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tweets regarding  #cucumbergate  just before LF started 


11.25pm: Charlie and Gina dance like cheerleaders for a good ten minutes then declare that they need mash and run kitchenwards.


11.34pm: A spontaneous game of Toss The Cucumber has broken out in the kitchen. Housemates have let loose somewhat.



11.36pm: Gina points out that throwing cucumbers is dangerous. Joe: "Oh shut up, Gina - you chucked a melon the other week!"


11.39pm: The ÂĢ79 food budget is currently being thrown around the kitchen in chaotic scenes. Hmmm



11.45pm: BB asks HMs to play more safely. 


1.26am: It's looking a little bit like Charlie can't let go of this cucumber thing


 Live Feed 28th July 2013


Part 1 of 2



Part 2 of 2



Drilling at 2am in the Big Brother House





Day 45 round-up: After Dan, the House gets expressive

1 hour ago

As day dawned on an overcast Saturday, housemates had to deal with a Dan-shaped holein the House. Indeed, the handsome detective was a big presence in the House, and hisabsence is being felt.

After persuading them to clean up via the medium of some funky tunes, Big Brother decided that the best way to cheer up the glum housemates was with an arty-farty task. So out came the berets, paint sets and easels for Express Yourself, a lovely little task that saw the housemates painting lovely pictures to represent their time in the House.

If you've got a wicked sharp memory, you'll recall that the housemates were duped on Friday, and received lettuce rather than letters from home. In order to repair the wounds left by this salad-y disappointment, Big Brother furnished the housemates with their real letters from home. As you can imagine, there were tears and laughter in equal measure.

How about this weather we've been having, though, eh? Understandably, the housemates were pretty excitable to have a break in the unrelenting heat, and went buck wild in the rain. Of course, rain can be slippery, so if you're planning a sprint around your damp decking, we'd recommend you exercise caution.

As with most eviction aftermaths, spirits and emotions were running high. Charlie put a foot wrong with Gina, and Hazel and Dexter had a heart to heart about lad du jour Callum.


Hazel must beat Ginia - best of 2 bad apples 28.07.13



it was a sizzler,
the hate is burning,
one is stuck up and one smokes rizla,
both leave me turning.
i no there is support,
Ginia seems to be viewed as a queen,
Hazel needs a earth deport,
neither are both green.
but from a entertainment perspective,
i want to go deeper,
Ginia is blatant objective,
i feel Hazel's got a side that's creepier.
a real dislike Ginia does possess,
openly displaying her hate,
so lets evict Ginia with a bless,
and put fear into Hazel's gate.
she has to go now,
Hazel's time will be left paranoid,
because from the outside we need a Hazel POW,
because both lady's are void.




Today on Rylan's Supersized Celebrity Sunday: 28th July

2 mins ago

We have quite the panel of honeys for you today, not to mention, Honeyz – the reformed '90s girl band.


The lovely ladies joining evicted housemate, dishy Dan, are Big Brother 2's Helen Adams (she loves blinking, she does) and TOWIE's very own Gemma Collins.


Jemima Packington will be wowing us with her ability to predict the future using nowt but fruit and vegetables.  And Rylan will be running the ship.


Hit Channel 5 at 11.50am and bring an appetite for fun.


 Cucumber gate takes over the house as Hazel and Charlie clash



A blazing row between Hazel O’Sullivan and Charlie Travers took over the house last night, and it all started with a cucumber.


As you might imagine, it also involved plenty of booze and another case of Charlie’s classic foot-in-mouth syndrome.

Following their recent Nutella fight, Charlie and Hazel continued their bizarre girly fights with a cucumber.

But things began to turn nasty when Charlie accidentally ended up poking Hazel in the eye with the shaft like vegetable fruit (who knew?).

Big Brother quickly called Hazel to the Diary Room to check she was alright, which got Charlie rather worried about being kicked out of the house.

In the bedroom, Hazel complained to one of the twins (we still can’t tell them apart): “She’s getting more aggressive and more drunk now her mum has gone. She can barely open her eyes out there she’s so drunk.”

Charlie then came to apologise to Hazel, telling her in a rather drunken state: “I never in a million years, meant to hurt you, or try and get anything in your eye.”

Harmless: How the cucumber may have looked once it's disarmed Harmless: How thecucumber may have looked once it was disarmed

Coming out with some quotes that will go down in BB history, Charlie continued: “I don’t understand how it’s gone from a jovial cucumber thing into my mouth, into something that hurt your eye.”

She added: “And now it’s become a big thing, it’s being talked about and you’re being called upstairs [to the Diary Room].’

“It’s not become a big thing, it’s not a big thing, how do you think it’s a big thing?” Hazel replied.

“I dunno, dunnoâ€Ķ comments and stuff, the fact you got called to the Diary room,” a sheepish Charlie said.

Hazel insisted: “Don’t worry about it”

hazel-cucumber-face Hazel gives Charlie her best ‘This will not end well for you’ look

And that’s when Charlie put her foot right in it, comparing herself to Daley before he was ejected from the house.

“I know it’s not, but it’s just a bit likeâ€Ķ well, not veryâ€Ķ how Daley feltâ€Ķ nothing to do with thatâ€Ķ actuallyâ€Ķ but..,” Charlie spluttered out as her mouth again moved faster than her brain.

Hazel met the comment with silence, and a look that could kill.

“That’s very f**king harsh,” Hazel eventually remarked, before walking out of the room in a huff.

If only Hazel had taken a fresh fruit self-defence classâ€Ķ

Read more:


ww3 Callum V Dexter - who will be victorious 28.07.13



off are the gloves,
this is bare knuckle,
i think Callum is seeing white doves,
and Dexter first has to learn how to suckle.
what are both going to achieve,
is this a necessary war,
none have a WMD conceive,
because a "game" is at the core.
pathetic really and truly,
its all about the institution,
focusing on the bit near the gullie,
so happy Charlie won't do live tv prostitution.
Callum is very odd,
not sure what is his battle,
where as Dexter is a pompous sod,
treating lady's like cattle.
i hope dignity does prevail,
and Charlie keeps her self respect,
if its a game plan, let her sail,
Charlie has done it so correct.
a war of words and brain,
who is going to rise,
one of them has to strain,
is WW3 going to be a let down exercise.


Day 46: Charlie and Hazel's storm in a teacup

1 hour ago

Yesterday night – aka when the monsoon came - was a palaver for best gal pals Charlie and Hazel. As well as falling over in the rain, Travers Jr went rogue with a cucumber and brandished it at Hazel. Off the back of this, things escalated and the duo started this morning by concertedly avoiding each other.

Awkwy, as Emma Willis would say.

Hazel told Dexter her version of events while Charlie found an ear in Sam. For awhile it looked like their union had fallen apart.

But happily the ladies were proactive and had an exceptionally long bash at talking through their issues. Chazel took a seat outside, analysing  exactly what caused offence to and why they both were actually in perfectly understandable positions.

We could recount the resolution with all its peaks and troughs and repetitions repetitions repetitions. But life and Big Brother is too short. Hazel summed up her position succinctly saying:

"There's no issue, there isn't. I was just annoyed about how it escalated. I don't want people seeing that. It doesn't look good on either of us."

Charlie agreed (in quite a lot more words than this) and we're happy to report that that cucumber and its consequences are well and truly pickled.



Day 46: Follow My Leader - Task

56 mins ago

Today, one housemate will be set a secret mission, to simply follow another housemate everywhere they go. However, Big Brother will then set another housemate a secret mission to follow that housemate. Big Brother will continue to set secret missions to housemates one by one, so that in the end they are all following each other in a long chain.

It's just started happening and it looks brilliant, by which we mean totally ridiculous. Pied Piper of Hamlin ain't got a patch on this strange crocodile of housemates.

"Everyone just seems to be following each other," Dexter has noticed, baffled.

Yep, that about covers it!



Rylan's Twitter Takeover - "I would give my new teeth to become a housemate again!"

20 mins ago

After he'd recovered from a surprise gunging on today's Supersized Sunday edition of Bit on the Side, our friend Rylan Clark took over the @bbbots Twitter account to answer questions from his adoring fans. He was absolutely overwhelmed by the response - a big thank you to everyone who took part. In case you missed it, here's the whole Q&A shebang in full:

@middleton1985 kicked off by asking: "If you could put any celeb (past or present) into house who would it be?" Rylan's response? "I would put Geri Halliwell into the house, she would be ledge!"

@RylansSiren wanted to know: "What do you like more Fake tan or Jackie Travers???"After a moment of pondering, Rylan quipped "I would love Jackie Travers to apply fake tan to me!"

On to House matters, @raacheel__ asked "are you bored of the love triangle?" After we bowlderised his original response due to coarse sexual language, Rylan replied "the love triangle is boring me now, either do something about it or move on!"

@janobeauskian wanted to know: "would you ever go back into the house as a housemate?" Rylan enthusiastically replied that "I would give my new teeth to become a housemate again!" Great news for any local horses who require a set of dentures.

Moving swiftly on, @LaurenTMUK asked: "If you could choose to put wolfy, sallie or Dan back into the house which would you pick?" Rylan said "I'd put all three of them into the Safe House on a secret mission..."

Then, because we hadn't spotted that she'd already had a question answered,@raacheel__ piqued Rylan's curiosity by asking: "which housemate are you looking forward to interviewing when they come out?" The big man said "I'm really looking forward to interviewing Gina, cos I think there's a lot more to her than has been shown." Interesting...

@hellojess97 asked: "awks question but: would u rather go back in the house with Gary Barlow or Heidi and Spencer?" After a hearty laugh, Rylan confessed: "Don't tell anyone, but I'd go in with Barlow because we're secretly really good friends..."

Next, @BobbyB786 had a poser: "If he could chose a task for the HM what would it be? And why?" Rylan's idea was: "I would go into the house and tell them that one housemate has a secret, but really it's a lie..."

@chloekapow was curious about this conundrum: "If you were in the house this series, how far do you think you would have made it?" With uncharacteristic modesty, Rylan replied: "Well, seeing as it's vote to evict, I'd probably be the first out..." Never!

@BieberSAAAN had this week's eviction on the brain, asking "do you think Dan was the right person to be evicted this week?" Rylan slammed his fist on the desk as he said "I really don't, I think Dan was one of the best housemates we've had this series."

And finally, @xkirstyann asked a great question: "if you could relive any moment in the house what would it be?" Rylan replied by saying "The first night we got played music, I looked around and thought 'this is where I'm supposed to be right now'. I miss it loads!" We miss Rylan The Housemate too, but at least we've got Rylan The Presenter now.

Rylan signed off by saying "Got to go now! Thanks for all your questions, don't miss me and AJ on #bbbots tomorrow night! Love ya xxx"

And yes, he insisted on there being precisely three kisses. He then ran off to get the last of the gunge out of his various nooks and crannies. But if you're a Twitterer too, make sure you're following all of our official accounts - @bbuk for news alerts and tweeting along to the show, @bbuklive for round-the-clock updates direct from the House, and @bbbots for behind-the-scenes gossip and discussion from the best spin-off show in town.


Day 46: Housemates discuss dilemmas before bedtime


We all love a game of "Would You Rather?", right people? Damn right we do!

This evening housemates played a round of the game that confronts players with dilemmas and gathers instant insight around the dining table. It was a very talkative evening indeed, with points of view and opinions flying out of housemate faces like rats out of a trap.

The game kicked off with a choice between tattoos and piercings. Charlie chose studs and hoops where Callum went for tattoos, describing the loveliest tribal tattoo he's ever seen. Sophie cut him off. "Hate tribal. Sorry" she said.

They moved on to the best attributes in a lover. "Deep or simple?" asked Charlie. Dexter opted for "deep". The twins and Sophie went for "simple". "You can never be happy with someone who's too deep" said Sophie.

Callum piped up with the next dilemma. He asked if his pals preferred the idea of fast lust and passion to divine love (and the inevitable heartbreak). Most agreed that love was worth the hassle, but Charlie quietly blurted "Being in lust is incredible". Let's hope Callum and Dexter heard that one.

It got messy then. Housemates started talking over each other about the precise nature of heartbreak, love and lust. Joe and Callum raised their voices. Gina talked about her love for her boyfriend and Dexter talked about the inevitability of heartbreak. Heavy stuff, eh?

It didn't stop there. Housemates covered "eyes or smile", cheating on partners, having kids and long distance relationships. Sam had plenty to say on the dilemma of "Would you rather be hated but get loads of work or be loved and broke". They couldn't stop talking – they transformed into complete chatterboxes for the evening. We're not sure we've ever seen housemates so chatty and, to be frank, we're concerned that some of the answers might be being stored for ammunition later..


Week 6 round-up: Cruel twists, bikinis and popularity competitions

7 hours ago


Day 40 got started with a challenge. The I'm All Ears task soon came along and saw Callum becoming House therapist. Most impressed by Patient Evans, the Welshman won the chance to analyse Callum back. As we'd learned, Safe House dwellers Sam and Sophie were anything but safe and, asked to share "safety" with another HM, they  decided to welcome Dan into their ranks. That meant he was up for eviction too. Those safe thought they were in danger and those in danger thought they were safe. A genius and dastardly twist!

Housemates were awoken in spectacular fashion on Day 41 by the arrival of the week's shopping task. Hazel was challenged to eat a pig's nose. Housemates answered questions on stuff they've said in the past and public opinion. On top of all that, Westlife fans Jack and Joe had a surprise when Shane Filan called up for a little chat. Later, BB made sure there were a few gungey faces around the place and, shortly afterwards, HMs had to guess who the public voted the biggest snake in the House. Turned out it was Hazel.

Here came Day 42 and The Right Answer saw Dan eating as many chillis as he had nominations. Blistering viewingCharlie channelled her musical past and traded her flowery onesies for baggy pants to write and perform a rap. Next up, a couple of voicemails from evicted housemates came down the line in a task that saw Dexter boot Callum out of the tree house for the attempted seduction of Charlie. The final part of the task - The Final Question, The Final Answer â€“ saw the gang line up in order of one to nine according to where 10,000 voters thought  they deserved to come in the show. Awkward. They lost most of the budget on this one.


Day 43 began with Big Brother tasking the twins with the challenge of carrying around a ton of junk without the express instruction that they mustn't drop anything. Later on, Jack shocked us all by wearing a lime green bikini. Because why not, eh? Why not? Later, housemates discussed Twitter, Sam taught Gina a few words of Welsh and Dexter offered some media coaching. Indeed, they were all getting on so well, it rather supported our notion that this year's crop of housemates might just be the friendliest yet.

An eviction day was coming and Friday morning – Day 44 - saw housemates set a newtask. Puntastic Prizes task saw the twins enter a terrifying Hall of Mirrors – which they braved with only the minimum of squealing. Callum. had a gripe about Dexter â€“ standard – and then he and Sam got themselves all tanned up. Big Brother had a hilarious reward in the shape of letters from home. Or lettuce from home. Same thing, right? More disappointment was in store as popular housemate Dan was evicted in a twist that came as a massive shock to the housemates that evening.

As Day 45 dawned on an overcast Saturday, HMs had to deal with a Dan-shaped hole in the House. Indeed, the handsome detective was a big presence in the House, and his absence is being felt. After persuading them to clean up via the medium of some funky tunes, BB gave housemates an arty-farty taskExpress Yourself was a lovely task that saw the gang painting lovely pictures. Big Brother then furnished the housemates with their real letters from home. There were tears and laughter in equal measure.Later, HMs went buck wild in the rain and, as with most eviction aftermaths, spirits and emotions were running high.Charlie put a foot wrong with Gina, and Hazel and Dexter had a heart to heart about lad du jour Callum. It was a busy one indeed.

And so we come to Day 46 which started with some hazy HMs. Once again, Callum rose and shone with a rant. Though that was a bit tasty, thankfully Hazel and Charlie managed toget past the cucumber incident that had sullied the previous evening. A task came out of the woodwork and Follow My Leader saw HMs chained to one another, for better or worse.

After a bitching session regarding Callum (another one), Callum let off some steam of his own regarding Dexter. This animosity was to continue later on when a game of Would You Rather covering all manner of topics turned into a confusing threeway argument between Gina, Dexter and the lad himself. This one ran into the night.

Another week, another seven days of madness. We love it though, don't we?




Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: Monday 29th July

37 mins ago

Yes, yes, it's Monday and it's a bit rainy and the dog chewed up your wallet, but look, we've got a great Bit On The Side for you tonight. AJ, Rylan and their excellent guests can be a ray of sunshine for you in these drizzly times!

The ever lovely Josie Gibson will be offering an ex-housemate perspective, while Dr Pam Spurr gets scientific about the psychology of the House.

We've also got Eurovision and Record Breakers legend Cheryl Baker and expert of all things showbiz, Dean Piper.

So, do try and make it through today, won't you?


Day 47: A House of orphans

5 mins ago

In the last two evictions, the Big Brother House has not just lost its most mature remaining residents, it has also lost the mummy and daddy of the group. That's right, Jackie Travers and D.I Dan were more than just housemates; they offered support and guidance to their younger companions.

Jackie wasn't just the actual mum to Charlie Travers; she was also a bit of a surrogate to the whole House (with the exception, perhaps, of Callum). She said to the twins that she could be their mother figure in the House and, truth be told, she offered a bit of mum magic to most of the housemates. Yes, most of the time that magic came in the form of badgering about dishes, and occasionally unwanted advice, but we see both of those as solid gold mum classics. Her absence unsurprisingly resulted in the other housemates (especially Charlie) cutting loose a bit more.

Dan's dad role, however, was a little less straightforward. He joined in with the fun and games more often than not, but his sense of authority, coupled with his real-life dad skills perhaps, meant that in more serious moments he was definitely an important cog in the social machine that is the House.

In Dan's absence, we've noticed two key things. Firstly, smaller conflicts have escalated quicker and lasted longer without Dan's authoritative and calming presence. In the days of Dan, Hazel and Charlie's Saturday night row would probably have been resolved in full much earlier. 

Secondly, and most unexpectedly, none of the remaining housemates has stepped forward to become the alpha papa. Where we might have expected Callum and Dexter to compete for that role, they're both staying in their comfort zones, taking small potshots at each other without taking on the responsibility of Dan's authority figure role.

Will anyone step up to take Dan's mantle? Truth be told, our money's on Gina


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