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Day 64: Gina really is Big Brother's bezzie

1 hour ago

Earlier today, Big Brother set new BFF, Gina, a special secret mission to win a tasty takeaway this evening. With the aid of a hidden ear piece, BB tested how much Gina valued their friendship by asking her to pull a few cheeky pranks on her fellow housemates.

Under instruction, Gina insulted Sam's appearance, told Charlie that she wanted her to be evicted on Friday and threw Sophie's dressing gown in the pool. But the mischievousness didn't stop there as she also threw a big strop, deposited the fake tan supply in the store room and spread an outrageous secret that she's had a secret phone the whole time.

As you can see, she was one busy lady this afternoon.

For successfully completing the task and showing how much she valued their friendship, Big Brother has rewarded Gina and her chosen dinner companion, Sophie, with some top grub later this evening



Day 64 round-up: BB's BFF and a whole heap of House talk


What else would housemates be discussing on the morning of Day 64 other than The Big Pay Off? This was the big twist that rocked the House the previous evening and got Dexter into a little bit of trouble. Bridge-building and explanations were the order of the day.

Charlie and Dexter kicked off before breakfast and seemed to get a little way past the events of the day before. Later on, our PR guru mentioned that he thinks his one time romantic interest will be hopping it on Day 65. Meanwhile, Jack and Joe were indulging in some serious stuff talk too – with Joe returning to the topic of his feeling he might want to leave.

Dexter lifted the mood later with a bit of play-acting but his new nemesis Sam was having a harder time. The lad's frightened of being evicted. Well – you would be, wouldn't you?

Later on, a task began. Gina was the focus this time, becoming BB's BFF and gaining an earpiece to the Big Dude's bidding. At Big Brother's request she insulted Sam's appearance, she made out she had an outrageous secret, she hid other housemates'personal items and she also got into a massive row with the twins.

The task over and the secret revealed, HMs settled in for refreshments and an evening of mucking about. They began with a little chat about their quirks, did a wee bit of rapping, Charlie almost – almost! – did something crazy and housemates got busy with the hair product.

A fine way to wind down their final Thursday in the House and also a nice distraction from the eviction on the evening of Day 65. The mood may be slightly lower this morning...


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Friday August 16th


It's eviction night and have we got a Bit on the Side for you! AJ and Rylan will be chatting to our brand new evictee, fresh from the House.

The panel will be jam-packed with people who know just how the housemates feel because they've all been on Big Brother in the past. Celebrity star Vanessa Felz, BB 2012's Sara McLean and from this year's House, Hazel O'Sullivan.

Emma will dropping in to have her say too!

Enjoy the eviction then tuck into a great big helping of Bit on the Side, 10.30pm, Channel 5.


Day 65: The Gina of the Lamp task


They may not be up for eviction but Dexter and Gina won't be lazing around the House today – Big Brother has a task for them.


The pair will become genies, granting wishes and making life as comfortable as possible for their fellow housemates.


In fact, they will be responsible for everything from fetching drinks to packing suitcases.


We may even see Gina pumping the shower!


Each of the four evictees will be granted an extra special wish. The wishes will be selected in the Diary Room and will be as follows:


FOOD- Genies will cook a housemates favourite meal.

RELAX   - Genies will give housemates a massage

MUSIC – Genies will sing a song for the housemate

GAMES – Genies will play football with the housemate.

BEAUTY – Genies will do the housemates' make-up


The nominated housemates are in for a real treat!


Will Dexter and Gina keep up the magic or will they rub housemates up the wrong way?


You'll have to wait and see.





Last edited by MrsH

Day 65: Dexter and Gina rub housemates up the right way

2 hours ago

The Genies have been rushed off their feet all day fulfilling housemates every wish.

After setting the pair to work in the kitchen, Dexter made over Sophie and massaged Charlie – that was Charlie's wish not Dexter's, we promise.

Sam's wish scored him a footy set and with Gina in goal, it was quite a game.

Jack and Joe provided the most entertainment demanding Dexter and Gina sing for them. A rousing rendition of I Will Survive followed much to the delight of all housemates.

But then Big Brother suggested the housemates get really creative prompting a series of less pleasant wishes.   Sophie and Charlie had an evil ask for Dexter – downing a raw egg!

Dexter did as he was told.

Big Brother was thoroughly chuffed with the Genies' efforts and rewarded them with a plate of doughnuts to share with the House.


A question for you all

according to   Joe-Ann Randle  who is a Friend and business associate of Dexter and is the person Dexter refers to when he says he only has one friend Dexter has a secret - the reason he is doing BB which he still hasnt revealed yet - nothing to do with his sexuality - acting skills or money .....


all the above comes from either  or


well I am wondering if after watching this vid if Emma has just unearthed it or ...  am I totally losing it after weeks spent in here and this info is already known and has been discussed or mentioned 



Last edited by MrsH

Day 65: Housemates prepare for the final eviction

13 mins ago

How would it feel to be evicted just before the grand finale? Not fantastic, we'll wager.

But someone's got to be the last evictee of the run and tonight we're going to find out who.

Charlie, Jack and Joe, Sophie and Sam are all in line after The Big Pay Off changed things up this week, leaving Dexter and Gina sitting pretty for the final.

Housemates are getting ready at rather a slow pace this afternoon. They're old hands at going through this process by now, so there's no panic-dressing going on. In a very short time you'll get to see their completed eviction outfits and, in a little more time you'll get to see which one of them ends their experience on Day 65.

Want a say in who that might be? Course you do! You'll need to get over to the voting page to get yourself involved...






Charlie and the other two girls took to their beds for essential makeup applications



Jack stirred the pot while waiting for the evening's events



Joe stuck a brew on, sipping his way to the eviction



Swim, shower, dinner, change of clothes, wait for eviction news. That's Sam's schedule for this evening.



War-paint applied, Sophie's clinging to her favourite dressing gown for dear life





Gina's also safe from the chop tonight



Last edited by MrsH

Sophie has been evicted from the Big Brother House!

30 mins ago

It's time to say 'ta-ra me old china plate' as Sophie has been evicted from the Big Brother House.

Cockney Sophie kept a low profile during the first couple of weeks in the House. Before entering, she professed to have a bit of a temper, something we didn't get to see at first. In fact, she managed to avoid most of the dramas within the House as the big characters dominated the show. When she did make a noise, it was generally about Dexter – her least favourite housemate by her own account.

She formed a close bond with the twins, with the trio providing many a comical moment with their jokey arguments, dressing up and silly antics. Jack and Joe will certainly miss having their third wheel around.

Although she didn't stand out from the crowd, what was obvious is that she's a team player, regularly styling the housemates barnets and gallantly refusing to talk to her boyfriend during the Remote Control task. And of course we won't forget that voice, voted as the most annoying during theRight Answer task. We rather enjoyed her vernacular, but that's just us – especially when BB forced her to wear a camera on top of her head for the In Your Face task. She showed early signs of greatness there.

The housemate's decision to reward her with the Safe House– along with rival Sam – turned out to be a red herring, but she survived the ensuing vote to evict. Repeatedly nominated by the Welsh boy, neither could pinpoint exactly what their issue was, though they did try.

 In her last few weeks, Sophie became more vocal –tending to side with Gina in the strange Hazel / Charlie fallout. When it came to the Big Pay Off twist, Sophie was the biggest loserdespite just being an observer. Dexter replaced himself with our girl from Canning Town when she'd previously thought she was dead-set for the final.  

So let's all say a fond farewell to our Soph and wish her loads of Friar Tuck. (That means "luck" in cockney)


Vote the WIN: the five finalists!

7 mins ago

So we have our finalists – Charlie, Dexter, Gina, Sam and Jack and Joe. One of these five will walk away as the winner of Big Brother 2013 on Monday, with a handy ÂĢ100,000 in tow. But who that will that be is down to you!

Remember, you're now voting for the housemates to WIN. Got it? Good. 

Head to the link below for all the details:


 Who was evicted? Sophie Lawrence kicked out!


Sophie Lawrence has been evicted from BBUK in tonight’s Big Brother 2013 eviction results.


Following the latest round of Big Brother nomination resultsCharlie TraversDexter KohJack and Joe and Sam Evans were all put up for the axe.

It was the last round of nominations and the second time that housemates had to nominate live and face to face.

However, a twist on Wednesday evening saw all that change, as Dexter became immune and Sophie was put up for eviction in an elaborate twist and lie.

It left, Jack and Joe, Sophie and Sam all facing the final cut on Friday.

Lines opened on Thursday and viewers had been voting for a day until the result was revealed in this evening’s latest live show.

Earlier tonight, BB host Emma Willis revealed Jack and Joe were the safest of the four piece having received the fewest votes.

Lines then re opened after the freeze for a further 15 minutes before Emma returned to the house to announce that Sophie had the most votes and would be leaving.

It leaves twins Jack and Joe, Charlie Travers, Sam Evans, Gina Rio and Dexter Koh fighting it out in the final on Monday.

Are you happy with the results? Who do you think will go on to win now?

Big Brother UK airs nightly on Channel 5.






Sophie and Emma.

Read more:


Day 65: Sad to see Sophie go

23 mins ago

Usually there's a mixed reaction to a housemate's departure. Some can't contain their joy, some remain indifferent and others break down (we're looking at you after Sallie left the show, Wolfy!)  It's not often that all HMs unite in sorrow at one of the gang leaving, but Sophie's eviction has hit housemates hard, for one reason or another.

After BB delivered some chilled bubbles for our new finalists, Dexter popped the cork while shaking his head, clearly feeling a tad responsible after he swapped places with the Canning Town girl after The Big Pay Off task. Gina's eyes remained wide open in shock. At first she was convinced it was another twist. Maybe she'd just won the show and that was BB's latest secret and lie? "I've lost my best friend in the House" she said.

The twins looked slightly distraught, even though they've now made it to the final. Jack mentioned that he felt it might be "take the mick out of Jack week" as his pal Hazel had also gone the previous Friday. Joe meanwhile wandered to the tree house for a quick think.

Stony faced Sam didn't look impressed. Charlie, possibly without engaging her brain before speaking, said to the twins "The top two will be you and Dexter I think". She quickly corrected herself as the Welsh boy was in the vicinity. "You, Dexter and Sam I reckon, top three."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "I agree about the twins but..."

Either he was being humble as he couldn't visualise himself in the top three or he simply can't stomach the idea of Dexter coming out a winner.

So – housemates are sad to see Sophie go. But that's not stopping them from remaining focused on their own chances.


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