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 Day 57: Are Hazel and Charlie burying the hatchet?


Fickle isn't a word we bandy around lightly but what the flip? Charlie and Hazel have been bonding in the living room.

After vowing never to talk to her new found nemesis again, Charlie has been talking to her for blooming ages.

Hazel and Charlie both decided they had been a bit paranoid – living on top of each other will do that too a housemate.

Hazel said: "I had it planned I was leaving on Friday and would be looking for a place (that fantasy central London pad they've been dreaming of) and going on holiday with you."

Charlie said: "I was convinced you were up there saying something completely different. I didn't want to feel like an idiot to the world." No one wants to do that.

Hazel had more bombshells for Charlie who admitted earlier in the pow wow that she could be, "a bit gullible."

"If you saw what she said about you when I'd been sat down with her you wouldn't be talking to her," Hazel said. "If you see how loyal I've been to you in the Diary Room " Unfortunately Charlie is going to have to wait a while to see these things. Unless she goes out in tomorrow night's eviction...

Meanwhile in the garden Gina has been giving Hazel's character a proper assassination. The garden sure is a great place for dissing your fellow housemate. There's no love lost between that pair. And earlier Miss Rio had revealed she was bored of Charlie.

We can't keep up. Is Charlie and Hazel's flat share back on? Does Gina like anyone? Is it time for Charlie to take Gina to the tree house for one of her epic putting the world to rights sessions? We have no idea. You'll have to keep an eye on the website for the next instalment in this saga.


Day 57 round-up: Stinging remarks and bad bee-haviour

1 hour ago

The hive, sorry, House awoke to a second day of the Busy Bee task.

Faced with Gina's continued reign, Hazel had a bee in her bonnet and staged a mutiny. The Queen Bee put her foot down Gina style.

Relations were certainly strained. There was a bee-trayal from Gina who decided she hadhad enough of bestie Charlie.

The Busy Bees task reached a climax with the Queen Bee buzzing over her success in the final challenge.  There was a sticking point – the housemates were penalised for Hazel's removal of her shock pads and lost ÂĢ100. A mighty tiff followed which proved to be something of a buzz kill. The twins found themselves with a few questions for Hazel.

Charlie and Hazel laid some ghosts to rest in typical Travers style. That's right with a mammoth heart to heart. We've trimmed the fat for you.

The workers bee-at an early path to bed. Tomorrow is eviction day after all and housemates needed their bee-auty sleep. Who will buzz off tomorrow night? It's in your hands.  



Tonight On Big Brother's Bit On The Side: Friday 9th August


Crack out the bunting – it's eviction night!

Eviction nights are special occasions, so we're rolling out the big guns tonight, firing out all their wisdom from the comfort of the panel.

We've got TV legend Terry Christian under the studio lights, giving us his word on the House hustle and bustle. Broadcasting royalty, Nina Myskow's coming along with more of her acerbic insight (this one doesn't hold back). On top of that, we've got evictee number six, Callum Knell on the show to welcome the latest ejected housemate back to the real world. And finally, of course, we've got tonight's evictee – the seventh of the series – whoever that may be.


Join us at 10.30 on Channel 5, right after the main show.


Day 58: Chats With Charlie - task time!

54 mins ago

We've a Travers-shaped task on our hands this afternoon as Charlie will take centre-stage in Chats With Charlie. This one's going to put her "deep" personality and analytical mind to optimum use. She'll be pondering the big questions in life with her housemates – and we all know they're more than capable of pondering deep thought.

Big Brother will call Charlie to the Diary Room where a secret mission will be set to perfectly make use of her "deep" personality. She'll be given four deep and meaningful questions (such as: "what's the meaning of life") in the Diary Room. She'll be told that she has an hour to discuss and come up with an answer to one of the questions with each Housemate. After an hour on the mission, Charlie will be called to the Diary Room and asked to provide an answer to each question.

If Charlie answers to Big Brother’s satisfaction, she'll win a pamper kit for all the girls in the house. And if she doesn't?

They'll get zero. Zilch. Nada.


Day 58: Charlie's chats bring great rewards

26 mins ago

She spent a large chunk of the afternoon chatting with her housemates at Big Brother's command. Unknown to them, Charlie Travers was carrying out a secret mission in which she was expected to harvest four profound answers to some extremely heavy philosophical conundrums from her fellow housemates.

Luckily for her and the other ladies in the House, she did just that – and won a hamper full of beauty treatments for her troubles.

Over the course of her chinwags, Charlie spoke with Hazel about the possibility of intelligent life out there in the cosmos. Both decided that there probably definitely was. And that's science.

She spoke about that old conundrum – does a tree falling in an uninhabited forest make a sound? – and she decided, with the help of the twins, it probably does (in your face, SchrÃķdinger!).

She and Gina reckoned that we shape our own destiny – but it was Dexter who really blew her away with his philosophy on the meaning of life. "Leave your trademark... and procreate".

Now THAT'S deep thinkin'.


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