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I'm so sorry to read here that Erin has possibly left for reasons I don't understand, and sorry to see that Mrs H is having some family problems. Mrs H, for me family comes comes first, I have so few left but to me they are so precious and I'd defend them against anyone - unless they were treating someone else badly  - but I've never experienced that. just the reverse. Take care of you and your loved ones, they're our precious gift

Yellow Rose

Week 8 round-up: friends and family nominations change everything

11 mins ago

Sam awoke the housemates on Day 54 by chatting about James Corden in his sleep, and the housemates launched into another week in the Big Brother House.  It was a nice calm day, all told, with a little secret task for Sophie, and some storytelling to boot. Then things took a turn for the gnarly, as Big Brother announced friends and family nominations.

Friends and family noms always do a pretty good job of shaking things up, and this was no exception. Charlie's friend put the boot in and nominated Charlie's in-House BFF Hazel, and all hell broke loose in the form of arguments, broken friendships and unlikely alliances.

On Day 55 Hazel and Charlie patched things up, after a fashion, but it still wasn't plain sailing. As if to alleviate pressure, Big Brother set Hazel and Jack a task that saw them commentating the action in the House, unaware that their housemates could hear every word.

The fall-out from nominations rumbled on, with Dexter offering his opinion and Gina switching sides.

Day 56 brought the shopping task, which saw the housemates all dress up like busy bees and bow to theirQueen Bee Gina. The task wasn't as sweet as some might expect, with some grumbles and shocks along the way. Gina was given the chance to chat to her boyfriend, and he imparted some interesting wisdom in their chat.

As Day 57 dawned, it brought with it even more bee-autiful task events, including some Irish jigging and some sticky honesty.


Suddenly it was Friday, and that could mean only one thing: Day 58 was eviction day. The day started off with a bit of ablow-drying blow-up between Hazel and Gina, which was a bit hashtag awkward. Nominated housemates Dexter, Sophie, Charlie, Hazel and Jack and Joe faced the public vote and in the end it was Irish model Hazel biting the dust.

With Hazel's departure, the House was suddenly a lot less glam, but also seemed a bit more relaxed. The housemates let their hair down and Sam and Gina seemed to revisit their friendship, which had been a bit neglected of late.

Though Day 59 started off quite chilled out, the housemates were soon surprised by a task that featured the voice of Marcus Bentley being piped into the House, telling them what to do all day long. They dancedthey threw flour and they had a pillow fight, and Charlie and Dexter even had a little kiss. Because they'd been such good sports, they were rewarded with a delicious barbecue, provided by the lovely Levi Roots.

And that brings us to Day 60, a day that started off like most Sundays, with conversation and a bit of cross-dressing tomfoolery, but soon saw the housemates told they must make a big decision. They were told they had a pass to the final, and that they must unanimously decide who got to claim it. They deliberated for quite some time, and the result might surprise you...




just popping in to say well done to all that pop stuff in here and thanks


Did have a query tho. . it's to do with all the youtube vids posted in here and on the main part . .I can't click and watch in the thread, they all say embedding disabled by youtube and you have to go thru to their main page to watch it so it opens in a new tab. . is it just me? 


I've stopped bothering to click em now cos I can't watch them on here anyway so I go to Channel 5 and watch them there... but thanks for putting them up, at least it alerts me to new ones available on the C5 page..   . bit late in the series now but just wondered if it was only me that had that problem and only just remembered to ask..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

just popping in to say well done to all that pop stuff in here and thanks


Did have a query tho. . it's to do with all the youtube vids posted in here and on the main part . .I can't click and watch in the thread, they all say embedding disabled by youtube and you have to go thru to their main page to watch it so it opens in a new tab. . is it just me? 



No not just you  they are only available for a short time before you have to go through to u tube 


Tonight on big Brother's Bit on the Side: Monday August 12th

2 hours ago

AJ and Rylan have a super duper show planned for tonight.

They've got Celebrity Big Brother legends Tricia Penrose and Neil 'Razor' Ruddock on the panel.  And BB2012's Shievonne Robinson will be "on it like a car bonnet!"

If that's not enough, Dr Pam Spurr will be taking a closer look at the remaining housemates.

Tune into Channel 5 at 11pm. You won't want to miss it.


Big Brother's Big Makeover: Week 4

40 mins ago

How does the prospect of spending your Saturday afternoon with Emma Willis, a professional make-up artist and a former housemate sound?

Pretty damn awesome, right?! 

Well, thanks to AQUAFRESHÂŪ HIGH DEFINITIONâ„Ē WHITE, you can do exactly that, as we need some Big Brother super fans to hang out with the team during Big Brother's Big Makeover, which will be taking place at 1.15pm on Saturday 17th August. 

To be in with a chance of featuring as a guest on this unique web show, all you'll need is to be 18+, have a Google account, a webcam of some variety and a load of brilliant questions ready to fire at our former housemates about anything and everything you want. 

You can register your interest by emailing us at and telling us why you think you deserve the chance to be involved and who your favourite housemate from this series is, along with your telephone number and Google email address (in case it isn't the same as the one you've emailed us from). By participating, you agree to appear on the Big Brother website, YouTube channel and Google+ pages.

If you're not lucky enough to be chosen this week, don't worry because you can still get your questions and comments for the show in on Twitter using #BBMakeover.

 Watch Wolfy's makeover:

 Watch Jackie's makeover:


 Watch Callum's makeover:


Originally Posted by MrsH:

Thanks Ladies for the posts   


I will try and keep the last week going but cant be here anywhere as often as I was for a few days - simply I am piggy in the middle of a  breakup between my Lad and his girlfriend who lived here   - once I have disposed of her and her verbal attacks  every time she comes to collect more belongings my head will be in a better place 

Sorry to hear this 

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

just popping in to say well done to all that pop stuff in here and thanks


Did have a query tho. . it's to do with all the youtube vids posted in here and on the main part . .I can't click and watch in the thread, they all say embedding disabled by youtube and you have to go thru to their main page to watch it so it opens in a new tab. . is it just me? 


I've stopped bothering to click em now cos I can't watch them on here anyway so I go to Channel 5 and watch them there... but thanks for putting them up, at least it alerts me to new ones available on the C5 page..   . bit late in the series now but just wondered if it was only me that had that problem and only just remembered to ask..

Mines the other way round, I can't watch on the CH5 site but I can on YouTube, I think my problem is with my kindle not the site 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

just popping in to say well done to all that pop stuff in here and thanks


Did have a query tho. . it's to do with all the youtube vids posted in here and on the main part . .I can't click and watch in the thread, they all say embedding disabled by youtube and you have to go thru to their main page to watch it so it opens in a new tab. . is it just me? 



No not just you  they are only available for a short time before you have to go through to u tube 

ah cheers... I thought it was me and the other problems my browser set up causes with Gaga too..



Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

just popping in to say well done to all that pop stuff in here and thanks


Did have a query tho. . it's to do with all the youtube vids posted in here and on the main part . .I can't click and watch in the thread, they all say embedding disabled by youtube and you have to go thru to their main page to watch it so it opens in a new tab. . is it just me? 



No not just you  they are only available for a short time before you have to go through to u tube 

ah cheers... I thought it was me and the other problems my browser set up causes with Gaga too..



Olly, I can only watch the vids on utube so thank goodness they're posted there. And I can only watch LF on another channel, Ch5 doesn't like my pc LOL

Yellow Rose

Day 61: The housemates are having a laugh

2 hours ago

With just a week to go you'd be forgiven for thinking our remaining six housemates would be pulling out all the stops to entertain their viewing public.

Not this bunch. They have taken a different tack.

The housemates have been attempting to stay under the radar – they think we haven't noticed but we have.

Jack and Joe gave the game away today while tucking into a jar of chocolate spread in the bedroom.

"I'd rather not talk," Joe said. "Then I'm not risking anything."

With Hazel gone Gina has been remarkably well behaved, Charlie and Dexter have been quietly cosying up and Sophie has been diligently doing everyone's hair. Without his wingman Callum, Sam has been wandering around like a little lost soul.

Have they forgotten they have just seven days left to  convince viewers that they deserve to win? Fools.

Fear not.  All this is about to change.  Big Brother is not going to let the gang get away with playing the waiting game.

First up Sam is going to perform. Tonight the wit from Wales will be putting on a stand-up show for the House.

We can't wait! 


Day 61: Sam's Lol-Fest task

1 hour ago

Strap yourselves the housemates are in for a lol-lercoaster ride! That's what they think anyway...

Sam was called to the Diary Room and told he will be putting on a hilarious stand-up show for the housemates. What a hoot right? Wrong. This is secrets and lies.

He has to tell terrible jokes (shouldn't be too much of a struggle). The fewer laughs he gets, the better his reward will be.

The housemates will think he is doing a genuine show. Will they be polite and chuckle or will his performance be met by tumble weeds?

Sam's prize will be the ingredients to make chocolate cookies.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

just popping in to say well done to all that pop stuff in here and thanks


Did have a query tho. . it's to do with all the youtube vids posted in here and on the main part . .I can't click and watch in the thread, they all say embedding disabled by youtube and you have to go thru to their main page to watch it so it opens in a new tab. . is it just me? 


I've stopped bothering to click em now cos I can't watch them on here anyway so I go to Channel 5 and watch them there... but thanks for putting them up, at least it alerts me to new ones available on the C5 page..   . bit late in the series now but just wondered if it was only me that had that problem and only just remembered to ask..

If you click on the words 'Watch on You Tube' you are automatically taken to you tube and the clip is ready to play.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 61: Let's face-to-face the final nominations

40 mins ago

Last week's friends and family nominations took the pressure off the housemates in some ways (admittedly, not many ways, but at least they didn't have to think up reasons...), but this week, for the last round of noms before the final, housemates had to do the process face-to -face. Eek!

Some of the nominations were a no-brainer, with Jack and Joe saying "no point ruining the habit of a lifetime" as they nominated Dexter once more. Sam quipped "it's obvious" before nominating Sophie, saying she'd ben disrespectful of him in the past. Sophie's nomination of Dexter seemed like a safe bet, too, but she voiced regret afterward, saying "I really do like him...!"

Coming out of the left field were Gina and Charlie's nominations for...each other! We didn't see that on the cards. Charlie reasoned that she was nominating Gina because it would be fairer that way, as she would probably not get many nominations. Gina, remarking "I'm glad that you did me!" called Charlie's name, saying she just gets on with the other housemates better. We wonder how this will affect their on-off alliance in coming days...

Dexter is doing pretty well, considering he's facing the gallows yet again. While Sophie apologised profusely, Gina remarked "Dexter would have been up irregardless... irregardless!" Er, Gina...that's not a word.

So, up for the final eviction are DexterCharlieSam andJack and Joe. Will Dexter survive his eighth eviction? Will Jack and Joe laugh their way to the Final? Will Charlie's deep philosophising win her fans? Will Sam harness the voting power of the Welsh bloc? Well, you'll have to join us on Friday to find out...





Day 61 round-up: The final nominations rock the boat

1 hour ago

Day 61 saw Big Brother drop their final nom bomb of the series, in the form a good ol' fashioned face-to-face showdown. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here, we've got a whole day to fill you in with first...

The day kicked off to a noisy start, with Big Brother sounding an alarming wake up call to rouse the sleepy seven. However, despite their rude awakening, the housemates faced the day in a rather cheery mood. Conversations stayed light, with Gina envisioning her perfect task, which not surprisingly included lots of bling, while Charlie and Dexter had fun comparing the House to a zoo. Each to one's own.

In the afternoon, the housemates were treated to a lolfestcourtesy of Sam. The Welshman intended to get a stony reaction from the group, but unfortunately his quick wit prevailed, costing him a treat in the process. And in other news, Chexter had a palm reading moment. Those guys... 

But the big news of the day, was of course, the aforementioned face-to-face nominations, which saw Dexter, Sam, Charlie and Jack and Joe earn the most nominations and therefore face eviction this Friday. The initial reaction to the evening's events was quite blasÃĐ, but as we know from previous weeks, nominations usually have a way of ruffling a few feathers.

How will they feel after sleeping on the news? You'll have to stick with us to find out.


Tonight On Big Brother's Bit On The Side: 13th August 2013

1 hour ago

Have we got a show for you tonight?!

Yes we have.

Some prime guests will be here, ripe for chewing the fat over all the House action with the final fast approaching.

Stunning Sugababe Amelle Berrabah's coming along to provide her take on all that's gone on in those four walls. Comedian and friend of the show, Helen Lederer's along to tell us what's what. Ex-Celebrity housemate and all round stirrer John McCririck's coming to the studio to give us some panto-style larks and, as if that wasn't enough, ex-HM Jay McKray's coming along too!

11pm on Channel 5 is where you need to be, so we'll see you there.


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