.


“It will be interesting to see how the finalists react when the others go to town on them.”


The ‘press’ are set to “go to town” on the final five: Dexter, Gina, Sam, Jack and Joe and Charlie.

Read more:



Day 66: Big Brother's Big Press Conference task


Our five finalists have the finishing line in sight but there can only be one winner.

Big Brother has decided to let Charlie, Dexter, Gina, Jack and Joe and Sam have their say on why they deserve to take the Big Brother crown.


That's right, the final five must give a winning speech in a press conference style environment focusing on their best bits during their time in the House.


They will face gruelling questions from the other housemates as they attempt to undermine their efforts.


Housemates will then face tweets from you, the public, which will also enquire as to why each housemate deserves to win.


Housemates will then receive tips and advice in a phone message from a family member.

Not only that but recordings of celebrities and past housemates will be also played to the House.


Let the fighting talk begin!

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Maybe they don't know about Sam and the 'Boring box programme'.

If Sam's not mentioned it and that he won ÂĢ7.000 I wonder if that's deliberate. If he has mentioned it I wish Dex would throw his accusation back at him

I'm sure it was mentioned one night. I seem to remember someone lying on a bed  asking about how much he won on Deal or No Deal.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Maybe they don't know about Sam and the 'Boring box programme'.

If Sam's not mentioned it and that he won ÂĢ7.000 I wonder if that's deliberate. If he has mentioned it I wish Dex would throw his accusation back at him

Some of them were saying which other game shows they could go on the other day 

Originally Posted by Videostar:

Thanks for the vid clip MrsH...Dexter stood his ground and answered all their questions really well I thought.


Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Thanks for the vid clip MrsH...Dexter stood his ground and answered all their questions really well I thought.

Me too, Vids...... Well done Dexter  

dont forget that was just the present housemates questions - the task was in several parts 


from tweets the evicted housemates rattled them 


vids etc from this afternoon only now coming through  


Day 66: The final five answer your questions

21 mins ago

Earlier today during Big Brother's Big Press Conference , we put your questions to the remaining five housemates. Here's what they had to say...


Charlie, have you learnt who you are in the house or do you still feel the need to find yourself?

I feel like I do know who I am. I've probably still got some learning to do because you can't stop learning. The most important thing for me was accepting who I am. That's what I've done.

Why should you win? Dexter has been nothing but nice to you and you’re leading him on. It’s not fair

I don't feel like I should win. Dexter has been nothing but nice to me, but...  I feel like some things he's said haven't matched up to his actions and it's made me question him. I don't feel like I'm leading him on.


How would you feel if the public crowned you as the winner on Monday?

I would be amazed and very thankful. I don't know how I'd feel because I'd probably think it was a twist. That would never happen to someone like me.

Have you planned out the whole “boy becoming a man thing” to make a fake "journey" in order to win the show?

No, not really. It's been 100% organic. I've been able to drop down the walls I had.


As you come from money, if you win, what would you do with the money?

If I won, I'd definitely give all the funds to charity. The whole ÂĢ100,000. Half to a charity close to my heart, half to a charity of the public's choice.

Gina are you jealous that Dexter is spending his time and attention on Charlie not you and do you think it’s real?

First of all I'm not jealous, I have no reason to be. If I'm honest, I think it's completely redonkulous. It's not a relationship!

Jack & Joe

Jack and Joe has this experience changed your life? You’re kind of a celebrity now aren’t you? Twins to win!

Yeah it's mad – it's mindblowing (Joe)
But we're not celebs (Jack)
I'm far more domesticated now! (Joe)

Jack & Joe why should you be in the final as the housemates who have made no personal journey whatsoever?

We haven't made a journey, but I'd like to think we're entertaining. (Jack)
We've learned to cook and clean. (Joe)
I know how to turn an oven on! (Jack)



You’re my favourite to win. Do you think you can win it for the Welsh?

I'd love to! It's against the odds because I always thought I won't win because I'm Welsh. I've been myself. Welsh and proud!

Apart from sleeping what else have you done?

I've talked in my sleep. I've given 100% in tasks. I'm a lazy fella. Energy efficient!

So, have they done enough to earn your vote?


If so, head herefor all the details. 


Day 66: The last supper

16 mins ago

With the finale rapidly approaching, Big Brother has decided to treat the housemates to a final supper to commemorate their last few days in the House. They've decked themselves out in their finest attire, and let us just add that they look mighty fine, and are currnently enjoying a slap-up meal in the living room consisting of all the wondrous food stuff that you'd expect for such an occasion.

To make sure the conversation stays appropriate over dinner, Big Brother has provided talking points for the housemates to discuss, such as 'What have you learnt about yourself whilst in the House?' We're sure Charlie will have a field day with that one.

But what they don't know is that they will receive an extra special post-dinner treat – phone messages from their loved ones. We're predicting tears at teatime, so let's hope they've packed a handy hankie! 


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