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Dan Neal has been evicted from Big Brother 2013 in tonight’s latest results show.


It was a secret eviction after Big Brother lied to the group earlier on in  the week.

On Monday, safe house trio Dan, Sophie Lawrence and Sam Evans were told they  were immune from the vote.

Instead, Big Brother told the house that all the other housemates would be  automatically put up for eviction.

In truth, the opposite the true, and all week the public have been voting to  evict one of Dan, Sam and Sophie, while the others spent the week worrying about  if it would be them leaving.

Well, Hazel certainly did.

Tonight saw host Emma Willis speak to the house to reveal the lie, and  the eviction result.

First she revealed that Dan, Sam and Sophie were really up for the axe,  prompting cries of “I knew it!” from Dan and “It’ll be me going!” from  Sophie.

After an ad break, Emma returned to reveal the voting result, with Dan having  received the most votes he would be leaving the house this  evening

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Dan.Tonight, ‘Detective’ Dan Neal was the fifth housemate to be evicted from  the Big Brother house of 2013.


In a shock twist host Emma Willis revealed live to the house that the three  housemates in the Safe House, Dan, Sophie and Sam were in fact, not safe; they  would be the ones facing eviction, instead of their fellow housemates as Big  Brother had led them to believe. “I knew it,” exclaimed Dan as his name was  announced.

Ex-policeman, Dan, 33 left the house to mostly cheers from the live audience  at the Elstree studios. He later told Emma, “I’m actually fine, the whole thing  is surreal anyway but I suggested this kind of thing would happen. I knew if I  was up against those two I’d go. Sam and Sophie in our eyes are two of the  favourites.” Dan said that he felt “cheated” to be out.

Emma mentioned that during his time in the house Dan was always “ahead of the  game.” “I couldn’t switch off as soon as I got (actor) Michael right,” he  added.

On Dexter, Dan commented, “He doesn’t even know who he is, he’s a really  mixed up person, I think he’s a bit lost, and about Callum, “I just felt a lot  of awkwardness about him, then he turned a bit cocky, nothing comes natural (to  him.”

On his time in the house, “I said what I thought and everyone knew where they  stood. I think in the house people respected my opinion, I have that confidence  to say what I think.”

On twins Jack & Joe: “Sometimes they feel like they know everything  already, they don’t take people’s advice on board.”

On best friend Hazel: “She’s funny, she doesn’t take herself too seriously, I  know me and her will be really good friends when she comes out. I think she may  struggle (in the house) without me.”

Dan said that he would like Gina to win, “She is kookie, kookie, kookie.”

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Dan Neal [Big Brother 2013)


Dan was booted out of the house earlier tonight in the latest Big Brother 2013 results show.

It was a shock outcome for Dan, after Big Brother lied to the group about who  was up for eviction.

Thinking he was safe, Dan told Emma Willis: “I am fine, it’s just all surreal. I did  suggest this in the Diary Room might happen tonightâ€Ķ but I knew if I was up  against those two, I’d go.

“Sam and Sophie are two of the favourites.”

Dan confessed he felt “cheated”, the former copper admitted he found it hard  to “switch off” from his job.

He said: “I do think about things too much, and you’ve got a lot of time to  think in there, but we’ve come to conclude you can’t second guess them.”

On Dexter, Dan commented: “I don’t think Dexter knows who he is, he’s trying  to work out who he is. I think he’s finding himself, he’s a bit lost I  think.”

On Callum, Dan continued: “I would say he was the first I least connected to  in the house. There was a lot of awkwardness about his niceness, nothing about  him seems natural to me. It’s like he’s trying to be someone.”

He added: “At least everyone knew where they stood with me, I said what I  thought.”

Discussing his relationship with Hazel, Dan said: “The thing about Hazel is  she is very intelligent, she’s funny, she doesn’t take herself too serious and I  think she’s a very beautiful girl. She might struggle without me, but she’s got  Charlieâ€Ķ Charlie’s her only ally in there.”

Despite the early exit, Dan insisted he had no regrets and backed Gina to  win.

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 Day 44: Gina's gone Hazel-nuts


As the dust cleared from Dan's surprise eviction, and Hazel and Charlie busied themselves dutifully packing Dan's suitcase, our eye was drawn to the garden, where a little chat really piqued our interest.

Dexter, Gina and Sophie were expressing their sadness at Dan's departure, in hmmms and hahs and then Gina dropped an almighty truth bomb, saying "I think Hazel should have gone." Which was met with a brief moment of silence before Dexter and Sophie had to admit that they agreed.

Even though it's barely a fortnight since Gina told Hazel that she disliked her more than any of the other housemates, Gina did seem to be determined to be nice. But she couldn't help complaining "I hate that we've been getting on." Oh dear.

Awhile later, she caught up with a still quite shell-shocked Sam, who voiced similar dissatisfaction at losing Dan the Man, saying "he was strong for Hazel...and he took the flack."

One thing's for certain: Dan's absence will be deeply felt. Whether his eviction could also spell unexpected trouble for Hazel remains to be seen...


Day 44 round-up: The day Detective Dan was evicted

5 hours ago

Everybody's usually a bit morose of a Friday morning, so what better way to wake up housemates than with a task? No better way.

As part of the day's Puntastic Prizes task, the twins were entreated to enter a truly terrifying Hall of Mirrors – which they braved with only the minimum of squealing. In fact, that pair truly seemed to have a whale of a time beyond that experience. It was something of an up day for the twins, all things considered.

Less could be said regarding Callum. He had his daily gripe about Dexter â€“ standard – and then the task required he and Sam to get themselves all tanned up in the garden. His housemates weren't too impressed.

As dinner time swung around, Dexter and Gina had a treat in store, if you consider an eyeball entree a delicious draw at meal time. They'll be glad they soldiered through the task though as Big Brother had a hilarious reward in the shape of letters from home. Or lettuce from home. Same thing, right?

More disappointment was in store as popular housemate Dan was evicted in a twist that came as a massive shock to the housemates that evening. They didn't quite know how to react.

With Detective Dan down we're now left with seven housemates (eight if you're counting both twins). They're used to secrecy, they're used to lies... but are they ready for what Big Brother's got coming down the line next? 


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Psych: Saturday 27 July

2 hours ago

If there was ever a time that we needed psychological insight, it is now. The spinning head of Detective Dan will be present on tonight's panel (As well as the rest of his body. We're not savages). Helping him come to terms with his shock eviction are psychologists Dr Funke and Rachel Morris while providing a spoon full of comedy sugar to help the medicine go down is our beloved regular Iain Lee.

You can catch AJ Odudu presenting all this plus exclusive House news and clips on Channel 5 at 11pm.


Day 45: Dan's eviction casts a shadow on the House

23 mins ago

From the moment the lights came on this morning, the (incredibly muscular) hole left by Dan's shock eviction last night has been on the collective House mind.

"It's so weird without Dan," said Charlie, at a time of day usually reserved for sleepily greeting the day.

Sophie said she felt guilty for putting Dan in the Safe House.

Hazel was equally preoccupied.

"I feel like a right tool," she said, referring to her previous conviction that she'd be the one getting reacquainted with Emma again last night.

The usually dexterously minded Dexter felt duped. He concluded that as individuals each housemate has a tiny piece of the jigsaw that makes up the truth of what Big Brother is playing at. However as no one gets on with each other in a meaningful way, they are fated to stay blind and at the mercy of BB's whims.

Callum gave the sort of passionate, positive and pained speech that you might give at someone's funeral.

"I went on a real journey with Dan. We chatted one-one-one. I got him and he got me. Sometimes I’d looked at him and he’d just smile at me. There was a real connection there."

If only Cal knew his main connection was to Dan's spleen.

"No one even questioned that Dan would be in the final week," said Charlie, voicing a common feeling that the departure was unfair. But on the plus side, she and Hazel agreed it was a relief that the copper hadn't opted to don jeans earlier in the night.

"If he is in the Safe House with headphones and a TV I will actually wet myself," said Dex, keeping the copper's suspicious nature alive, "but he'll be screwing because he loves the sun."

"What song, Sexy Back?" asked Hazel, mishearing.

"No, the sun."

Maybe it's cold comfort to Dan but the sun is available all the time now he is a free man. Whether the housemates will be able to enjoy any sunshine when he's gone is another matter.


Day 45: Express Yourself - Task

7 mins ago

For today's task, Big Brother has asked housemates to create an abstract painting that represents their time in the House so far. Easel, canvas and a palette of paint has been provided to enable these creations.

When time is called they will invidually present their 'work' to the group and describe what it symbolises.

If Big Brother believes the paintings are creative and imaginative enough, housemates will receive letters from their families this evening.

To get housemates into the mood, Big Brother provided black berets! Sophie immediately denouced hers. The twins were inspired to belt out Edith Piaf's 'La Vie en Rose' before declaring that Hazel reminded them of brave lover Eponine from Les Miserables.

Let's hope Victor Hugo's majestic epic leads our mery band of artists onto greatness.



Dexter is clearly going for the 'tortured artist' look



Sam is pure prime-time popular artist.



Charlie is a baffled artist - not sure that's a thing..

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

The ÂĢ79 food budget


I missed this. How did they end up with so little?

the final game where they had to guess the order they were with the public - each time they choose their place BB deducted money for each person in the wrong place - ÂĢ691 down to ÂĢ79 before they got correct order 



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