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Day 59: Levi Roots pops by for a BB BBQ

1 hour ago

Your eyes are not deceiving you: that really is the Reggae Reggae sauce entrepreneur hanging out in the Big Brother garden with our lovely housemates. As a reward for passing today's Do As You're Told task, the housemates were treated to a barbecue and cookery lessons from Mr Roots himself.

Understandably the housemates were very excited to meet the man who makes that tasty sauce, with Gina totally losing her usual cooler-than-a-cucumber manner to enthuse about how very, very exciting the whole thing was. As she later sighed "I feel like I'm dreaming!" and giggled at Levi's jokes, we had to wonder whether Ms Rio has a little bit of a crush on Mr Roots...

While Gina managed to have nice grown up conversations with Levi, some of the other housemates appeared to adopt him as a kind of father figure. The twins descended on him to discuss their futures, and whether or not they should go to university, and Sam took the chance to discuss football with the big man. Bless 'em.

Dexter and Levi took a moment to talk about the importance of being humble. They both agreed that it is very important indeed.

No BBQ is complete without food, and he oversaw Sophie's excellent efforts with chicken and pineapple skewers and taught Charlie and Sam how to stuff a banana. And of course, music is the food of love, and Levi serenaded the housemates with the help of his trusty guitar.

What a lovely way to spend a summery Saturday, huh?



Sam and Charlie, just stuffing a banana...



As they were taught by Levi Roots himself!



Nice umbrellas, Travers



Despite this odd face Dex is pulling, these two got on like a house on fire



Everyone's very happy to see Levi, and the food. But mostly Levi



Gina loved Levi





Day 59 round-up: a raucous task and a BB BBQ

1 hour ago

As the sun rose on Day 59, the House was one housemate short, having lost Hazel to the public vote in the seventh live eviction.

Big Brother decided to take the housemates' minds off Hazel's departure, and Marcus Bentley was more than happy to help out by lending his voice to a hilarious task. The task saw dancing, a food fight, a pillow fight and the very first Chexter kiss. Mwah!

Because the housemates had been such good sports and done as they were told for the task, they got a very special surprise treat. The one and only Levi Roots came into the House to give them a delicious BBQ, along with cooking lessons and a little bit of limbo. Top notch.

Perhaps their kiss earlier in the day had something to do with it, but Charlie and Dexter spent a long time deep in conversation. It seems Dexter has a secret for Charlie. It's very secret, though. This conversation was briefly forgotten when the housemates had a lovely dance later on. They got some serious moves.



Today on Rylan's Supersized Celebrity Sunday: 11th August

18 mins ago

It's almost Sunday lunchtime and we all know what that means.


Aside from potatoes, gravy and a lovely roast, it means it's that time of the week where we dish up Rylan's Supersized Celebrity Sunday.


It's on at 12.30 on Channel 5, and we've quite the line-up!


X Factor winner, Joe McElderry's coming into the studio to offer his own reality TV experience and insight. TOWIE favourite Bobby Cole Norris is bringing his opinions down to the studio to share with us all. Freshly evicted and sharp-as-a-tack ex-housemate Hazel O'Sullivan's coming back for all the fun and games and, as if that's not enough, the beautiful Tich is coming along to play us out with her latest fabulous tune.




See you there, people. Don't forget the gravy.


Day 60: Sophie and her Aggy Adjectives

15 mins ago

Big Brother 's noticed that Sophie's not always in the best of moods.

Big Brother also thinks that Sophie might be able to use her bad moods to her own advantage more.

Called to the Diary Room earlier this afternoon, Sophie was asked to list as many terms for "grumpy" as she could come up with. For every term that she correctly gave, she'd be rewarded with a treat to sweeten her mood.

If she didn't manage it to BB's satisfaction, she'd have to lose her favourite lounging item – her dressing gown.

In the event, Sophie managed 26 whole terms for "getting the 'ump". Here's what they were:

1.          Moany

2.          Got The Hump

3.          Whingey

4.          Unhappy

5.          Agg-ed

6.          P*ssed Off

7.          Agitated

8.          Miserable

9.          Scotes Mooey (Sophie’s Dad calls her this)

10.          Annoyed

11.          Lairy

12.          Knickers In A Twist

13.          Bulldog Chewing A Wasp

14.          You Look Like A Monkey

15.          Grate On Me

16.          Bugging Me Out

17.          Pushing Me Over The Edge

18.          Knocking Me Up The Wrong Way

19.          Treading In Deep Water

20.          Pushing The Wrong Buttons

21.          Raving Mad

22.          Boiling Up

23.          Flipping Out

24.          Running Up The Walls

25.          Fuming

26.          Frowny

So that's 26 sweet treats for Sophie to enjoy and, most importantly, she gets to hold on to that dressing gown. What a result!

Last edited by Former Member

Day 60: The many faces of free pass decision-making

2 hours ago

Today Big Brother decided to shake things up by offering the housemates a free pass to the final. But of course, there was a catch: the free pass was only for one lucky housemate, and would only be rewarded in the event of a unanimous decision being made.

The housemates had a cracking back and forth, where they all had to explain why they deserved the pass, and then have their pros and cons discussed by their fellow housemates. Unsurprisingly, there was a lot of dissent in the ranks.

Tactics varied, from Dexter saying that the House had made a man of him, to the twins saying they were having loads of lovely fun, to Charlie starting her plea off with "I don't necessarily know if I should be given a pass to the final..."

But who got that coveted free pass? You'll find out soon, don't worry. Watch this space...


Thanks Ladies for the posts   


I will try and keep the last week going but cant be here anywhere as often as I was for a few days - simply I am piggy in the middle of a  breakup between my Lad and his girlfriend who lived here   - once I have disposed of her and her verbal attacks  every time she comes to collect more belongings my head will be in a better place 


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