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Originally Posted by Aimee:

oh yes I remember  I wonder why they didn't show it and hazels reaction to it, last night they showed Gina telling Hazel she'd hurt her but I'm sure it wasn't yesterday when she was up early  can you post the story on the main board please 


they mentioned it on LF - they showed an edited version last night - this story is the missing link 


Day 52: Dexter’s Night of Magic and Mystery


Posters have been placed around the House promoting Dexter's Night of Magic and Mystery.

What's this we hear you ask? Why a task of course.

Dexter stated on his application form he was once a magician, so it’s time to showcase his magic skills in his very own stage show.

He will perform three illusions to wow his housemate audience.

We won't spoil the surprise just yet but let's just say, the big finale is going to be awesome!


 Day 52: Dexter, Jack and Joe are dreaming big


They've been lazing around on the sofas since breakfast but if we thought they were just killing time, we were wrong. Dexter, Jack and Joe have been planning their futures.

For starters, the guys have been deciding the five things they want to do to before they die.

Jack kicked off the debate. Check out his hopes:

Go to New York

Go to Australia

Build my own house

Be comfortable

Own a Jack Russell

"Poor Dog," said a shocked Gina before the twins explained that she was taking the question too literally – they didn't mean just before you die.

Dexter went next.   Here are his five...sorry four:  

Be married with two kids (definitely two not three)

Be comfortable so I can take as many days off as I like

Do something good for the world – leave a legacy

Get the body of my dreams

That's it. He only had four. Comfortable is a popular option. Will Joe share that ambition too?

Joe reeled his off his set in seconds:

Get married and have kids

Be comfortable (there it is)

Build my own house with my own flagpole and my own flag on my own island

Be remembered for something good

Own a boat or a plane  

Wowzers. What a set of wish lists. They better give winning their best shot so they can start ticking some of these of their list


Sam Evan has become the new safe house housemate in Big Brother 2013.


It all started yesterday afternoon when posters appeared on the walls of the  house advertising Dexter’s Night of Magic and Mystery.

The task saw Dexter put on a magic show for the housemates, with a little  help from Big Brother.

Because Dexter had stated on his application form he was once a magician, Big  Brother felt it would be nice for him to get the chance to show off his special  powers with three impressive illusions.

For Dexter’s first trick, he attempted to transform housemates belongings  into something nice or something nasty. Gina’s shoe became Ferrero Rocher, but  Sam’s flip flop was turned into coal.

For Dexter’s second magic trick, he had rekindle his art of reading minds.  However, digging deeper into some of the housemates minds, might make things a  little awkward later, as Big Brother fed him quotes from the other housemates  from the Diary Room via an ear piece.

But it was Dexter’s final trick that was the most impressive as he made one  housemate disappear.

Sam vanished in front of the other housemates, only to turn up in the safe  house, unbeknownst to the group.

And we’re not entirely sure Dexter knows either!

Sam is currently sitting alone in the once again secret room, which has been  fitted back with its TV screens and headphones to spy on the rest of the house  and housemates.

Read more:


Day 52 round-up: Magic, Mystery and Sam's big vanishing act

1 hour ago

The day after Callum left the coop, it was only natural for housemates to discuss the previous evening's eviction and the loss of their pal. Or nemesis, in Dexter's case.

On top of that excitement, there was a bit of an anti-Charlie vibe about the House, first thing. Gina and Sophie had discussions on the Travers girl, dubbing her "two-faced", whilst Hazelwasn't too complementary about her either. Hazel cornered the girl herself for a pow-wowlater on. But you can't bang on about House tension all day long. A trio of the boys decided to discuss their ambitions â€“ with some of them coming as something of a surprise. They also came up with some wisdom regarding evictions, which was well worth earwigging. There was a lot of this kind of talk on Day 52, with HMs later trying to sum up Big Brother in three words each. No mean feat.

Dexter was in the limelight and taking centre-stage later on as posters appeared in the garden heralding a "Night Of Magic and Mystery", utilising Mr Koh's conjuring skills.

Before the cabaret began, there was just time for a full-force tickle attack, which caused Joe to scream like a monkey.

It was a three-pronged evening of illusion. It began with some amazing feats of transmogrification. It continued with an astounding set of psychic revelations. The big finale was the real draw. Dexter caused Sam to completely vanish into thin air, causing all kinds of confusion among the remaining HMs. They speculated over where he'd got to, but it turned out he was listening in all night... and that led to some awkward conversations.

We love awkward conversations, don't we?

Yes we do.





Today on BB BOTS: Rylan's Supersized Celebrity Sunday

21 mins ago

Are you guys ready for a super spangled, supersized, celebrity Sunday? Is that a unanimous yes we hear? Good, 'cause we've got a belter for you this lunch time!

Impressionist and all-round funny lady, Francine Lewis, will be providing us with the funnies, alongside the latest evictee, Callum Knell, and shut the front door, we've only drafted in 90's pop sensations, 911. Oh yeah we have! We predict some bodyshakin' in the studio...

And if that wasn't enough to cram in to one hour, we'll also be joined by dream expert, Chris Robison. Now if that doesn't whet your appetite, we don't know what will. 

So join us, and the rambunctious Rylan, at 12.30pm on Channel 5 for all of the above frivolities. It's going to be one to remember.  



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Originally Posted by MrsH:



back later   dinner to prep 


tis a slow one today in da house 

Big Brother’s causing trouble again, and has enlisted the help of Gina Rio to stir things up in the house.


The housemates are about to receive some fan mail, but all is not what it seemsâ€Ķ

Gina will be called the diary room and told that she must fabricate letters from the Big Brother viewers to the housemates, including her.

Gina will be allowed to put whatever she likes in her fake viewers letters.

Housemates will be gathered and told that Big Brother’s Bit on the Side recently held a competition for viewers to win the opportunity to have their letters put into the House and these are the letters they are now receiving.

If Gina completes this task to Big Brothers satisfaction she will receive a reward later in the diary room

Read more:



I am off too MrsH ,thank goodness it's  slow today

Last edited by Former Member


Day 53: Fake fan mail task

8 mins ago

It may be a Sunday, but there's no rest for the wicked, as Big Brother is once again stirring things up in the House.

The housemates have been gathered in the living room, where they have been told that Big Brother’s Bit on the Side recently held a competition for viewers to win the opportunity to have their letters put into the House. 

This is a lie. These letters have in fact been written by Gina. 

Earlier this afternoon, Gina was called to the Diary Room where she was set a secret task to fabricate letters from Big Brother viewers to the housemates, including herself.  If she convinces the housemates that these are geuine letters from fans and completes the task to Big Brother's satisfaction, she will recieve a reward later today.

We're intrigued to see what's going to write, aren't you? Stick with us to find out! 



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