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Originally Posted by MrsH:

Thanks for the links Mrs H. I tried watching Ch.5 lf last night but it was the worst yet, constant buffering. I caught a few seconds of Charlie asking Callum if he had genuine feelings for her, I wasn't able to hear his answer, next scene I had a couple of seconds of was he'd gone to bed and she'd followed him. Sooo, I'll watch DM to see if he told her what she wanted to hear. He's such a lovesick puppy he probably did

Yellow Rose


Day 51: Callum, Dexter, Hazel, Jack and Joe face the door

29 mins ago

Fifty one days later and we have a quartet – including our twin pairing – in line for eviction and preparing for a return to fresh air and freedom. All of this bunch have earned fans over the last seven weeks, but they've also gained themselves a fair few detractors.

 Callum's taking it very easy despite the huge occasion. Wandering around topless, he's leaving it to the last moment before he gets his togs on. Perhaps this is a final attempt to mess with his nemesis Dexter's mind?

Dexter on the other hand has been suited, booted and bronzed for some time and is spending the countdown to nine o clock twiddling his thumbs with a scary look on his face. Deep in thought, he's probably cooking up schemes for post-House publicity.

With a critical lack of bronzer, Hazel seems to have lathered herself in foundation ahead of the big night. Not letting this minor catastrophe get to her, she is upbeat and cheerful and fully glammed up. If she leaves, she'll be looking ravishing as she departs.

As for the twins, they've made every effort to look smart. Looking a tiny bit like they're going to a family wedding, Joe's in a lovely shirt and Jack's in a lovely fitted suit. If it's these two that are due to leave, they'll do some in some sartorial elegance.

There's still time to make your mark. Get over to the voting page if you want a say in what happens in the next few hours.

You decide, BB fans. You decide.


Looking sharp, Dexter



Joe's showing his nerves



Are you going to a wedding after this, Joe?



A bit more effort please, Callum. A shirt would be a good start...





Day 51: One housemate is safe from eviction!


We're in the thick of an eviction evening and there's good news for fans of the House twins – who count as one housemate. It's just been announced that they're safe from eviction. The brother's high fived and took to their feet on hearing the news.

The remaining housemates in the firing line reacted slightly differently. Callum played it cool, grinning and congratulating the boys. Hazel stood up and began analysing the crowd reaction and Dexter remained stock still, twiddling his keyring and pondering his fate.

The news of who's leaving us this evening is fast approaching, so hold tight!






Callum Knell has become the latest housemate to be  kicked out of Big  Brother 2013 in tonight’s eviction results.


Callum faced the axe alongside Hazel O’Sullivan, Dexter Koh and twins Jack and Joe following nominations on Sunday  night.

After voting lines opened, tonight it was revealed just which of the four had  received the most votes to leave from the public.

Earlier in the evening, lines were frozen before host Emma  Willis spoke to the house to reveal that, with the fewest votes to  leave, twins Jack and Joe were safe.

Lines then reopened for viewers to vote for the remaining three to be  evicted.

15 minutes later, Emma returned to the house to announce that Callum had  received the most votes and was the next person to leave.

It was a shock announcement, with the crowd chanting and booing Hazel despite  Emma’s announcement.

Indeed, Hazel had been the bookies favourite to go, but defied the odds for a  second time.

Callum left the house to a mixed to positive reaction to the audience, while  Hazel seemed slightly disappointed not to be leaving, exclaiming: “What the  hell?!”

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Day 51: Sam and the end of the Callum bromance

8 hours ago

Not the easiest of evening's for our Welsh lad, Sam. WithCallum leaving the Big Brother House on the evening of Day 51, our Harry Style's lookalike seems to have momentarily lost that cheeky glint in his eye.

His bromance with Callum was pretty explicit. The pair of them would have chats in which they'd pick at Dexter's character, talk about the House dynamics, indulge in football banter and, if they were in the mood, talk saucy about ladies. Now Callum's gone and Sam's clearly already concerned.

Jack was the first to approach him to see how he was doing. He told the twin he was concerned that he's going to be bored without his pal around, mentioning that The Cork Game which he and his mate have developed can't be played by one player alone. They talked for a while about how happy they'll be to meet up in two or three weeks and Sophie tried to remind Sam that Callum was probably having a whale of a time even as they spoke. Sam, never given to emotional outbursts, replied:

"I can't think of anything to say so I'll just burp."

And then he burped.

Later on he noticed Callum's old massage partner, Charlie, greedily picking over the leftovers of Callum's last meal.  He gently reprimanded her lack of respect but all in good humour. Less than an hour later, the pair of them were cuddling up in the garden. So it seems Sam misses the bromance, but he won't turn down the opportunity for a hug with the House's most sought after female. Such a #lad.



Day 51 round-up: Callum leaves the building

2 hours ago

It was the day that we waved 'bye bye' to our sixth housemate, Callum, but before we dwell on that, let's go back to the morning of Day 51...

It started like any other Friday, with eviction tension causing speculation of a nomination twist. We now know that this was unwarranted, but it at least provided a bit of early morning chit chat. Gina and Callum's falling out was another hot topic, with the former frankly peeved that the latter had got involved in her business. 

We saw double in the afternoon, when the twins became twins to Dexter and Gina. Jaxter and Jina were lucking enough to get a masterclass from their counterparts, with Jaxter learning how to pick up chicks from his brother from another mother, and Jina learning the proper pronounciation of 'Oh my gosh'. It's not as easy as you think, y'know.

But the big news of the day, of course, came when Emma uttered those famous words, "Big Brother House, this is Emma". We sat on the edges of our seats, as we learnt that Jack and Joe were safe from eviction, followed soon after with the news that the public had decided to give Callum the boot. 

As we watched Callum's best bits, the House reacted to his departure, with Sam in particular feeling the loss of his bezzie bud. Though he soon perked up when Hazel and Charlie decided to lavish praise on him for the evening. We would call him fickle, but what's a boy to do when he has the attention of two beautiful ladies? Enjoy it, that's what.

What will a Callumless Day 52 hold, we wonder? Who will Charlie have a PC/DC with now? And how will Dexter fill his days without trash talking Callum?

You'll have to ruddy well stick with us to find out.


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Psych: Saturday 3rd August

58 mins ago

AJ's got her hands full on tonight's show with not one but two lads. That's right, it's our sixth evictee Callum and regular panellist Mr Iain Lee.

Body language expert Judi James will be reading into the housemates every move.  If that's not enough, life coach Dr Pam Spurr will also be on the sofa giving her verdict on the gang in the House.

Make sure you tune in at 11pm, channel 5. It going to be a good 'un.



10.25am: Charlie and Gina are hanging out in the garden


10.38am: Hazel, Dexter and Charlie are moaning about the House wine. Not that they are currently drinking it. Just moaning.



11.01am: Gina is telling Sophie that Charlie has been speaking to her about Hazel. Oh-er!



and this guys is the start of this weeks battle of the bitches IMHO with Gina being at the centre of it 


Day 52: A narrow egg-scape

22 mins ago

With the housemates a man down, there is a space at the head of the House and one of the gang has been making a bid for it. Dexter has spent the morning flexing his domestic God muscle in the kitchen.

Unfortunately his fellow housemates can't think of a worse way for him to earn alpha male stripes.

In the garden Hazel, Joe, Sam and Sophie were plotting a coup.

Hazel said: "Last time he washed up the knives and forks looked like they had been licked."

Joe had seen worse and added, "One time the colander he'd washed had a proper stain on it." How do you stain a colander? That's impressive.

But that wasn't the worst of Dexter's campaign to be top dog. He was threatening to cook breakfast.

 "I really don't want to have one of his omelettes," Sophie whined. "He makes them like pancakes."

"Why are we letting Dexter cook," Sam exclaimed. 

All four agreed that Dex is a truly terrible cook – only equalled by Gina and Wolfy. How were they going to get out of eating his culinary creation?

Fortunately Sam had cracking a plan. He's not just a pretty face. "Tell him because he did the cleaning, I'll cook," he suggested.  

Brilliant. Hazel swooped in just in time and demanded Dexter hand over the omelette pan to Sam. He reluctantly relinquised it but is loitering around the kitchen in socks and action sandals waiting for an opportunity to take back control.

Watch this space. We reckon you ain't seen nothing yet.


Big Brothe Gina Rio has hospital check up over her 'injured boobs'


Big Brother’s Gina Rio was taken out of the house for a check up at hospital this week, it’s been revealed.


Gina complained to Big Brother that Hazel O’Sullivan had injured her chest during the week’s task, although it took two days for her to speak up.


She told Hazel on last night’s show: “You really hurt me. I thought ‘This is f***ing aggressive’. I felt you took this too far.”


Hazel defended herself: “I would never set out to hurt anybody. It was a physical thing to get them to the ground and stick there. If we are given a task in here we have to do it. If you don’t take partâ€ĶI didn’t want the whole group to fail because we didn’t do anything.”


As Gina left to go to hospital, Hazel ranted in the Diary Room: “She’s just a bloody pain in the a**e you know. Everything has to be dredged up.”


She added: “I don’t really care anymore to tip toe around people and not say something in case there is an argument. I think a lot of people in this house are kinda like sheep and have seen she is popular on the outside and therefore don’t want to go against on the inside. Whereas I don’t give a s**t.”


Unsurprisingly, doctors gave Gina the all clear.


Meanwhile, Dexter and Hazel yesterday warned Callum to expect a lawsuit after he left the show, following an ‘incident’ during the spray tan task last month.


Hazel told him after he tried to kiss one of the girls: “You should never do that! She was having none of it.”


And Dexter added: “I’d be expecting a lawsuit when you get out of here.”

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 housemates react to Callum Knell's eviction


The Big Brother 2013 housemates have been reacting to Callum Knell’s eviction.


Last night saw Callum become the latest housemate to leave in the Big Brother 2013 results, booted out ahead of Hazel O’Sullivan, Dexter Koh and twins Jack and Joe.


Despite the boos for Hazel, the Irish model survived the chop again, much to her surprise.


“I didn’t see that one coming, I’m not going to lie,” Hazel said. “I don’t think it comes down to one thing, I don’t think you can do one thing and people are like ‘I’ll pick Callum over Hazel’.”


She added: “I hope really are seeing the real me and not whatever they f**king think.”


Gina felt she may have influenced the outcome, telling the group: “My conversation with Callum last night, I didn’t have a go at him, but I said to himâ€Ķ it probably showed that he was unloyal.”


Meanwhile, Dexter confessed he wished he could’ve got to know Callum a bit better.


“I thought it was going to be between me and Callum,” he said. “I wish I knew what Gina and Charlie know about Callum [from his VT] because then maybe I’d have been friends with him, but because there’s pieces of the puzzle missing, I never really understood him.


“At least he left to a mix of cheers and boos, I don’t want anyone to leave to solid boos.”


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