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Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: Thursday 1st August

4 mins ago

Boy oh boy, do we have a lovely Bit On The Side for you tonight. The brilliant Emma Willis will be shooting the breeze with a great bunch of panel guests and the nominated housemates will be answering the questions our lovely viewers have sent in.

Big Brother 12 housemate Tom O'Connell will be flicking his luscious locks and offering an ex-housemate perspective, while Made In Chelsea's Ashley James and showbiz guru Emma Kennedy will be wowing us all with their bloody marvellous insight.

We'll also be joined by the ever-impressive Diane Youdale, as she digs deep to analyse what makes those housemates tick.

See you there!


Day 50: Ginxter talk eviction, Callum and Hazel
Their friendship was forged in the Safe House, but they have kind of drifted apart recently, so we were very happy to see Gina and Dexter have a little bit of quality Ginxter time to chat about the upcoming eviction.

Dexter is pretty certain that the public will vote him out tomorrow night, and this displeased Gina greatly, as she observed "you make people laugh and stuff..." and then admitted that Dexter's presence in the House makes her a happy bunny: "it'd be so much harder to live with these people without you...and Callum."

Obviously not sharing Gina's pro-Callum slant, Dexter had a little pop at his nemesis' apparent preoccupation with him, saying "he's obviously got nothing better to do with his time than think about me" and saying that a Dexviction would be exactly what Callum wants, to get him "out of the way." Gina seemingly forgot her previous Callum positivity and said "just ignore him."

Gina then got onto the subject of Hazel. Unsurprisingly, the Nemesis task has given Gina a lot to think about. She thinks that, while she tried to hold back during their trash talking, Hazel "thrived off of it." It's worth noting that Gina's main concern with trash talking wasn't that she didn't want to insult Hazel; she just didn't want to do it just because she'd been told to do it for a task. She's a wilful one, that Gina.

As often happens, the devious duo's private chat came up against an interruption: a hungry Charlie Travers who just wanted to chat about steak. When she trundled off to talk meat with the other housemates, Gina reiterated to Dex "you better not go tomorrow! Dexter's not going!"

We love a good friendship, don't you?


Day 50: Task- The Campaign

1 hour ago

Being up for eviction is never easy. It's proof that a bunch of your housemates want rid of you, and you then spend a week worrying about how to make yourself most desirable to the voting public. If only there was a way nominated housemates could appeal directly to the public. Perhaps via a campaign of some sort...

You probably know where this is going, but if you haven't worked it out yet, Big Brother will today give the nominated housemates, Callum, Dexter, Hazel and Jack & Joes, the chance to formulate a campaign that will outline why the public should keep them in and, in a slightly devious twist, why the public should evict one of their rivals.

Of course, no political campaign is complete without collaboration, so the nominated housemates will be working alongside their campaign managers. After they have formulated their campaigns, the nominated housemates will make a ten minute speech outlining their campaign.

Hazel has Charlie as her campaign manager, Gina has declared her political alignment with Dexter, Sam has plumped for best bud Callum and Sophie is pulling for the twins.

Remember to follow all the action on Twitter, and check back here for video updates throughout the afternoon.


Day 50: The Campaign task in pictures

1 hour ago

Earlier today, the potential evictees, with the help of their designated campaign managers, gave a rousing speech to rally support for the eviction this coming Friday.

We listened with intent as they convinvced us why they should stay tomorrow night, and why they're selected opponent should be booted out. But before you watch them in action, take a look at these behind the scenes snaps...


Dex delegates work to his campaign manager Gina



Something has obviously tickled Hazel's campaign manager, Charlie



Sam gives Callum some words of advice



The twins get a helping hand from bezzie Soph



Surprise, surprise - Callum campaigns against Dexter





Day 50 round-up: Housemates on the campaign trail

58 mins ago

As housemates woke up all sleepy on the morning of Day 50, Dexter had Friday night on his mind. He sees the coming eviction night as a Dexter vs Callum face-off and he told Hazel as much, saying she'd be safe from the eviction.

Speaking of which, Hazel was quite forthcoming about how she'll feel about her ex-housemates. It was that kind of morning. Gina also had some slightly prickly words of her own about a certain individual. Jack wasn't pleased with Charlie either. On top of all that, Dexter and Hazel had a group vent. Busy, busy, busy... at least Ginxter built some bridges in the midst of it all.

Enough with the gossip – it was time for HMs to get on the campaign trail.

Housemates had to launch a campaign in a bid to save them from Friday night's booting out ceremony. Rather than sing their own praises, the gang were more than happy to lay into their enemies. Still, at least they got to paint lots of nice pictures and fight it out on a podium. There were even some nice superhero references and a few catchy slogans.

By the time evening had rolled around, it was back to the usual dark mutterings about winning the show and opposition within the House.

Hey ho – and don't worry housemates. You'll be one evictee closer to victory tomorrow night...



Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Friday 2nd August

30 mins ago

This evening's Bit on the Side is set to be a scorcher of a show!

AJ and Rylan have a mystery guest lined up - tonight's evictee! Will it be Callum, Dexter, Hazel or Jack and Joe? There's still time to cast your vote

Glamour model Louise Cliffe will be on the panel along with Celeb BB legend Vanessa Feltz.

If that's not enough, House hottie Dan will be having his say too.

Keep the telly on Channel 5. Bit on the Side is on at 11.30pm.




that bit is wrong 


BOTS is listed as normal 10.30 - 11.30 


then LF 11.30 - 2.00am 



Last edited by MrsH

Almost eight weeks in the Big Brother 2013 house is starting to get to the group.


As the final approaches, the eight remaining housemates spent yesterday discussing what they were missing on the outside world, but it wasn’t their families, friends or getting a lie in.

Instead, Hazel and Charlie confessed they were “horny” and missing sex after almost two months inside the house.

“Two months without sex. It’s terrible. I have been having full-on dreams about it,” Charlie admitted, keeping quiet about who else those dreams might have involved.

And Irish model Hazel agreed, adding: “I’m starting to feel horny all the time.”

Meanwhile, producers are set to get Dan Neal back into the house after the group all admitted to missing him.

But before people start rushing to call Ofcom, it’ll only a short return for a task.

A show source told the Daily Star newspaper: “Dan can’t win because he has been evicted by the public but we are looking at a way to get him back in for something like a task.

“It was a big blow to the show when he got the boot.”

Read more:


Big Brother doesn’t think it’s very fair that Jack and Joe are the only ones who get to experience the joy of being a twin, so things are about to change!


For today’s task Big Brother wants Jack and Joe to become other housemates twins. Jack will become Dexter and Joe will become Gina.

To help make this realistic, Big Brother will provide Jack and Joe full outfits so they look identical to their new twins.

Jack and Joe must also perfectly imitate Gina and Dexter, including their voices, their mannerisms and their personalities.

As well as imitating Gina and Dexter, Jack and Joe will have three small tasks they must complete.

Firstly they must get Gina and Dexter to give them each a master class in how to be Gina and Dexter.

For the second task Jack and Joe must spend some quality time with their new twins. The quality time should include an activity that their twins enjoy, with lots fun and laughter!

Lastly Jack and Joe must each have a deep heart to heart with their new twin and as they are twins they are of course allowed to talk about nominations. They will also be told to offer some good advice to their twins on how they can improve themselves, and how they can deal with situations that may be worrying them.

If the twins complete the task to Big Brothers satisfaction they will be rewarded with ice cream sundaes in the diary room.

Read more:

Originally Posted by erinp:

Almost eight weeks in the Big Brother 2013 house is starting to get to the group.


As the final approaches, the eight remaining housemates spent yesterday discussing what they were missing on the outside world, but it wasn’t their families, friends or getting a lie in.

Instead, Hazel and Charlie confessed they were “horny” and missing sex after almost two months inside the house.

“Two months without sex. It’s terrible. I have been having full-on dreams about it,” Charlie admitted, keeping quiet about who else those dreams might have involved.

And Irish model Hazel agreed, adding: “I’m starting to feel horny all the time.”

Meanwhile, producers are set to get Dan Neal back into the house after the group all admitted to missing him.

But before people start rushing to call Ofcom, it’ll only a short return for a task.

A show source told the Daily Star newspaper: “Dan can’t win because he has been evicted by the public but we are looking at a way to get him back in for something like a task.

“It was a big blow to the show when he got the boot.”

Read more:



Just read 2days Star & apparently bosses r looking at a way to get me back in as part of a task.


Dont believe it but wud love 2





Day 51: Someone Else's Twin task

39 mins ago

The housemates are facing double trouble in the shape of Big Brother's latest task.

One set of twins isn't enough for Big Brother, today we're going to get another.


Resident duo Jack and Joe are to be paired up with two other housemates – Jack with Gina and Joe with Dexter. They must perfectly imitate their new siblings matching their voices, mannerisms and personalities.


To help them get into character, they will be provided with costumes so they look identical to their new twins.


Jack and Joe will have three mini tasks to complete, kicking off with attempting to convince Dexter and Gina to give them a master class in being Dexter and Gina.


A delicious reward awaits the twins if they are successful


Dexter hasn’t bedded 2,000 women.. it is more likely 8 Danielle McMahon tell’s all!


BIG Brother star Dexter Koh has been exposed as a fraudâ€Ķ by his Scots lingerie model ex.

Glamour girl Danielle McMahon dated the reality show housemate for four months before he went into the house.

And Danielle, 24, has spilled the beans on his web of lies about being a multi-millionaire sugar daddy.

The self-confessed playboy claims to have slept with more than 2,000 women but, according to Danielle, he’s only had sex with EIGHT.

And she claims he’s BOUGHT most of his 30,000 Twitter followers.




Dexter, 28, is up for eviction tonight after receiving four nominations. He’ll battle it out with ex-cop Callum Knell, busty Irish model Hazel O’Sullivan and twins Jack and Joe Glenny.

They will all face the public vote for eviction at 9pm on Channel 5. Danielle — who’s modelled for lads mag Nuts and lingerie firm Agent Provocateur — said: “He’s a real manipulator, he plays mind games and he mixes up stories. He’s a professional liar.

“I can’t even watch the show anymore because I can’t stand his lies.

“Everything about him is completely fake. He said he’s slept with 2,000 women, but I know for a fact that he’s only slept with eight.

“Everyone thinks he’s a sugar daddy and that he’s loaded — he’s not. He lives in a semi in Liverpool.
“He claims to have owned a strip club, but he hasn’t. He was a waiter in a strip club. He also said he was a celebrity magician.

That’s another lie, he used to work in Hamleys toy shop. His main source of income was from papping Z-list celebrities. He just waits outside clubs for hours and makes money from that.

When I met him back in December he had about 16,000 followers, and he told me three-quarters of them were fake.”

Danielle moved from Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire, to London four years ago to pursue a career in modelling.

“She was approached by Dexter at the end of last year when he asked to her take part in an elaborate PR hoax.

Danielle claimed Dexter paid her ÂĢ250 to pretend to be his girlfriend as he FAKED a ÂĢ121,000 night out in top London club Aura.

She said: “He wanted to pretend to spend an obscene amount of money in a London nightclub as a PR stunt. It was all for this sugar daddy website.

He said he was going to say that we met on the site. He told me he’d pay me ÂĢ250 and collect me in a Rolls-Royce, put me up in a five-star hotel, and provide all the drink.”She added: “It was arranged that the waiters would bring out ÂĢ120,000 worth of drink. But on the night, there was no Rolls-Royce. It was a minicab.

“We sat in the VIP club for about an hour with no drinks, then all of a sudden the music got going and they started bringing out loads of bottles of champagne and confetti was floating everywhere.

“None of the bottles were open. They brought out dummy bottles and discreetly started to take champagne away about an hour later. We didn’t have a drop that night.”
As part of the over-the-top stunt, Dexter had a fake bill printed out and a picture of the ÂĢ121,000 receipt went viral that night. Danielle and Dexter spent that night together in the hotel but she claims nothing happened.

She said: “He started talking away and said he was proud of himself, he said he had a designer penis. I burst out laughing.”

Despite his repeated lies, the pair started dating a few weeks later but the relationship didn’t last.

Danielle said Dexter was useless with women and she got fed up with him trying to blag his way towards fame and fortune.
She said: “When I was in London after Christmas, he took me to Marco Pierre’s restaurant where he complained about the price of the steaks all night.

“Then he complained to the manager about the bread boy smelling like body odour and he got a free bottle of champagne for it. I was so mortified.

“Then one day he was jumping on a train to Liverpool and landed me with a total shocker and said he wanted us to move in together. This is just a few weeks after we met. It was crazy.”
But it was Dexter’s plans for his next stunt that really put the model off.

Danielle said: “A couple of days before Valentine’s, he said he was going to do a fake proposal.

“He was going to pretend to spend ÂĢ50,000 on a ring for me. At that point I knew I had to end it and, a day later, I ended it over the phone. He was inconsolable.”

Danielle claims she and Dexter never slept together. She added: “I’m glad I’m rid of him. His No1 aim is just to get famous.

“He won’t even care that I’ve spoken out about him either. He’ll probably just love the publicity.”


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