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Day 62: How Tweet it is to be called 'sly' by the viewers

11 mins ago

If you follow us on Twitter (and really, why wouldn't you? We're delightful!) then you might recall that a few days ago we asked for people to tell us who their fave housemate was, and why, via the hashtag #faveHM. Of course, our amazing followers got well and truly stuck in, and the best of the best were selected earlier today to be beamed into the House as a reward for an earlier task success.

For a nice long look at the housemates reading their Tweets, watch this space: we'll have a lovely video up later. In the meantime, let's talk about Gina, shall we?

You see, one of the Tweets we received for Ms Travers said, "Charlie as she now understands how sly Gina is." Surely you know enough about the housemates by now, and Gina and Charlie's relationship in particular, to know that this comment did not go ignored.

As soon as the Tweets had been read out, Charlie set to work trying to explain herself to Gina, as Gina coolly listened. It seems that Charlie thinks this might all stem from a conversation she had with our most recent evictee, Hazel, in which Hazel reported back to Charlie all the things Gina had said about her during that big fall-out. She explained; "I think that they watched that chat, and Hazel said all the stuff you said that night," but then had a second thought, adding, "either that, or they just don't like you!" Ahhhh, Charlie, ever the diplomat!

Gina appeared to agree, telling Sophie, "Either she was bitching about me with Hazel, calling me sly, or someone doesn't like me." She laughed it off, but we're never sure with this lot; this disagreement could resurface at any time.

Up in rescue squad HQ, Jack and Dexter chatted about the offending Tweet, with Dexter musing, "The Gina sly one was a bit awkward. I'm not going to lie. It went down like a lead balloon. Maybe it was from Hazel."

Hmm. Maybe, Dex. Or, much more specifically, definitely not.


Day 62: Charlie and Dexter's tree house tiff

8 hours ago

With the housemates taking shifts to guard the tree house, Charlie and Dexter looked set for a cosy hour on the balcony. But Big Brother had other ideas.

Within minutes the town hall was in trouble and the pair got a soaking saving the shopping from getting a grilling.

With Dexter wringing out his leotard, the mood definitely dampened. Then Charlie decided to release the bee from her bonnet . That's right, she's still not convinced she isn't part of Dexter's 'game plan'.

Mr Koh was incensed by Charlie's accusation.  "What plan?" he said in a slightly Raised Voice. "Why would I construct a plan that makes me look like a complete c**k?"

Charlie had a go at explaining herself. "I just had to protect myself because I have been wrong about everyone in here," she said. "Why are you getting defensive? If you are not playing a game then why are you getting defensive?"

"Because of the way I feel about you!" Dex exploded.

Unfortunately, the town hall caught fire again so the pair left us hanging. This one is bound to rumble on.


Day 62 round-up: housemates to the rescue!


As the housemates awoke on their last Tuesday in the Big Brother House (what?! 'The last Tuesday' is so too a milestone!) they were transformed into a blue spandex-suited rescue squad. Their mission for this week? Save the shopping, of course.

The day went by in a blur of heroic activity. Could the housemates save the popcorn? Were their catchphrase skills sharp enough? Would Gina and Sam stick together or pull apart? Would the bread perish or survive? Could they defuse a bomb before it sent a whole bunch of groceries sky high?

Big Brother was impressed by their courage in the face of such adverse conditions, so the rescue squad were treated to a selection of Tweets and Facebook comments from some of our fabulous viewers. There were smiles and laughs and, because one of you naughty lot called Gina 'sly'!

It was soon Chexter's turn to rescue some falling shopping from the incendiary Town Hall, which rather interrupted a deep and meaningful conversation they were trying to have in the treehouse. But that's the nature of emergency; it has no respect for soul-searching treehouse-based chit chat.

As everyone started getting ready for their gruelling rescue squad night shifts, the twins had a few words for each other. Night shifts are hard, guys, we understand!



Charlie to the rescue!



Gina was very taken with her rescue squad torch



Chexter successfully rescued some shopping



Sam had some alone time at the bus stop





Day 63: The Rescue Squad rota takes its toll


All told, it's been a bit of a busy night for our beloved housemates.

The Rescue Squad task has seen our squaddies working shifts to ensure that none of their weekly shopping falls victim to circumstance. They've been saving groceries all night and all morning –  grumbling, laughing, muttering and joking their way through sunrise and, when occasion demanded, jumping to attention and scooping up their supper from perilous situations.

Gina and Dexter saw in Day 63, working the witching hour shift. To keep their spirits up, referring to vegetables he nearly saved, Dexter kept making that "mushroom" / "much room" gag we're all familiar with. Gina's response was to comment on how "ridonkulous" the entire situation was. It's hard to argue with that point of view.

Sam took over from Dexter in the early hours. He and Gina nattered about all kinds of stuff, the highlight probably being a chat about which would be worse – being bitten by a tarantula or a shark. It's a tough call, that one. Heroically, Dexter rose again to take over alongside Charlie, allowing Gina and Sam to get back to sleepy-time.

Chexter chuckled throughout their graveyard slot. There was belching (Dexter: "I can't stop burping garlic"), there was singing of Peter Andre tunes and there was also a little period where they addressed their issues with each other. But soon their delirium turned to slight annoyance as the twins took a while to take over from their shift. Sophie joined the grumpy pair for a while, at which point Jack began to worry about what the sunrise might bring. His main concern was wasps and other stingers.

"What time do bees get up in the morning?" he pondered, looking worried.

Sam and Gina took over again not long after as the sun rose higher in the sky. Gina's favourite word, "ridonkulous" was aired time and time again but she and Sam struggled through until Charlie and Dexter took over once more. When they were done, the twins took to the tree house to relieve them of their duties. And on it goes, with the rota turning over and leaving our housemates slightly bewildered, losing track of time, dressed in blue spandex and working for food.

Isn't it marvellous?




Tonight On Big Brother's Bit On The Side: 14th August 2013


Bit On The Side will kick into gear tonight after the main show, bringing you all the House news, exclusives and plenty of BB talk.

We'll be assisted this evening by a happy trio of brilliant BB minds. Bobby Cole Norris is back to give us his take on what's occurred in the past few days. Ex-housemate and TV presenting superstar Alison Hammond's coming along to give us some insight and, on top of that pair, we've got queen of television broadcasting, Nina Myskow along with her waspish wit and searing housemate understanding.

We're on from 11.10pm on Channel 5 and we do hope you'll join us.


 Big twist tonight... will it involve the prize money?

Big Brother 2013 eye logo new

Big Brother bosses have confirmed another big twist will take place in tonight’s show.


Following the latest round of Big Brother nomination resultsCharlie TraversDexter KohJack and Joeand Sam Evans were all put up for the axe.

It was the last round of nominations and the second time that housemates had to nominate live and face to face.


However, lines have still yet to open for viewers to evict one of the four.


Big Brother announced yesterday that a twist was in store, but did not go into detail, which has led to plenty of speculation.


With just days to go until the final, it’s possible that the new twist will involve the prize money, and will almost certainly involve the nominated housemates in some way.


Previous prize money twists have included seeing half of the ÂĢ100,000 pot being given away last series, in return for one housemate having to immediately forfeit their place in the house.


Big Brother has also been known to give out other cash prizes too, with two housemates sharing ÂĢ50,000 back in 2008 after a game of prisoner’s dilemma.


What do you think the twist will be? Should some of the prize money be given away?


Big Brother airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.


Read more:


Afternoon peeps 


Thanks for the updates MrsH 




Day 63: The Rescue Squad's shopping is held to ransom


2 hours ago



As if handling burning buildings wasn't enough, as if dealing with scorching lazer beams didn't almost finish them, now the Rescue Squad (our housemates in blue bodysuits) have a new situation on their hands.

Reports are coming in that some of the shopping is being held to ransom by a devilish villain! Handily, this criminal mastermind has left a series of clues for the Rescue Squad to follow. It's a treasure hunt, essentially, but this time the stakes are higher than an Easter Egg hunt or anything as childish as that.

The weekly shopping is on the line. Follow the trail well, housemates – your stomachs depend on it.

Last edited by Scotty

2.42pm: Uh oh. The Steam Roller task has arrived. Dexter and Joe are in the Sewer. Details to follow!


2.51pm: Jack and Joe are struggling in the Sewer - here's what's going down:



Day 63: Rescue Squad take on the Steam Roller


37 mins ago

Oh, good heavens! There's more trouble in store for Rescue Squad as this week's shopping task continues...

 A steam roller has entered the garden, gone out of control and the driver's jumped! What's more, he's also thrown a huge amount of shopping along the length of the road in the process.

When the traffic lights turn green, the steam roller will start driving along the road, crushing any shopping in its path.  An override lever which can turn this traffic light to red is located in the Sewer.

Two housemates are going to be handcuffed together to a matrix of pipes in the Sewer.  As the steam roller gradually destroys their shopping, this pair must navigate through the pipe matrix to reach the lever as quickly as possible. 

The faster they go, the quicker they'll be able to turn the lights red again to stop the steam roller - and the more of their delicious shopping they'll save.

This is an important one – so don't go falling flat, housemates.




3.05pm: Joe and Dexter are looking slightly bedraggled after their time in the Sewer. All HMs are in the living area.


3.09pm: results are in! HMs have saved a lot of shopping and scored some bonus "luxury treats." The relief's palpable.


3.10pm: Correction to previous tweet - it was of course Dexter and Joe who took on the Steam Roller task. Oops.


(2.51 tweet)



Day 63: The Biggest Twist Yet


1 hour ago

Housemates may currently have their hands full as they wrestle with the all-action Rescue Squad task for this week's shopping budget. But they may need to brace themselves – and you might need to too.

We've heard secrets this series and we've also been told some lies - but we're about to see the biggest secret so far unveiled and one heck of a porker uncovered at the same time!

We'll let you in on the basics. A big twist is coming later today. This one will dramatically change the outcome of the entire series. It may well affect the prize fund. It may also make some of the housemates very happy and it might also make others very sad. Whatever happens, it will certainly change the dynamic in the House from today, right up until the final.

We'd love to tell you more, but we can't give away all our secrets too early. We'll have all the action exclusively on the website, so keep tabs on the site, check Facebook and keep checking Twitter to keep up to speed with what's undoubtedly going to be this series' biggest twist so far!

Yellow Rose

I have said It on anther thread


ignorant me Hello on here thank you for all the work you put in wish I was able to help but I'm useless ,Its lovely to be able to catch up all thanks to you all xxxx


One question how do you get the video's on here any video ? I can manage a few thinks but that flummoxes me ...thanks again  to all 


must go feed the dogs bye xx




Thanks YR for your maiden update   

once you start you wont be able to stop 


thanks Scotty   will be back asap - popped out and locked meself out so am now running behind feeding the guys 


welcome to the thread frodo and thanks for your comments 


to post vids you need to go through the green icon right hand side of the smiley icon on the header at the top of the posting box- click on it and insert your link  in the File/URL line and then press insert 


hope this helps 


later peeps   dont forget highlight show at 9.00 tonight 


Hi and thanks frodo 


Don`t know techno terms but I hope this helps...         


1. Go to the video you want to post.

2. You`ll see www etc in your address bar. (top of your screen)

3. Copy that.

4. Come back here.

5. Click on the green film icon, right of this icon >> 

6. You`ll see file/URL

7. Paste what you`ve copied into that box.

8. Click "insert"

9. Click "submit reply" 

10. Done, hopefully 


Originally Posted by MrsH:



Thanks YR for your maiden update   

once you start you wont be able to stop 


thanks Scotty   will be back asap - popped out and locked meself out so am now running behind feeding the guys 


welcome to the thread frodo and thanks for your comments 


to post vids you need to go through the green icon right hand side of the smiley icon on the header at the top of the posting box- click on it and insert your link  in the File/URL line and then press insert 


hope this helps 


later peeps   dont forget highlight show at 9.00 tonight 

Lol Mrs H. that was an easy one as it was just c&p from Ch5 I don't know where they post the vids at Thanks to you, Scotty and anyone I may have missed for keeping this thread going

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I see they've won a make over  I don't get why they've started doing this



they have always had something the last week or day even

 pamper hampers/hairstylists in recent years 

I meant they didn't do it years ago and I don't see why they started it, they should come out looking rough 


6:35pm: Uh ohhh! Crowd noise is being piped into the House! The HMs are suspicious and worried.


6.52pm: The housemates are lining up in the bedroom ready for tonight's twist.



6.56pm: The four nominated housemates are standing behind podiums in the living room..



Day 63: The Big Pay Off

3 mins ago

The big twist is upon us!

Our four nominated housemates have been told that they're about to face a very, very important dilemma.

Big Brother is prepared to pay off our remaining HMs in cold, hard cash to leave the show tonight. The question is, what's the lowest amount of money they'll be willing to take in order to leave the process?

One by one, in a random order chosen by the housemates, the four evictees will come to the small task room. Inside they'll be faced with a dramatically lit wall of figures. The wall will be covered in removable boards, each with a different amount of money written on it - ranging from a quid to ÂĢ100,000. The four evictees must each choose the lowest amount they'd be prepared to take in order to clear off this very evening.

Housemates are going to have to think about how much money they want to receive, how much they think others will take and, even more than that, how much they want to stay to the final. The lower they go, the more likely they are to win, but the less money they'll leave with and their BB experience will end rather abruptly.

Each of our four nominated housemates will then place their chosen cash-piles inside a briefcase before being gathered in the living area where they'll stand behind a podium. One by one, they'll open their briefcases to reveal the amount of money they've chosen.

How low can you go housemates... and when you said you wanted to make it to the final, exactly how much did you mean it? 



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