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Vote to EVICT Charlie

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Vote to EVICT Dexter

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Vote to EVICT Hazel

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Vote to EVICT Jack & Joe

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Vote to EVICT Sophie

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Day 54: Are Charlie and Hazel no longer BFFs?

9 hours ago

OMG! What a lot can happen in an evening. One minute Charlie and Hazel are bezzies, planning a life together in an apartment in central London, the next Gina and Hazel are looking more likely to shack up post Big Brother. Really.

Charlie took a trip to the Diary Room to iron out a few issues resulting from her friend's non too delicate nomination speech then opened up to Dexter in the bedroom about her journey so far. She feels no one understands her.

Big mistake. With Charlie away, the girls in the garden took the opportunity to share a few Charlie stories. Miss Travers' ears should have been on fire.

Hazel kicked off by airing all her grudges with Charlie.  Sophie, Gina, Jack and Joe soaked up her every word.

Gina and Sophie were quick to pump Hazel for more details. "Did she once ask you if you were playing a game?" Gina asked. "She challenged you on why you've changed your personality."

"Now you see a different side of her," Sophie added.

Gina banged the final nail in saying, "She doesn't want the public to like you." A bit harsh we think. Hazel thought otherwise.

Have Gina and Hazel realised they are more powerful as friends than enemies or is the former just taking a chance to stir up trouble in the House? Jack and Joe are convinced Charlie has been bitching behind their backs and Sam agreed their mum wouldn't make such a scandal up.

 Are we about to see a split in the House with Charlie and Dexter pitted against the rest of the group in the final weeks? We'll keep you posted.


Day 54 round up: a lazy day blown apart by a nom bomb

2 hours ago

The housemates had a bit of a weird awakening, when Sam had a little bit of a celeb-centric sleep-talk, and the Welsh wonder continued to bring the confused laughs with a veryrambling story later on in the day.

An alliance appeared to be forming between Hazel and Dexter, and then the housemates all pulled together when Sophie was given a not-so-secret secret task, and their secret-secret task was to secretly sabotage Sophie. Blimey.

A slightly sedate afternoon was punctuated by some light sniping, and then it was time for an almighty nom bomb:Friends & Family nominations!

You can trust the housemates' nearest and dearest to throw the nomination cat amongst the pigeons, and the biggest cat was Charlie's friend, who upset Hazel's pigeons with a shock nomination. The former in-House BFFs had quite the falling-out, and we feared that their friendship might, in fact, be dead and buried under the rubble of an almighty noms-plosion.

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Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: 6th August 2013

1 hour ago

Prepare for a dazzling display of entertainment this evening! Amazing astrologer and all round good egg, Russell Grant is coming in to the studio to offer his cosmic insight into housemates' actions of the past few days. TV presenting legend Andy Shepherd's coming along to offer grist to the mill and ex-housemate Carole Vincent's also in the studio to offer her experience of surviving in the Big Brother House.

On top of all that, our resident psychological ace Diane Youdale's popping by with all her wisdom which she'll be sharing with host, our lovely Emma Willis. 11pm on Channel  5 is where you want to be, right after the main show.


Day 54: Friends and Family nominations revealed


Not one, not two but five housemates face the public vote this Friday!

Charlie, Dexter, Hazel, Jack and Joe and Sophie were nominated by the housemates' friends and family and now it's down to you to decide who goes.

As you can imagine, the housemates were very excited to see their friends and family appear on the screen in the living area. Sophie and Gina were the most excitable, jumping up and down and shouting at the screen. Sophie clearly thought her nan was saying too much, so she shouted "shut up, nan!" and Gina, well, she was very happy to see Ed indeed, shouting "Love you! I LOVE YOU! You look so handsome!"

But what of the nominations themselves? A few of them really have set the cat amongst the pigeons, such as Charlie's friend Sophie nominating Hazel, which is pretty awkward what with Hazel and Charlie being in-House besties.

This is the fifth time that Dexter faces the eviction monster, having been up for the public vote every time he possibly could be. Quite an achievement, we think you'll agree.

Sam and Gina are sitting pretty for another week.


So, who goes? You decide. Get over to our voting page for all the delicious


  the morning after the night before ...



8.22am: Despite all the aggravation of last night's nominations, HMs are snoozing on. What nightmares must they be having?


8.42am: Housemates are still snoozing and we have a sneaking suspicion Hazel's dreaming of Charlie's mate's nom-words.



9.00am: Charlie's in bed on her own, blinking and turning over thoughts in her head. You need to get your sleep, Travers...



9.12am: Charlie is restless. We sense a DC/PC when the housemates wake up.



9.30am: The lights are on revealing some bleary-eyed housemates.



9.46am: HMs are sitting up in bed and looking very pensive. Dexter and Hazel are discussing those controversial nominations.



9.55am: Dexter's rolling a snout in bed before breakfast. Arguably the height of slobbishness.



10.03am: Charlie has vowed to never speak to Hazel again. That's going to be hard in that House



10.12am: Charlie tells Dexter she should've listened to him after his  stint. On Hazel: "The friendship's over"



 10.24am: Charlie's analysing with Dexter her history with Hazel. Currently going over the 


10.30am: Dexter is giving Charlie a rousing speech. "You can do whatever you want to do" he urges her




Day 55: The nomination fallout continues

15 mins ago

With the friends and family nominations fresh in their minds, it's not surprising that yesterday's events have been dominating conversations today.

Charlie was the first to stir this morning, clearly troubled by her mammoth fallout with former best friend, Hazel. Luckily she had Dexter on standby with a few words of advice, who told her she shouldn't take what's happened to heart.

"We're just puppets in here - for the next two weeks, just enjoy yourself," Dexter stressed, adding that she should be herself, instead of what she thinks others want her to be."Say what you want to say. It's not going to matter anyway" he urged.

Sam has also tried to provide words of comfort, though he's just as confused by the situation as Charlie is.

"I don't understand it, I really don't," the Welshman offered in support.

Meanwhile Hazel is staying firm in her opinion, and although she hasn't uttered one word to the lady herself, she's had a lot to say on the subject.

"I'm not trying to be nasty, I'm not, but it's like everyone is ganging up on Charlie and that's not how it is", she told her new ally, Gina.

"We're just trying to question her motives and what she's trying to do, because we've seen what she's done between us, which is the most shocking. We got played" Gina added.

Both parties involved are trying to give each other a wide berth, but in a House that small, they're going to have to face the music at some point. Will there be more fireworks? Or will they kiss and make up? Keep  checking back to the website to find out!


Day 55: The Housemate Commentary task

22 mins ago

Big Brother's got something of a descriptive task prepared for a couple of housemates today, as the Housemate Commentary task prepares to roll out.

As the challenge begins, Jack and Hazel will be called to the Diary Room. They'll be told that they're about to provide a secret sports-style commentary for all of the action going on in the rest of the House.

The pair will be sent to the Small Task Room where they'll be watching a live feed of the House. However – and this is where it gets special –what Jack and Hazel don’t know is that their commentary will be playing directly into the House. For all of the other housemates to hear. Oops.

But the other housemates will all be in on Jack and Hazel’s big secret and they'll also be told they mustn't give away the fact that they can hear the commentary. Given certain scenarios to play out throughout the task, BB's going to encourage them to spice things up for the commentators.

If the HMs manage to keep the secret that they can hear the Commentators they will Big Brother will deliver them a reward later in the day.


Day 55: Gina and Charlie are A-OK

7 mins ago

Last night, all heck broke loose when Charlie's friend Sophie nominated Hazel during friends and family, leading to a big fall out between former BFFs Charlie and Hazel. Initially, even though her boyfriend Ed had nominated Hazel, too, Gina became the Irish glamourpuss' new confidante. Which was weird, seeing as there's been little love lost between the two of them for weeks now.

But of course, a day is a long time in the Big Brother House, and a hell of a lot can happen. So we were not surprised to see Gina and Charlie having a chinwag earlier today, and it seems that Gina might have switched her alliance to Ms Travers after all.

In a little chat this afternoon, Charlie said of Gina's choice to side with Hazel "I don't blame you." Pretty understanding, considering how things went last night, huh? When Charlie said "feeling misunderstood last night was my worst social experience ever" Gina had to concede "I was impressed by how you handled it." Dexter was on hand to offer asides, as is his wont.

After a bit more back and forth about Gina's boyfriend pointing the nomination stick at Charlie, things took a turn for the character assassination, and Dexter, Gina and Hazel got stuck in to a bit of gentle Hazel-bashing. Their consensus? She's in it to play a game. She's in it to win. She's in it to further her career.

So, Charlie and Gina are allied now, but for how long...?



BB Final Monday 19th August


BB Final Night Timings 


Live Final part 1:

Monday, August 19th, 2013 on Channel 5  9:00pm to 10:00pm

Under the Dome(Documentary) Monday, August 19th, 2013 on
Channel 5  10:00pm to 10:55pm

Live final part 2:

Monday, August 19th, 2013 on
Channel 5  10:55pm to 11:30pm


Monday, August 19th, 2013 on
Channel 5  11:30pm to 12:30am




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