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Big Brother 2013: Dan Neal wants to be the next Rylan Clark!


dan neal

The now former Big Brother housemate Dan Neal – who was of course evicted last Friday – has revealed that he’d like to become the next Rylan Clark, who of course landed a job co-hosting spin-off show Bit on the Side after he’d taken part in Celebrity Big Brother.

Following his eviction, Dan said, “I have always wanted to do something creative in the entertainment industry.

“My personality was suppressed in the police force. I was just another number…



“I want to be Daniel. I’m open to offers.”

And of Rylan’s job with BBBOTS, he said, “It would be fun to present that show.”

The Daily Star adds, “Dan, who worked on the Jimmy Savile sex scandal inquiry Operation Yewtree before quitting the force, had a first stab at TV fame in 2002 when he joined the ITV reality show Lad’s Army.

“The series put teenage lads through 1950s-style Army training to see how they’d cope with a return of conscription.”

dan neal lads army

Of that, Dan said, “It was my first attempt to get into the media.

“Within weeks of leaving I joined the police.”

While in the house, Dan spoke to fellow housemate Gina Rio about a career in showbiz, and she told him that her agent would be “happy” to hear from him when he left BB.

So, watch this space as we will of course keep you posted on any new additions to Dan’s CV!

For now, here’s a look at what’s been happening in the house recently…


Day 47: Task- Mechanical Mannequins

13 mins ago

Everyone knows that heatwave dressing is difficult, stressful and sweaty. So what better than a summertime dressing-up task for this balmy heat, eh?

Housemates have been shown into the task room to find it full of summery attire. They must don appropriate outfits for Fun At The Beach and Day In The Park, and then stand in their teams in two shop windows, striking a pose.

Big Brother has placed the housemates in teams: Charlie, Hazel, Sophie, Jack and Joe will tackle Fun At The Beach while Callum, Dexter, Gina and Sam will portray Day In The Park.

The team that best poses according to Big Brother's mechanical instructions will win a treat. Check back here later for a video, and to see how the housemates posed up a storm.


Day 47: Models and dummies

40 mins ago

It was a gripping challenge and looked like either team could triumph but only one could take victory in the Mechanical Mannequins task.

Despite their best efforts,  Fun at the Beach – Charlie, Hazel, Jack and Joe and Sophie showed themselves to be a bunch of dummies and were disqualified meaning model performers Day in the Park – Callum, Dexter, Gina and Sam were winners.

As a reward Big Brother let them keep their chosen outfits. They also have access to the pool for the rest of the day (shame the sun's not out) and will be treated to a takeaway tonight.

One member of the losing team was less than impressed by their failure.

Sophie said: "What's the point of doing it if you're not going to take it seriously." The lady had a point.  "I feel we could have done better,"she added.

Charlie admitted talking when they were meant to be silent was a bit of an error.  "We were just trying to help. Sorry,"she said.

"I'm not apologising," piped up Joe.

"You dropped the ball," pointed out Jack.

Charlie threw in the fact that they started going too fast and it looked like this argument was going to turn into a proper scrap.

But fear not - these guys are good losers. Instead of falling out they opted to get together and cook a chicken dinner. How very wholesome.


Four housemates face eviction from Big Brother 2013 this week.


In tonight’s latest Big Brother UK nomination results, Hazel  O’Sullivan, Dexter Koh, Callum Knell, Jack and Joe were all put up for the axe by their  fellow housemates.

It was a return to normal nominations format this week following the recent  safe house twist, with each of the group going to the Diary Room one by one to  give their two nomination votes and reasons.

Reasons varied from being “rude enough to make an onion cry” to “talking  enough crap to be arrested” as the housemates ranted in the Diary Room about one  another behind their backs.

After everyone had voted, Callum had five nominations (out of a possible 7),  Dexter received 4 votes from his fellow housemates while Hazel and Jack and Joe  each had three nominations each to face the axe this week.

Sophie received one nomination, while Sam, Gina and Charlie did not receive  any nominations.

It’s fair to say it’ll be hard to see anyone other than Hazel leaving this  week, although twins Jack and Joe are currently behind the Irish beauty in our  latest popularity poll.

Read more:

  • The latest Big Brother 2013 nominations took place in the house  yesterday, but who nominated who?


It was the latest time this series that the housemates had to turn on one  another once again, and we suspect plenty of them couldn’t wait.

Nominations were back to normal this week following the safe house twists,  with each housemate giving their two nomination votes and reasons in the Diary  Room one by one.

But just who nominated who when it came down to the crunch yesterday? Here’s  our week seven run down…

Charlie nominated Callum and Jack and Joe

Dexter nominated Callum and Jack and Joe

Callum nominated Dexter and Hazel

Jack and Joe nominated Dexter and Callum

Hazel nominated Dexter and Callum

Sam nominated Sophie and Dexter

Gina nominated Hazel and Jack and Joe

Sophie nominated Callum and Hazel

Therefore, Callum, Dexter, Hazel and Jack and Joe will all face eviction this  week, with 5 nominations, 4 nominations and 3 nominations each respectively.

Sophie received one nomination, while Sam, Gina and Charlie did not receive  any nominations.

Read more:


Vote to EVICT Callum

Call 6 50 58 01 from a mobile

Call 090 20 50 58 01 from a landline

Mobile & BT landline votes cost 35p. Other landlines may vary.

Vote to EVICT Dexter

Call 6 50 58 05 from a mobile

Call 090 20 50 58 05 from a landline

Mobile & BT landline votes cost 35p. Other landlines may vary.

Vote to EVICT Hazel

Call 6 50 58 07 from a mobile

Call 090 20 50 58 07 from a landline

Mobile & BT landline votes cost 35p. Other landlines may vary.

Vote to EVICT Jack & Joe

Call 6 50 58 08 from a mobile

Call 090 20 50 58 08 from a landline

Mobile & BT landline votes cost 35p. Other landlines may vary.


Day 47 round-up: Mechanical mannequins and the nomination revelation

22 mins ago

Ribbit! What a start to Day 47. Housemates had a visit from a web-footed stranger in the form of a little frog called Freddo. It was an unusual awakening.

Sadly the frog didn't herald an end to in-House grumpiness and disagreements. In fact, it may have started Ginxter thinking about chameleons as they chatted about them at some length. Then it was delicious octopi that ruled the conversation. It was quite an animal-based morning.

Soon it was time for Mechanical Mannequins, a task that saw HMs modelling clothes in a slightly robotic fashion. It got housemates' appetites going and they felt quite grumpybefore they filled their bellies.

Filling their bellies actually got a handful of HMs in trouble as they scoffed forbidden pizza and landed themselves some jailtime. This caused even more griping. Let's mark this oneMoany Monday.

It wasn't likely to get any nicer atmosphere-wise when nominations were announced with a bit of a tasty twist. Nominated HMs got to hear exactly who nominated them and see exactly why. As you might expect, there were shocks all round. Sophie wasn't too happy with Sam.


Ex BB Housemate Sara McLean in ‘hit and run’

FORMER Miss Edinburgh Sara McLean says she feels “lucky to be alive” after her leg was shattered in an alleged hit-and-run.

The Big Brother star was rushed to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary – where she underwent tests for brain damage – after the incident on Friday.

The 23-year-old model revealed it will be months before she can walk again after her leg was broken in four places. But Sara, of Newington, is in good spirits, insisting her injuries could have been much worse.

She said: “Initially, doctors feared I had sustained brain damage but that was ruled out yesterday morning after lengthy tests.

“My left leg is broken in four places and, although that has been agony, I’m almost thankful it’s the only damage. I’m lucky to be alive.”

The ex-Miss Scotland finalist has been forced to put her career on hold as she starts a slow recovery process following the 3am incident on Frederick Street.


Police Scotland confirmed: “A 23-year-old woman suffered serious injuries. She was taken to hospital where she continues to be treated.”

Yesterday, Steven Charleston, of Edinburgh, appeared at the city’s Sheriff Court on charges including dangerous driving, failing to stop after an accident and failing to report an accident.

The 25-year-old made no plea or declaration and was remanded in custody.




Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: Tuesday 30th July

2 mins ago

As the fall-out from yesterday's nom bomb continues, Emma will be chatting about all things House-shaped on Big Brother's Bit On The Side with a handful of great guests.

British comedy legend Vicki Michelle will be bringing the laughs, along with likely lad Joel Dommett. We'll also be welcoming the wonderful Claire Richards, who will be offering her Celebrity Big Brother perspective on the housemates' behaviour.


Day 48: Shopping Task- Nemesis

42 secs ago

Last night, Big Brother revealed who had nominated the nominated housemates, causing all manner of dissatisfaction within the social situations, and it looks like this week's shopping task might just play on some of the feelings from the revelation.

This week's task, Nemesis, will see Big Brother pairing up housemates. But these won't be pairs of friendship and sweetness and joy, oh no! The pairings will see housemates facing up against their nemeses in the manner of professional wrestlers.

Already today, the housemates have been impressed  by the bellows and burly strength of a pair of pro wrestlers, Lionheart and his tag team partner Lion Kid, who delivered their task brief. Being as BB isn't some kind of evil Roman emperor, the housemates won't be made to fight each other.

Instead they will trash talk each other 'til the cows come home, with polite conversation between nemeses being resolutely banned. They will also face off in battles of wits and resolve, which is always fun to watch, and have to report to 'the protein station', 'the posing station' and 'the exercise station' throughout the task.

It's not just the shopping budget at stake: housemates will also be given the incentive of a possibile £20 personal luxury budget. We'd hazard a guess that they'll all be excited to get their hands on that particular prize.

And the pairings, you ask? Oh, come on. You already know that Dexter the Devious and Cowboy Callum will come head to head. We can't wait!


Day 48: Who's your Nemesis?

6 mins ago

Earlier today, via the time-honoured medium of shouty wrestlers, Big Brother gave the housemates their weekly shopping task: Nemesis. In this dramatically-named task, the housemates have all become wrestlers, sort of.

They've got wrestler names like Hotshot Hazel, Dexter the Devious, Cowboy Callum and Sophie Slamdown. They've got wrestler outfits. They've got raw eggs as a nutrition choice. And of course, because the task is all about nemeses, they've each got a nemesis.

So let's analyse the nemeses!

Hotshot Hazel vs Gina Warrior Princess
This is the only nemesis pairing that has been announced to the House so far, and it was hardly a surprise. Though these two get on quite well on the surface, Gina has made no secret of the fact that she has very little love for Hazel. Their battle is sure to get pretty sticky, so, er, stick around.

Cowboy Callum vs Dexter the Devious
Another pair of nemeses as plain as the nose on your face, these two barely go a day without a nice long chat. Unfortunately, these chats are always about how much they dislike each other. Their battle will be a battle of bravery.

Slamdown Sophie vs Sam the Strong
This rivalry is perhaps the quietest of them all, but these two haven't really seen eye to eye since the early days and, with Sam nominating Sophie this week, it seems that even their spell in the Safe House couldn't fix that rift. This battle will be one of strength and speed, and while you might think Sam's a shoo-in, never forget that Sophie is a karate master!

Jackadore vs The Jaded Joeker
That's right, the twins themselves will be facing up as nemeses. We don't even know what their battle will entail, because it's shrouded in mystery and intrigue but with theirenviable trash talking skills, we're really hoping it's a task that tests their motormouths.

As ever, make sure to check back here for task videos, and follow us on Twitter for updates throughout the day.

Let's, as they say, get ready to rumble...


Thanks for the updates 


The twins faces remind me of those puppets off the muppet show, they had long faces and tuffs of hair on their head  I'm going to google them to try and find their names 


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