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Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Wow. Jack is in Hazel's bikini.That's going to be online for the rest of his life," says Dexter.


Dexter is SOOO right!

Hahaha! Couldn't happen to a better boy! 19 and now destined to be ridiculed for that  simple photo alone! 


so desperado he really didnt think of the long time ahead haunting this pic will do 


 Day 43: Is this the nicest House ever?


We have noticed a strange phenomenon in the Big Brother House. No, not what Callum was packing under his sailor suit on day 41. It’s something altogether more beautiful and harmonious. Wait for it...

Everyone is talking to everyone! Sure Callum and Dexter kind of hate each other but even they can talk if pushed.  Sure some tight personal friendships have formed – Sophie and the twins, Sam and Callum, Hazel and Dan – but these unions are not exclusive.  Day in, day out, the housemates sit down to a group supper, as if living in an idyllic commune. Insiders and Outsiders of last year have been forgotten as every evening housemates sit where they please in whatever groups happen to feel natural in the moment. They clearly lost the memo explaining that the Big Brother House is supposed to be a hotbed of divisions.

This isn’t to say the Secrets and Lies House is without its arguments – Charlie has shown great flair for offending Gina and we need not remind you of the ongoing feud between Callum and Dexter. It’s just that this batch are ever so good at bouncing back and getting on with things. By constantly reminding each other how lucky they are to be here, a constant perspective, call it a holiday mood, is never far away, no matter what additional stormy emotions bubble up in the course of a day.

Agree that this is the nicest House? Perhaps you think we’ve lost the plot. Either way let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


move over Tupac - Charlies got a line 26.07.13



big gold ear rings,
move over MC Hammer,
there's a rude girl who sings,
brilliant lyrics and a stammer.
the out fit was gold,
1980's were back on demand,
this "Wham" rap is sold,
queen Charlie made her command.
Dan got his arrest,
even if he was a little objective,
ultimately he failed the test,
how was this man ever a detective.
onto the winning line,
a few really took a dent,
Ginia's arrogance did not shine,
Callums position made him vent.
i have to end my rhyme,
but i am going to finish with a rose,
if Dan does not go tonigh its a crime,
and now Charlie can rap, i am going to propose.


Day 43 round-up: drop the twins out, what a lovely House

43 mins ago

This morning, the housemates woke up still believing that the three Safe House inhabitants, Sam, Sophie and Dan, are safe from tomorrow night's eviction, and that one of their main House crew will be kissing goodbye to Big B's paradise shortly.

Perhaps inspired by Jack's Rylan-quoting "Drop Me Out" upon his conversation with Shane Filan, Big Brother tasked the twins with the unenviable challenge of carrying around a bunch of flotsam and jetsam, with the express instruction that they must not drop anything. Much like the game we used to play, where the floor was made of lava.

With Hazel having received quite a few less enjoyable parts of this week's shopping task, she believes that the public will be fervently voting her out and, spurred on by Dan's speculation, wondered whether Ginxter's meddling during their Safe House tenure might have set the public against her. Of course, she has nothing to worry about, because she's not up for eviction, but it was nice to see her in planning mode, working out what to wear tomorrow night.

Speaking of fashion, Jack got involved by wearing a lime green bikini. Because why not, eh? Why not?

As the evening progressed, the housemates discussed Twitter, Sam taught Gina a few words of Welsh and Dexter offered some media coaching. Indeed, they were all getting on so well, it rather supported our notion that this year's crop of housemates might just be the friendliest yet.

But for how long? With the task revealing public popularity, and tomorrow's eviction set to ruffle feathers, who knows what might be round the corner? We certainly don't


 Police called in over Daley Ojuederie 'attack' on Hazel O’Sullivan


Police have been called in overDaley Ojuederie’s ‘attack’ on Hazel O’Sullivan in the Big Brother 2013house.


Daley was booted out of the house earlier this month following the incident on in the safe house, with Hazel telling Big Brother she felt “terrified” by the boxer after he “flipped”.


He had threatened to “nut her one” after grabbing her by the throat when a playfight between the pair turned ugly.


Hazel herself was issued a formal warning over her part, which included slapping Daley’s bum and pulling down her boxers.


The Daily Star now reports that Hertfordshire Police are investigating the “serious incident” at the house, and could interview Hazel in the Diary Room, if she’s not going to be evicted soon.


The newspaper claims that cops are after unedited footage of the incident, which was cut from the show’s live feed as well as the highlights.


A supposed Big Brother source told the newspaper: “This is one incident that won’t go away. Daley may have been removed but the implications of what he did are rumbling on and it could even end in his arrest.


“In the outside world, if a guy did that to a girl, the cops would want statements. It’s no different for Big Brother.”


A spokesperson for Hertfordshire Police told the newspaper: “We are aware that an incident took place in the Big Brother house on July 14 and are working with the production company to investigate the full circumstances of what happened.”


Reps for Daley and Hazel did not comment, but Daley’s agent said he had not yet been interview by police.


Read more:


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Friday 25th July

2 hours ago

It's Friday and you all know what that means... it's time to kick another housemate out of the House! But wait – the excitement doesn't stop there, as the best part is that Sam, Dan and Sophie have no idea that it will fall upon one of them. We're predicting some very shocked faces. 

Cue evil laugh *mwahahahahaha*. 

So, you wouldn't want to miss the reaction from the latest evictee now would you? No you wouldn't. 

And if that wasn't enough to look forward to, we've also drafted in ex-CBB housemate, Danica Thrall, journalist Patrick Strudwick and last week's evictee, Jackie Travers to join the panel.

You don't want to miss it – see you at 10.30pm on Channel 5.




Day 44: The Puntastic Prizes task

4 hours ago

Challenges mean prizes in today's task but the housemates' rewards will not be all they seem.

In pairs they will be set tough tasks with the promise of a super duper prize if they are successful.

Jack and Joe will be locked in the creepy 'Hall of smiles' and be forced to listen to a soundtrack of manic laughter on loop, Dan and Sophie must eat a jar of super sour sweets and Callum and Sam will receive numerous spray tans using an 'I'm With Stupid' stencil.

Charlie and Gina have to destroy all the cigarettes in the House and Dexter and Hazel must munch a meal made up of scorpion spaghetti and sheep eye jelly.

Big Brother will tell each team of two what they are playing for, but in a cheeky twist the prize will just be an annoying pun – letters from home for example will be a lettuce from home - get it?

The housemates won't like this one bit!


Emma Willis [Big Brother 2013)
  • There’s another twist in store for the Big Brother 2013 housemates next week, as Big Brother  continues to cause mischief.


This week Big Brother has been rather evil and lied to the group about who is  facing eviction.

Safe house trio Dan, Sophie and Sam have been told they’re immune, while the  rest of the house is up for the public vote.

In reality, it’s the opposite, with one of Dan, Sophie and Sam leaving in  tonight’s live show in a secret and shock eviction.

Speaking about the upcoming live show, Emma said this evening: “So, eviction  no 5 this evening, it’s the big safe house twist where no one is as safe as they  thought.

“Dan, Sophie and Sam face eviction and they have no idea! Such a harsh twist  I think and for me I think it’s such a shame that it’s those three in there, I  don’t want to see any of them to go.”

Emma continued: “Sam and Sophie haven’t done anything wrong and don’t deserve  to go and Dan’s a brilliant character in the house! I do think if he goes  tonight it’s going to change a lot in the house.”

Meanwhile, Emma teased: “There’s another big twist coming next week, but I  can’t tell you about it!”

Read more:


Day 44: The unlikely three face eviction – but who'll go?

1 hour ago

Big Brother can be cruel – that's nothing new. But putting up three well-liked housemates at once? That's separating the wheat from the chaff and then some.

We'll only have one winner when the final rolls around, so let's deal with the reality and think about which of this trio is most likely to leave when Emma speaks to the House this evening. As three potential winners, Dan, Sam and Sophie have barely put a foot wrong, but that doesn't mean there won't be detractors happy to pick up the phone to vote one of them out.

So what are the reasons your average voter might come up with to ditch the current Safe House residents? How are they going to feel when they find out? Who on earth's going to pack their suitcase for them?

Let's have a little butchers at their chances...



Our House detective is the most vocal of our condemned three and that's earned him a lot of fans. There's a distinct group that can't get enough of his enthusiasm, his wide ranging suspicions and that snuggly friendship with Hazel. As we've seen over the past decade and a half, a housemate with their head that high above the water is also likely to have made enemies out of some of the voters. The question is, will Dan's high visibility in the House contribute to the vote-to-evict numbers, or will loyal fans go out of their way to save him by voting out another?


The Welsh wonder did particularly well in the online viewer vote where he came second in the housemate popularity stakes. His honest chats with Callum have also stood him in good stead, while he's clearly a hit as a heart-throb for the teen female contingent. But despite all those plus-points, Sam's been overshadowed somewhat by the larger characters in the House. His pal Callum's been more active in romantic storylines and the twins have made more grabs for the comic moments. His huge likability may or may not secure him a pass beyond Day 44.


Last but not least, our black belt in karate, Sophie, also faces a walk away from Big Brother life tonight. Once again, she's a housemate who's found herself somewhat adrift from the House action as the larger than life personalities surrounding her have grabbed all the main slots. But when Sophie's had the opportunity, she's been effortlessly entertaining. When her boyfriend visited the House, our hearts all fluttered at their lovely one-way sweet-talking – and who can be annoyed with a girl who gets the 'ump instead of throwing a tizzy?

We honestly can't call this one – but you can. In fact, you can call to evict, so if you want a say, get over to the voting pageand make your mark. The time is almost upon us.




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