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Wednesdays appreciation thread 25.07.13



first and for-most,
this Hazel for once deserves a rose,
to east spiders on toast,
or that disgusting pig nose.
girl done good eating off a plate,
even if she is confused,
she can not work out why so much hate,
stuck up leaves me amused.
the paranoia is sinking,
Hazel is going nuts,
as soon as she is out we won't be blinking,
in a magazine showing off her lady cuts.
the last bit of appreciation,
Callum must clip,
from a lady's estimation,
5 stars was his strip.
reply's as normal,
even if i take a poem blow,
make it all rhyme and less formal,
looking forward to seeing how this thread dose flow.


Day 42 round-up: Housemates learn their places

38 mins ago

The Right Answer's second day dawned in a very hot style for Dan who had to eat as many chilis as he had nominations. It made for blistering viewing. Sophie had to riddle us this once again. It did not come naturally, so much the better. Watching a winner is never as fun as the alternative.

Charlie channelled her musical past and traded her flowery onesies for baggy pants to write and perform a rap.

Meanwhile we - your voices in the outside world - decided Day 42 was high time to take stock of all that has been. Let the curtain rise on part one of the A-Z of Big Brother, where all the memorable moments of the series are presented in gratifying alphabetical form. We'd say let us know if we missed anything but you proactive bunch don't need to be told. This is a good thing.

The Right Answer wended its way onward, first with a couple of voicemails from evicted housemates then with a hilarious task that saw Dexter booting Callum out of the treehouse forthe attempted seduction of Charlie, as voted for by the public (aka you fine fellows).

The final part of this budget-defining task was named, aptly,The Final Question, The Final Answer. The drama here was not just that the housemates took ages, trimming a princely ÂĢ910 down to a measly ÂĢ76 but the nature of the task – lining up in order of 1-9 according to where the nearly 10,000 voters thought  they deserved to come in the show – understandably rattled a number of cages. The post-task blues came into play in a big and not entirely predictable way. For example, Dan, who came slap-bang in the middle at number 5, retreated to bed early.

Egos are funny things.

 Whether this task was behind Jack and Joe's later bust up in the Diary Room, who can say? Actually we can say. It was. As well as other things... Those two have history is all we're saying. But with the sun rising now on a day where a very slim shopping delivery is expected, the future is where we're looking.


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: 25th July

48 mins ago

With 'The Right Answer' task coming to an end on tonight's main show, there's sure to be a few ruffled feathers when the housemates find out who the viewers have voted as the person they'd most like to win the show. Especially when their shopping budget depends on it.

Discussing the fallout of this task, we have Shameless star, Tiny Malone, ex-housemate Wolfy and presenter, Anna Williamson.  And joining Emma on the couch, we have BOTS favourite and life coach, Diane Youdale.

So far all of this and much, much more, join us after the main show on Channel 5 and head over to Twitter where we'll be tweeting along on @bbbots using the hashtag #bbbots. See you there!




Day 43: Eviction talk - how wrong they are!

40 mins ago

With the fifth eviction looming ever near, it's no wonder that talk has centred on this very topic this morning. We've had the usual speculations – will it be a double eviction? Who's likely to go? Who's looking safe for next week? But they haven't even got close to working out what's really going to happen.

Even D.I. Dan, who always manages to sniff out a lie, hasn't questioned their security. Maybe he's still distracted by the fact that he came fifth in yesterday's line-up. He didn't look too pleased at the time and his mood hasn't lifted since.

Hazel, meanwhile, is convinced she's leaving after her disastrous turn in 'The Right Answer' task. It seems the housemates are thinking along the same lines, as there weren't many protestations when she stated this view in the bedroom. 

And just to make sure no suspicions arise, Big Brother called the 'potential evictees' to the Diary Room for questioning earlier, feeding into the lie that one of them will be leaving tomorrow night. 

It's going to come as a huge shock for the housemates when Emma reveals the truth about this week's eviction... and we can't wait to see it! Can you?




Day 43: Don't drop it task

1 hour ago

Would you trust the twins with your prized possessions? Big Brother seems to think they're a trustworthy pair, as Jack and Joe have been drafted in to help look after some House valuables for the afternoon.

To make sure that nothing goes missing, Big Brother has asked that they keep the objects on them at all times. That means they can't put them down or give them to another housemate – well, they are handling some pretty important stuff after all. 

There is one snag of course... Big Brother is a bit of hoarder, so there may be more goodies than anticipated. Let's hope Jack and Joe have steady hands, as there is a reward in store if they manage to look after the whole lot.




If I remember correctly he wanted to help deaf children in sport, he's using the same reason this time for wanting the money, looks like he didn't use the ÂĢ7000 then  reading the spiel about him, he works as a stockroom assistant. He was very popular on the show and Noel kept mentioning that he was always trying to chat up the staff on the show 

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Has anyone found last night's LF on DM, I've looked around but can't see it. I hope they keep posting the vids as I can't watch it on Ch. 5 which is annoying


Ooops, edit to add I've just seen your post Mrs H on the LF thread


I have tried various ways of watching and the best place for me is on the following link - it maintains - no staggering etc ... dont know if you have tried it - ironically it would be this feed that the uploads are from that go on DM


edit:  this is the link for the LF I use - always the newest showing - just small snippets today for some reason






Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Has anyone found last night's LF on DM, I've looked around but can't see it. I hope they keep posting the vids as I can't watch it on Ch. 5 which is annoying


Ooops, edit to add I've just seen your post Mrs H on the LF thread


I have tried various ways of watching and the best place for me is on the following link - it maintains - no staggering etc ... dont know if you have tried it - ironically it would be this feed that the uploads are from that go on DM


edit:  this is the link for the LF I use - always the newest showing - just small snippets today for some reason






Ahhh, thanks Mrs H  I think I tried the first link a few nights ago and had the same problem as with Ch5, I think I gave up with it though within a couple of minutes, maybe I should have let it run longer to see if it improved, I'll try it again tonight 


I'll go over to DM now, hope they chose the most interesting snippets thanks again



Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Has anyone found last night's LF on DM, I've looked around but can't see it. I hope they keep posting the vids as I can't watch it on Ch. 5 which is annoying


Ooops, edit to add I've just seen your post Mrs H on the LF thread


I have tried various ways of watching and the best place for me is on the following link - it maintains - no staggering etc ... dont know if you have tried it - ironically it would be this feed that the uploads are from that go on DM


edit:  this is the link for the LF I use - always the newest showing - just small snippets today for some reason






Ahhh, thanks Mrs H  I think I tried the first link a few nights ago and had the same problem as with Ch5, I think I gave up with it though within a couple of minutes, maybe I should have let it run longer to see if it improved, I'll try it again tonight 


I'll go over to DM now, hope they chose the most interesting snippets thanks again





Last Nights Live feed 25th July




 Day 43: Has Gina swayed the public's perception of Hazel?


Last night Dan aired his concerns about how Gina and Dexter's treatment of Hazel during their time in the Safe House may have affected the public's perception. He reasoned that their decision to choose Hazel for the horrible tasks may have planted a seed in people's mind, especially as, in Dan's opinion, they are popular housemates.
Today Gina decided to challenge this view, feeling that it was unfair to say that she had any hand in tainting Hazel's reputation.
"The public have their own minds. And say if they loved Hazel and then me and Dexter were bitching about her, we could have been hated," she reasoned.
Dan was quick to defend his point of view, stating, "All I was saying is that maybe your thoughts were in the public's mind more because it was over a few days and it wasn't just one day Hazel got bad things to do".
Gina didn't seem too convinced. She argued that for tasks such as the stink bomb challenge, they were forced to choose the most glamorous housemate and unfortunately that was Hazel. She was firm in saying that any public backlash was of her own doing.
"Me and Dexter, we're just normal, average people in this world. We don't have that impact on other's people's decisions".
Not wanting to cause an argument, Dan replied, "I'm just trying to work out why the public dislike Hazel so much, that's all."
Neither party seem convinced with the other's argument, but for now they've decided to agree to disagree on this one. 


Big Brother's Big Makeover: Come hang out with us!

How does the prospect of spending your Saturday afternoon with Emma Willis, a YouTube superstar and a newly evicted housemate, as we ready them for life in the outside world with a big old makeover, sound? All from the comfort of your own sofa too. Pretty good, right?

Well, thanks to AQUAFRESHÂŪ HIGH DEFINITIONâ„Ē WHITE, you can do exactly that, as we need some Big Brother super-fans to hang out with the team during Big Brother's Big Makeover, which takes place for the first time at 1.15pm this Saturday, with Jackie Travers  set to become the first evicted housemate to get a once over from style and beauty vlogger, Fleur De Force.

To be in with a chance of featuring as a guest on this unique web show, all you'll need is to have a Google account, a webcam of some variety and a load of brilliant questions ready to fire at our former housemates about anything and everything you want.

You can register your interest by emailing us at and telling us why you think you deserve the chance to be involved and who your favourite housemate from this series is, along with your telephone number and Google email address (in case it isn't the same as the one you’ve emailed us from). By participating, you agree to appear on the Big Brother website, YouTube channel and Google+ pages.

If you’re not lucky enough to be chosen this week, don't worry because you can still get your questions and comments for the show in on Twitter using #BBMakeover.


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