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Day 58: Charlie'schats bring great rewards

2 hours ago

She spent a large chunk of the afternoon chatting with her housemates at Big Brother's command. Unknown to them, Charlie Travers was carrying out a secret mission in which she was expected to harvest four profound answers to some extremely heavy philosophical conundrums from her fellow housemates.

Luckily for her and the other ladies in the House, she did just that – and won a hamper full of beauty treatments for her troubles.

Over the course of her chinwags, Charlie spoke with Hazel about the possibility of intelligent life out there in the cosmos. Both decided that there probably definitely was. And that's science.

She spoke about that old conundrum – does a tree falling in an uninhabited forest make a sound? – and she decided, with the help of the twins, it probably does (in your face, SchrÃķdinger!).

She and Gina reckoned that we shape our own destiny – but it was Dexter who really blew her away with his philosophy on the meaning of life. "Leave your trademark... and procreate".

Now THAT'S deep thinkin'.



Last edited by MrsH

Day 58: Hazel has been evicted from the Big Brother House


Our Irish model Hazel has been evicted from the Big Brother House!

Finding herself embroiled in a four way eviction battle with Charlie, Dexter, Jack and Joe and following a slightly turbulent time in the House, Hazel lost out in the public vote and is the sixth housemate to be evicted.

Hazel made an incredibly strong start to her BB experience, stealing hearts not only with her incredible looks but also with her sharp wit. Even when hectored by Dexter's slightly bizarre chat up routines (who can forget "Are those your real eyes?" and later his dubbing her "vanilla"), she managed to waltz through the opening couple of weeks forging friendships with pretty much everyone.

But it was her burgeoning friendship with Daley which struck a bit of a blow when it came to her chances of progressing. With Daley already attached, every move Hazel made in his vicinity – especially those emphasising her interest in the boxer – counted against her in the eyes of a slightly irritated public. Things came to a head, and Daley was ejected from the show.

Later on in her stay, Hazel found herself on the receiving end of some bad reports from Friends and Family. Defensive, she highlighted what had been said about Charlie and then all kinds of trouble kicked off. The next week saw her at war with Gina, the two of them giving us TV gold as they grappled with hairdryers in the bedroom. Those two were never going to get on from the moment Gina saw Hazel's VT in which she called herself "evil inside". Still, at least she and Charlie made up before she left.

Let's not remember Hazel for all that business. She'll go down in BB history as a glamour girl with a brain, a strong minded individual who could handle getting sprayed with gunk for a task and also as the brave rebuffer of Dexter's advances.

Have fun out there Hazel – we've a feeling you're going to enjoy the attention.


 Day 58: Does Hazel's eviction spell a Gam reunion?


They've had a few nice little chats over the past few weeks, but the pairing we like to refer to as 'Gam' (OK, we admit it needs work) have drifted apart recently. Well, you know, Gina's been busy sniping with her nemesis Hazel, after all.

But this evening, after the dust settled from Hazel's eviction, Gam got chatty in the garden.

Gina was quick to admit that Hazel's eviction put her in good spirits, saying "I was like...'YES!'" to which Sam responded "I thought you were gonna go flying! Whooooosh!" which is a nice way of saying that Gina openly showed her joy in front of Hazel. "Hmmm, it's been a good night" said Gina brightly.

Talk then turned to life after Big Brother. That's right, they're reverting to that BB classic and making plans to hang out when all this is over. Gina was musing which of her mates she might bring to post-final parties, and Sam had similar concerns. He was worried about which of his friends to bring to "meet the likes of you girls." Do they not have ladies like Gina, Charlie, Hazel and Sophie in the Valleys, Sam?

So, now that Gina isn't being distracted by the presence of her nemesis, will she turn to Sam for a bit of friend-tastic bonding? We sure hope so; we like Gam.


Day 58: Life after Hazel

36 mins ago

"Oh my God we are going to experience the final week of big Brother 2013!" squealed Charlie. You are indeed Charlie, Dexter, Gina, Jack and Joe, Sam and Sophie – unless Big Brother has another twist planned.

But what about your on/off BFF? Hazel has left the House and typically housemates dedicated a few moments to remembering the housemate that was Hazel O'Sullivan. Long time rival Gina couldn't contain herself: "I'm so happy. Thank you public," she purred. Other housemates were more sensitive, with Joe musing "I miss her already..."

Charlie pointed out that this means there are now three girls and three boys (well, actually, four, seeing as the twins are actually two people) left. While her counting skills were a little lacklustre, she's right to point it out: this means that at this point, we've an equal chance of a queen or king of Big Brother 2013.

Sartorial chat has already started, with Charlie saying "I really want to go out in rocky boots next week" and Joe saying "innit funny how quick we all get unchanged?" pointing out how quickly the housemates shrug out of their finery following evictions.

Of course, these housemates are well-trained by Big Brother's incessant secrets and lies, with Sam mumbling "there's gotta be a twist..."

Well, Sam, you're right. The housemates will do their final nominations on Monday and, because last week's friends and family nombomb wasn't incendiary enough, they'll be doing it face to face.


Tonight, Hazel was the seventh housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother house of 2013.

Hazel left the house to unanimous boos from the live audience. She later told host Emma Willis that “I saw a few cheersâ€Ķyou have to take the good with the bad” Hazel went onto say:”Not everyone gets to go in the Big Brotherâ€Ķit’s bittersweetâ€ĶI didn’t think I would last two months.”

Emma asked Hazel about her competitive nature “You can never say you don’t want to winâ€ĶI was saved a few timesâ€Ķin a nice twist of fateâ€Ķbut I am glad I lasted.”

After touching on the Daley situation, Hazel was shown a montage of their time together in the house. Hazel told Emma that “for the 1st two weeks we didn’t speakâ€Ķhe told me that when he went in the house they were not actually together; he was saying that he had a girlfriend so that when he got out she might want to be with him”.

On the negative reaction about her flirting with Daley:
“I was given mixed signals and mixed messagesâ€Ķnaturally relationships developâ€Ķmost of the blame is with me because I am a girl.”

Hazel said that when she went in the house she thought Daley was a good looking guy. “I did (like him)â€Ķbut there was no kiss, no sex, no romp in the pool.” Hazel admitted that it got out of hand in the safe house. Both her and Daley were uncomfortable about being in the safe house together alone and that it was not her choice to be in there. “They voted me in there.”

Emma was running out of time and touched briefly on Hazel and Gina’s relationship.

“We were both strong womenâ€ĶI gave her a chance at the beginning but she turned nastyâ€Ķits all money, money, money with her.”

“She kept making sly comments such as ‘I don’t want cellulite so I am not going to eat the chocolate spread Hazel.”

After Hazel’s interview Emma announced to an excitable crowd that on Monday night there will be live face to face nominations.

Plus the housemates are getting a treat tomorrow night (Saturday) with Levi Roots coming in to the house to barbecue with them. Levi will help the housemates prepare food in the garden then oversee them grilling the food at the barbecue. The garden will be dressed up for a beach barbecue style party.

Read more:


Day 58 round-up: Hazel's final day in the big Brother House

59 mins ago

It was the day we lost another excellent housemate as Big Brother fans voted to boot Hazel out of the House. But before then, there was some serious talking to be done.

Hazel and Gina had a blow up while blow drying but deep and meaningful chat was the order of the day and what better housemate to take up the challenge than Charlie. It was a task made for Travers and Charlie scored a proper treat for the ladies of the House.

Housemates found a new conspiracy theory to top all previous conspiracy theories. A second set of housemates. Really.

And then it was time for our nominated five to dig out their best togs and dress for an eviction.

Three housemates earned an early breather as Dexter, Jack and Joe and Sophie learned they had racked up the least votes. With Hazel and Charlie in the frame things got pretty tense before Hazel became the seventh housemate to be evicted. She made a dignified exitleaving the House dynamic forever altered.

Gina didn't even try to hide her glee but other housemates did spend minutes missing Hazel before they were back to worrying about their own futures.

Big Brother opened up the pool much to the delight of Jack and Joe and amand before long Sophie, Dexter and Charlie were taking a dip too. Even Gina donned a bikini.

With days to go until the big heave-ho we can't wait to see how today plays out.


Tonight On Big Brother's Bit On The Psych: 10th August 2013


Everybody ready for some perceptive housemate observation? Us too!

That's why Bit On The Psych today's packed with insight with guests who are prepped to look deeply into all the behavioural peculiarities of the past week. Dr. Funke's going to be in the studio with her wise perspective and shrewd understanding. Kate Marlow's along with her always mind-blowing HM analysis. And we'll also have the freshly evicted Hazel along to offer her take.

Iain Lee will join our glorious host AJ Odudu for all the intelligent fun and games so join us after the main show – Channel 5 at 11pm.


Day 59: The 'Do as you're told' task

4 hours ago

They may be on a bit of a high after four housemates survived last night's eviction, but BB just shocked the housemates as the booming voice of legendary Big Brother voiceover genius Marcus Bentley piped into the House.

He's going to be narrating all the House action today in the same style as he would in the nightly show. This time however he's going to be doing his job from a booth, holding a microphone which he'll use to commentate on the events around him.

All of his commentary will be broadcast throughout the House. This time, instead of watching the action and commenting on what he sees, his voice will be scripting the action, setting up scenes and situations for the housemates to follow at his whim.

Whether he wants to create tension, conjure up some awkward scenarios or funny moments, Marcus has the power. Housemates must do as they're told. Any time they hear commentary which refers to them, housemates must do exactly what that commentary describes.

If our obedient housemates do as they’re told and quickly follow all instructions, they'll successfully pass the task (yay!). If any individual housemate refuses to follow the commentary at any point, they will fail the task for everyone (boo!)

A pass will win the housemates an exceedingly special Caribbean BBQ party. They're not going to want to miss out on this one. Trust us.


Hazel O'Sullivan: Day 1 in the outside world

20 mins ago

She had a stormy stay in the House and an interesting reception when she left, but Hazel's in fine spirits less than 24 hours after being evicted from her Big Brother experience. We grabbed ten minutes with our Irish model to see how she's finding her freedom...

"The past 24 hours have been an absolute whirlwind! I went to bed this morning at five past seven and I woke up at... half past seven. I haven't slept at all so I'm literally on overdrive but today's been fun. I've had interviews all morning, I've had a two hour shoot. I'm ready to do Bit On The Side. But tonight I'm going to get a good night's sleep!

But it's been fine. I had it built up in my mind to be absolutely nightmarish. I thought I was going to get tomatoes thrown at me - got totally carried away with it - and then when I came out it was just... You know – I've had worse in my life."

The crowd in Borehamwood – their bark's worse than their bite. But has Hazel had time to check her Twitter or log in to Facebook?

"I went on Twitter and I've got a lot of positive feedback from girls supporting me – and guys as well – but it's really flattering to have girls saying that I was strong, resilient, intelligent. To get compliments from women is the highest form of flattery for me. To hear so much positivity when I'd built it all up to be negative, it made me think that two months in this whole thing, it's not so bad. You've got to roll with the punches."

So those boos didn't rattle her too much?


"I heard the boos and chanting week on week but then I got saved and saved again and I realised that the crowd is a very small group of people. In reality they're out there to see a crash and a shrivelled flower. I wasn't about to do that as it's not my personality. I'd been resilient through the show and hadn't broken down so I wasn't about to do that when I left.

Was the pressure of the House getting to Hazel or did she feel she'd been herself throughout?

"I was always myself going in but I had a lot more tolerance when I arrived. You could walk away from situations if you needed to do so. As it whittled down it became more stressful. You thought it might get easier but it absolutely didn't. The same people, the same conversations – your mind gets a bit warped. That's when eruptions start to blow up."

And those eruptions make great telly. What about her housemates – was she already missing any of them?

"I miss the twins! I don't miss the House – I was mentally prepared to go and I'd given it a good shot. Two months is nothing to turn your nose up at. The twins I miss so much but I'm happy that I'll get to see them in a week's time. I really want the twins to win it. I just think they're the most adorable boys. There's no badness in them whatsoever, no maliciousness, no games. Just the sweetest boys, like the little brothers I never had. I think they're very deserving winners if people look a little more closely."

Hazel clearly bonded with the twins but what about the one that got away – her BFF in the House, Dan?

"My other winner would have been Dan, one HUNDRED percent. I caught up with him last night. I spoke to him as soon as I'd finished Bit On The Side. I had a phone passed to me, was told I had a surprise and then I heard Dan!

I was devastated when Dan left. That was the night I was really prepared to go - after the gunge and the snake suit. To end up being saved by the twist and see your best friend leave. That was devastating. He's just an amazing guy. I hope he does really well. Actually, I know he will."


Indeed he will... and we've a feeling things are going to go pretty well for Hazel too.




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