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5.43pm: Jack and Joe's fan mail says they are better than @planetjedward


5.58pm: Big Brother has told Hazel no one wrote her a fan letter.


6.11pm: Everyone is really happy with their fan letters. Dexter thinks he saw his fan on launch night


6:42pm: Jack and Joe are concerned about the stalker levels of their fan Mary-Ann. Luckily for them, she's entirely fictional.


6:49pm: Charlie points out that the writer of Gina's letter doesn't seem to like Hazel. She's unaware that Gina wrote it herself


7.05pm: Dexter is in the Diary Room sending a message to his 'fan




Week 7 round-up: Dexter loses his nemesis and the twins switch identity

2 hours ago

The week kicked off with an uninvited guest in the bedroom – a little frog! We'd like to say housemates were hopping mad but they enjoyed the new addition. Day 47 separated the models from the dummies during the Mechanical Mannequins task. In an unexpected twist, the triumphant housemates ended up behind bars for sharing a slice of their prize – how foolish.

The gang came face-to-face with their nemeses on Day 48. The shopping task paired up sparring housemates who had to compete in a series of challenges. The day's competition culminated in a press conference with Cowboy Callum and Dexter the Devious going head to head in a flinch off. The trash talking continued well into the night with the twosome battling beyond the task.

The Nemesis task rolled on to Day 49 with housemates enduring a body builder special – araw egg for breakfast. The twins gave standout performances during their obstacle course and Sophie and Sam bounced back during their event. Following Big Brother's Conversation Starters task they all hit the sack early.

Things got political on Day 50 as nominated housemates Callum, Dexter, Hazel and Jack and Joe made a plea for the public vote with the help of their newly appointed campaign managers. Some fighting talk and questionable campaign posters were the result. With the eviction looming, the mood was mixed with Hazel in particular throwing her toys out of the pram in the evening.

Day 51 was the day we waved goodbye to Callum! The sixth housemate to be evicted from the House began the day rehashing a spat with Gina. Big Brother offered some light relief in the shape of the Someone Else's Twin task. Dexter gave Jack a lesson in seduction while Gina tutored Joe on talking posh. The twins were first to find out they wouldn't be heading home on Friday night. Callum's exit saddened Sam and left the remaining housemates wondering if the House would be a very different place without him. 


The girls started Day 52 with a little gentle back-stabbing as Charlie struggled with the question marks in her head. She and Hazel spent two and a half hours in the tree houseerasing these and the House was a happier place as a result. Big Brother conjured up a task for Dexter and a night of magic and mystery ensued. After a few awkward tricks, the magic man himself made Sam disappear. Little did he know, the Welsh pin-up was only in the task room ear-wigging on House chat. If Dexter had known, he probably would have chosen his words with more care.  

And that brings us to Day 53 and a secret task for Gina. Housemates were led to believe they had been sent fan mail and got quite giddy over their letters. In fact, Gina had penned the lot and put on such a convincing act playing along with the task that BB rewarded her with sushi and curry. With housemates edging ever closer to the end of their time in the House you'd think they would be making the most of it – instead they were nearly all in bed just after midnight!



Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Monday 5th August

55 mins ago

It's ladies night and we're feeling right...

Oh yes, we've got a big dollop of lady loveliness for you this evening. Joining us on the panel, we have comedienne and TV presenter, Meryl O'Rourke, legendary diva and ex-BB housemate, Nikki Grahame and Emmerdale actress, Kelsey-Beth Crossley. 

And to push the girl count even higher, we'll also be joined by a BBBOTS favourite  - life coach, relationship expert and agony aunt, Dr Pam Spurr.

It promises to be a riot!

So make sure to tune in after the main show at 11pm on Channel 5.


It’s Big Brother nominations day once again, but this evening will see a twist.


The housemates have already been discussing the upcoming nominations, but what they don’t know just yet is that none of them will get a say.

Instead, for one week only it’ll be the friends and family of the housemates who will nominate. One friend or family member of each housemate will go into the Diary Room to give two names and reasons on their pal or relative’s behalf.

Dexter Koh’s mum Ellen, Charlie Travers’ best mate Sophie, Gina Rio’s boyfriend Edwin, Hazel O’Sullivan’s mum Audrey, Jack and Joe Glenny’s mum Kathleen, Sam Evans’ mum Heather and Sophie Lawrence’s nan Iris will all be nominating.

But will the housemates agree with their decisions or will their comments cause drama in the house?

To make things even more exciting, all the action will play out LIVE on tonight’s show from 10PM on Channel 5.

The three or more housemates withe most nominations from the friends and family will get put up for the chop and it’ll be the public to decide who goes come in Friday night’s eviction show.

Predicting the result could be tricky, especially with the recent arguments in the house following Callum’s exit on Friday.

The friends and family of course know who’s favourite to win and who’s in danger, so will they decide to vote tactically to give their housemate the best chance?

Who do you think the friends and family will nominate this evening? Add your comments below and check back tonight for the outcome!

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 Levi Roots to put on a party for the housemates

Big Brother 2013 eye logo new

Reggae musician and famous TV cook Levi Roots is set to make anappearance in the Big Brother house this week.


The Dragon’s Den entrepreneur is set to host a party, providing both some delicious food and great music.


However not all of the remaining housemates will be invited to the final week celebrations, which will follow Friday’s latest eviction.


Instead, it’ll be a case of the haves and have nots as Big Brother splits the group, banishing half the house to the bedroom for the night while the others enjoy a garden BBQ with Levi.


A show source told the Daily Star newspaper today: “It’s a surprise treat. But, as always with Big Brother, it comes at a price.


“For now we’re thinking of staging a task and the winners get to go to party with Levi and the losers miss out.”


Levi will enter the house this Saturday for the task, with the highlights airing on the Sunday show.


Read more:


Day 54: Sophie's not so secret mission

27 mins ago

Sophie has turned into quite the demanding diva this afternoon. We don't know what's come over her... Okay that's a lie, we do. She's been set a secret mission by Big Brother to ask each housemate to do something for her, under the proviso that she will win a prize if she manages to fulfil a set of missions.

Her missions include getting Dexter to say 'thank you', securing a 'high five' from Hazel and playing a game of catch with Sam. She must also get upset so Charlie asks her what's wrong, ask Gina to give her a make-over and chat so much that Jack and Joe tell her to shut up. Sounds easy peasy, right?

Of course it isn't, there's a twist...

Unbeknownst to Sophie, Big Brother has set the other housemates a secret task of their own. They've been told that they must scupper Sophie's secret mission. If they manage to make her fail all of her missions, then they will win a prize for all the housemates, including Sophie.

Competitive Sophie is bound to try hard at this task, which will make it all the funnier when her efforts are thwarted. Stick with us to see the results.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Thanks Mrs H ...just a word of warning comes straight up on the app



ok Baz thanks - as it isnt actually confirmed I didnt want to shout it out there - will take a chance and leave it - hopefully peeps will understand I tried to hide it for those that dont want to know  

I couldn't resist taking a peek   no leak from me

Yellow Rose

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