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Interview: Sallie picks her winner

47 mins ago

She's gone from the House but certainly not forgotten, so when Sallie Axl popped into the studio with a new tattoo on her face we grabbed her for a quick chat about the latest goings-on in the House, who should win, and who should be given the boot this weekend. Ever the professional she wasn't backward in coming forward...

So Sallie, first things first, what on Earth you been up to since you left the House?

"I've been DJing all over the world, I've been to Kosovo where everyone has velvet suits, I've been to Marbella which was wicked, I've been fire breathing, I've just done the Manchester tattoo convention... it's been pretty busy."

Sounds it. Even so do you wish you were still in there?

"No not now, I'd be going mad if I'd been in there for this long, but I'd have liked to have done a month."

Is there anyone in there who you didn't get on with but now you've warmed to?

"Dexter! A little bit anyway. We clashed when we were in there, but now I think he makes the show, so I don't want him to leave."

Have you been in touch with any of the other ex-housemates on the outside?

"A few of them yeah. Wolfy and me are still pals, we've been out a few times and I've stayed at her house, she's really lovely. I also bumped into Jackie on a train, and me and Dan have been out a couple of times. I don't want to see Jemima again though."

What did you make of this week's friends and family nominations?


"Oh I loved those! I wish my friends would have had a chance to do that it would have been amazing."

Who would they have nominated?

"Hazel because she's playing a game and she's really sly and manipulative, and Charlie just to stop her endless whinging."

Who would you like to see evicted on Friday?

"I think Hazel should go, but then again she does cause a little bit of drama so I kind of want to keep her in too, because otherwise it'll be like watching paint dry."

Okay, who would you like to win then?

"I think Sam will win, but I'd like Sophie to. She hasn't had enough air time but she's a really strong character, she's very influential in there and very decent and honest. Her boyfriend's a lucky guy and he should marry her straight away!"

Thanks Sallie. Would you go back in if they let you?

"Oh yeah, just to cause trouble."




Day 56: Has House harmony gone for good?


Only last week we were wondering why our housemates had not done the text book House divide. But with days to go, there is a growing split in the once united group.

The catalyst for this big bust up was friends and family nominations – it certainly left the House all shook up.

Now we are looking at a whole lot of bitching and shed load of self analysis.

Jack and Joe are firmly team Hazel and not just because they still can't believe they get to touch a model's hair in real-life. Their mum told them Charlie was speaking about them behind their backs and in their own words, "Mum's don't lie."

Charlie's army features Sam, Gina, Sophie and Dexter. Dexter has been typically slippery, offering advice to both camps but his crush on Charlie has meant he's gonna stick with the girl. The other ladies have done a total 360 since the night of the showdown where they soaked up Hazels every word. They have now decided Hazel is manipulative. And Gina doesn't like the fact she swore at her. Not that there was ever any love lost between that pair. OMG.

Will the factions remain at war or will they kiss and makeup before we wave goodbye to one more housemate this Friday?  We just can't call this one but we'll


Day 56 round-up: A hive of activity

1 hour ago

There was a buzz in the House as the housemates crawled out of bed on Day 56. It was the first day of the shopping task and Big Brother had an un-bee-lieveable challenge for the gang.

Gina was appointed Queen Bee with Charlie her wing woman, the guard, leaving Hazel, Sophie, Dexter, Sam, Jack and Joe in a sticky situation, acting as worker bees and jarring honey.

To make matters worse, the housemates had a sting in their 'tail' in the shape of electric shock pads controlled by Gina. And the Queen Bee was not afraid to use them.

There were mixed reactions to the task with Hazel earning the Queen's wrath for her lack of enthusiasm and general bad bee-haviour.

But housemates proved they were the bees-knees and our House honeys received a pair of rewards.

Charlie and Gina dined out in the tree house courtesy of their workers and queenie also received a special phone message from her boyfriend in the Diary Room.

Drinks were served in the evening and the Queen let the power go to her head.

Will the housemates bumble along on the second day of the task? We'll have to wait and bee


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Thursday 8th August

31 mins ago

We've got a jam packed show for you this evening! Ladding up the panel, we have the latest evictee, Callum Knell, who will be sitting alongside ex-CBB housemate and former spice boy, Neil 'Razor' Ruddock. It's going to be a right lad-off. And bringing a bit of female charm to the mix, we have model and ex-CBB housemate, Lacey Banghard.

Psychologist , Peter Lovatt, will also be popping in to talk about the current housemates through the medium of dance and we'll be played out by rapper, Ecksell, who also happens to be Gina's boyfriend.

Sounds good, right? So join us and the lovely Emma Willis at 11pm on Channel 5.

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Day 57: The busy bees earn their stripes

2 hours ago

For day two of the 'Busy Bees' shopping task, Big Brother has decided that the bees need to step up their game and earn their 'busy' title. The worker bees have been fitted with pedometers, with the instructions that they must buzz around the House as much as possible. The more active the bees are, the more money they will win towards the shopping task, so the House will need to be a hive of activity for them to stand any chance of winning a luxury budget this week. 

But it's not just the worker bees who will be under the microscope today. Big Brother thinks the Queen Bee and the Guard Bee have had it too easy so far and it's about time they were put to work. They will be tasked with completing a stick assault course, where they will sit on a spinning roundabout whilst being given various clues about a housemate. Once they think they know the answer, the must jump off the roundabout into a sticky hive and shout the answer. For every wrong answer they give, money will be deducted from the final shopping budget. So let's hope the Queen and her guard know their subjects, or they'll be left with a sting in their tail when their final budget is revealed later today.


Day 57: The Queen Bee faces the final hurdle

19 mins ago

The Busy Bee task came to a sticky end earlier today, with Gina taking on a honey laden assualt course in order to secure the final shopping budget.

The housemates were told that they had accumulated ÂĢ420 over the past two days, however how much they kept depended on whether Gina could correctly identify housemates from a series of clues and complete the obstacle course in a time that Big Brother deemed acceptable.

After a might fine effort, Gina managed to correctly identify four out of the six housemates, winning a total of ÂĢ280.

However, as Hazel refused to wear her shock pads yesterday, Big Brother deducted ÂĢ100 from the winnings, meaning the housemates have a measly ÂĢ180 to spend on shopping this week.

You can imagine who wasn't happy about this...



Gina surveys the sticky assault course



Beekeeper Dexter takes his position at the hive



"I love roundabouts. I had a great childhood!" Gina exclaims as she takes her position



Gina wasn't phased by the gloopy floor



Hazel stares at the floor when she learns that she's cost the House ÂĢ100




Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


I'm not liking the double standards. They all felt sorry for Charlie after they realised how she felt, Hazel's being picked on and no one speaks up.

It's pathetic Yella  

Pity Hazels 1/14 to go on Friday.

I'd rather the twins or Sophie went but the viewers can't wait to vent their anger on her over the Daley saga because they didn't have a chance to vent it on him, he escaped lightly compared to what she's had to put up with

Yellow Rose

Day 57: Gina and Hazel - The fallout


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but you can times that by two because Gina's scorned, Hazel's scorned, Charlie was scorned for a little bit a couple of days ago but now she's no longer scorned. But there's still a lot of scorn going on put it that way.

In a nutshell, Hazel didn't fly straight in the bumble bee task, naughtily removing the electro-shock pads from her shorts when no one was looking, and the team lost money for treats as a result. Queen Gina flew into a rage and the fallout has been intense.

Both girls are circling different areas of the House like beautiful muttering gollums and teams appear to be forming around then with Hazel claiming the twins, and Gina seemingly growing closer to Hazel's former best friend for life Charlie. 

In a particularly animated bedroom rant Gina was found chucking down gargantuan gauntlets, roaring things like: "she's made herself look like a complete and utter idiot!", "I would NEVER go near her in the outside world!", "she's an arrogant nasty piece of work!" Plus at one point she said something a bit muddled and confusing about not even talking to Hazel if ÂĢ80million was on offer.

Others would be wise to batten down the hatches and possibly splash out on protective headgear because a pressure cooker atmosphere is permeating the House, and this one looks set for more explosions. After all how many times Hazel pretend to check her nails and leave the room whenever Gina starts talking without eventually biting back?

Fun times ahead.

Are you Team Hazel or Team Gina?


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